In a moment, Mu Qing and the others have completely moved away from the profound wood and the others.

As a person in the Ancient Immortal world, it is not a good thing to leave the team without authorization, but after all, Mu Qing hasn't stayed in the Ancient Immortal world for a few days. Seeing him leave, no one will say him.

Mu Qing's eyes fell on Xiao Pan.

The reason why he left is because Little Fatty took the initiative to sound transmission to him!

For the Little Fatty that Zhenjun Ning Feng specially let him take care of, Mu Qing was a little concerned. When the other party gave him sound transmission, saying that he was going to leave the profound wood and the others and act alone, Mu Qing hesitated a little, then agreed.

Mu Qing But remember, Zhenjun Ning Feng said that with this Little Fatty, he can get some benefits!

For Xiao Pan, Mu Qing looked at it without a trace, but found nothing special.

But since Zhenjun Ning Feng said that there is Xiao Pan, he can have certain advantages, which shows that Xiao Pan must be exceptional!

"You said Xuanmu had a problem with them?" After leaving far away, Mu Qing looked towards Xiao Pan.

A serious look appeared on Xiao Pan’s face, nodded and said: "Yes, but it's not Xuanmu, but a few people around Xuanmu, people from Celestial Court!"

"How do you know?" Mu Qing was surprised, Mei Third Young Lady was also surprised.

Little Fatty scratched his head, said with a smile: "Xuan Mu told me that he said he would solve this problem. I just want to find an excuse to leave. Ancestral Master said I can ask you for help. "

Mu Qing's mind moved, Little Fatty's Ancestral Master should be Zhenjun Ning Feng.

The Mei Third Young Lady on the side condensed her eyebrows, and said in doubt: "You asked Mu Qing to leave Xuanmu and the others, what do you want to do?"

Little Fatty laughed, Said: "I have sensed some treasures, but they are not many. If you tell Xuanmu, he will definitely take everyone with him because of his character. When the time comes, I don't have much."

He has a special artifact that can be used for treasure hunting, and after entering Inheritance Land, he feels where the treasure is.

But there are not many treasures. If you go with Xuanmu and the others, you won’t get enough points.

And if he goes alone, he is afraid of not having enough strength.

Recalling what his Ancestral Master said to him, Little Fatty found Mu Qing, and Mu Qing secretly made a move before and cooperated with Xuanmu to repel Tianyin, which also made him recognize Mu Qing’s strength.

"This fellow has not yet performed tempering, and he already has the power to treat Xuanmu equally. Will he be even more powerful than Xuanmu in the future? It seems that I am afraid of embracing this time. I'm on a thigh...Some places I didn't dare to go before, I can go!"

Little Fatty Xiao Pan's eyes shone brightly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up.

Xiao Pan's strength is not too weak, but it is not as good as Xuanmu. His body is tempered five times.

But Mu Qing, Dao Ze has no tempering yet, he already has a strong strength, and if Dao is tempering many times later, I am afraid he will still be above the profound wood!

Others might think that Mu Qing may be the same as Xuanmu, the emperor Peak of Dao Ze eight tempering.

But when Xiao Pan was next to Mu Qing before, he put his ears up and listened!

Mu Qing asked the Third Young Lady to deceive the sky, which shows that Mu Qing simply doesn’t understand the Tao and can use Thunder Tribulation tempering!

"Hey! Be good! Hugging Mu Qing's thigh, maybe there will be great gains. When the time comes, I can tempering the Taoist rules eight times!" Little Fatty laughed wildly in his heart.

Mei Third Young Lady opened the mouth and said at this time: "My Master also told me before, there is a Little Fatty in Heavenly Master Path with extraordinary treasure hunting ability, it seems it is you! "

Xiao Pan patted his chest and said very proudly: "Of course, my ability makes Ancestral Master amazed by it!"

Then his face was solemn, with one hand. Seals, in the center of his eyebrows, there is actually a road rushing out, this road is flashing, and the quality is much higher than ordinary roads.

Xiao Pan’s Tao is turned into an Eight Trigrams Mirror, which falls in his palm.

Eight Trigrams Mirror is in chaos, but the next moment appears as if the mist has cleared away, revealing a picture.

The picture in the mirror seems to be in this Inheritance Land. There is a lake in the picture and a lotus root on the lake. At first glance, there are at least hundreds of plants.

The lotus root is shining with colorful rays of light, circling the celestial clouds, it is extraordinary at first glance.

Beside the lotus root lake, there are monsters with opened spiritual wisdom, lying around them, their mouths and noses vomiting colorful Xixia, and they are undergoing cultivation.

"That's why you said that the number is not too large?" Mei Third Young Lady was taken aback, and there were more than 300 lotus roots in the lake.

Little Fatty smiled brilliantly and said, "Isn't my Taoism only five temperings? My goal is to perfect the Tao and breakthrough the Great. It's only five times before Thunder Tribulation tempering!"

With his innate talent, five Thunder Tribulation tempering is the limit. Of course, it is not impossible to continue, but it will require a lot of resources.

Heavenly Master Path obviously impossible to invest a lot of resources on Little Fatty, so I can only find it by myself.

Xiao Pan is telling the truth, not to mention there are more than 300 lotus roots, but if you want to support him in the sixth Thunder Tribulation tempering, it is far from enough!

If he tells Xuanmu that the 100th person will come together, and each person will be assigned three lotus roots, he wants to tempering for the sixth time, I am afraid that I don't know how many years it will take.

Then Little Fatty approached Mu Qing again and said, "Mu Qing, you also have to consider Thunder Tribulation tempering. If you use the perfect way to break through, your strength will be much stronger. , It’s equivalent to the dozens of Dao rules of the Ordinary Great Emperor, and the power is huge!"

"But if we want to tempering to develop the perfect Dao rules, we still need a lot of resources. We still have fewer people to get the share. Much!"

Mu Qing hearing this, immediately nodded.

Indeed, if a hundred people share, they won’t get much.

Seeing Mu Qing nodded, Xiao Pan immediately laughed, and immediately followed the guidance of the Eight Trigrams Mirror in his hand, leading the two moved towards the front.

After a while, he seemed to feel a little unsafe. After all, there was no monster in Inheritance Land, so he let Mu Qing walk in the forefront, and the Third Young Lady walked behind, while he was caught in the middle.

Xiao Pan was nodded with satisfaction. There are people in front and behind. His position should be fairly safe!

"Fear of the dead!"

Mei Third Young Lady rolled the eyes speechlessly.

You need to know that Xiao Pan has already undergone Thunder Tribulation tempering five times, and she has only been tempering once. In terms of strength, Xiao Pan is still above her.

But now, Xiao Pan feels like he is the weakest.

"This Little Fatty is really powerful, no wonder Zhenjun Ning Feng said that it is good to have him, and the principles he understands seem to be a kind of special treasure hunting power!" Mu Qing Yu Guang fell in Xiao On the Eight Trigrams Mirror in Pan's hands.

Eight Trigrams Mirror is transformed by Xiao Pan's Taoism, this guy's Taoism is obviously not strong in battle strength, but has the ability to guard against the sky, that is treasure hunting!

Even directly visualize the screen where the target is located.

"With Xiao Pan, you may be able to find a lot of good things, and the strength of the body can be improved a lot!"

A hint of joy flashed in Mu Qing's eyes.

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