There was a golden big octopus guarding at the gate of Inheritance Land, and the powerhouses on both sides of the Ancient Immortal World and Celestial Court did not continue to fight.

If Zhenjun Ning Feng and Emperor Gufeng fight on both sides, it will inevitably affect the portal of Inheritance Land.

When the time comes golden, the big octopus will shoot!

Don't look at the golden octopus with a very good talking look, but if anyone attacks the portal of Inheritance Land, even a trace of energy falls on the portal, it will cause the golden octopus to be hostile!

Previously, the old man shot, Nine Characters Incantation turned into nine rounds of sun setting, the golden big octopus was naturally impossible to deal with a Supreme, so it just resisted the attack.

But if everyone present fights, the aftermath will affect the Inheritance Land portal. As the sea king, the golden octopus will definitely clear the field!

All the people present are suppressed by the power of the Sea of ​​Nirvana, a great realm whose strength has been reduced, but the golden octopus has no effect. Its strength can absolutely sweep everyone present.

Soon, Celestial Court and Ancient Immortal each selected a group of outstanding genius gods, each of whom had a hundred, entered the Inheritance Land together.

Although there are many divine emperors of the two forces, there is only one portal. I don’t know how long it will take to allow all divine emperors to enter.

Therefore, they intend to let a group of powerful genius god emperors enter. The strength of these god emperors Peak is above the same level, and it can be regarded as Heaven's Chosen level in the Peak race!

Mu Qing is in the ranks of the Ancient Immortal world, next to him is Mei Third Young Lady.

"They seem to be in a hurry..." Mu Qing looked towards Zhenjun Ning Feng and the others. At this moment, he immediately summoned the Emperor and planned to organize the second batch of Emperor Peak to enter the Inheritance Land.

"After all, Wanke has already entered the Inheritance Land first. My Master, they certainly don’t want Wanke to get inheritance in vain, so they want us to enter the first batch of people to contain Wanke.” Mei Third Young Lady said.

She is the Master of Tianluo, and she knows some things better than most people.

And Mu Qing's identity, Mei Third Young Lady also learned from the mouth of Emperor Tianlu, and she was very surprised!

She thought that Mu Qing was a dísciple or heir of an extremely great emperor, maybe even an old man’s personal biography!

But then, she learned the true identity of Mu Qing from the mouth of Emperor Tianlu.

But this made her even more surprised, but she was even more admired in her heart.

"Our leader here is the famous Heaven's Chosen from Ancient Immortal, Xuanmu!"

Mei Third Young Lady pointed to a young daoist leading the front and said "Xuan Senior Brother Mu is the dísciple of Xuan Fire Dao Lord, extraordinary natural talent. He is born with fire and wood physique. He has the fire of Xuan Tian with one hand. Rumors are comparable to the old man’s Sanmai True Fire!"

According to Mei Third Young Lady's introduction, Xuanmu is a very strong person, and he can break through to the Great Emperor Realm a long time ago, but he has been accumulating.

The Lord Xuan Fire Dao is one of the seniors in the Ancient Immortal world, a 7th grade extreme emperor, who founded the Xuan Fire Dao view in the Ancient Immortal world, and is considered a figure of the Sect Founder level.

Being able to become the master of Xuan Fire Dao's dísciple, it can be said that the status is extremely high.

Among the extreme emperors, although Lord Xuan Fire Dao is considered a high-level extreme emperor, there are still a few more powerful than him.

But what makes him proud is that his dísciple is currently one of the most outstanding Heaven's Chosen in Ancient Immortal. The dísciple of Zhenjun Ning Feng, heavenly punishment and the others is not as good as his dísciple. !

Xuan Fire Dao view, good at cultivation fire method.

Generally speaking, most physiques in Taoist temples tend to favor Fire Attribute, and these dísciple cultivation are also quite fast.

But Xuanmu physique is special, it is fire and wood physique!

The physique, which is a mixture of two attributes, makes Xuanmu the most outstanding existence in Xuan Fire Dao view.

wood creates fire. If you want to maximize the power of fire, you need Wood Attribute artifacts as a medium to push the formidable power of fire to the extreme!

Therefore, most of the disciplines of Xuan Fire Dao view are equipped with divine wood and fairy wood refining artifacts, followed by Fire Attribute weapons.

As for Xuanmu, he is born with two attributes, fire and wood, and they are perfectly integrated. He does not even need to rely on foreign objects to drive every fire method to the extreme!

Mu Qing glanced over, the Taoist priest leading the team was quite young and treated people kindly, but he could feel a powerful force in the opponent's body, definitely not much worse than him. Obviously he is also a Heaven's Chosen who can compete with the emperor!

Young daoist Although his eyes are kind to others, there is arrogance deep in his eyes.

Xuanmu actually observed Mu Qing secretly, a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes, because he felt that Mu Qing was not as powerful as he had imagined.

For Mu Qing, who is favored by Zhenjun Ning Feng and two peak emperors of heavenly punishment, Xuan Mu is also very concerned.

He thought that Mu Qing should be at the same level as his own, but after preliminary observation, he didn't feel anything special.

"Forget it, when you enter Inheritance Land, what exactly is Mu Qing's means will naturally be clear at that time!" Xuan Mu cast aside his distracting thoughts and stepped into the portal of Inheritance Land.

His mind is naturally not too narrow to accept Mu Qing. On the contrary, if Mu Qing is a Heaven's Chosen like him, the strength of the younger generation of Ancient Immortal world will be even stronger!

This is a good thing!

Every Supreme force is considered to be quite united, there is not much intrigue and plot against, even if there are people with ghosts, it is only a small part.

In the realm of Ancient Immortal, the old man is respected, but there are various Great Influences in the realm of Ancient Immortal, such as Dolly Palace, Xuan Fire Dao View, Heavenly Master Path, etc., although there is friction in normal times, Before the overall situation, they will definitely stand on the same side!

Xuanmu didn't come into contact with Mu Qing, and Mu Qing was not that kind of enthusiastic person, neither of them came into contact.

On the contrary, it was another person who got in front of Mu Qing and volunteered to act with Mu Qing.

This is a Little Fatty, slightly rich, with a pair of eyes narrowed, smiling hehe and standing beside Mu Qing.

He is wearing a white daoist robe, not like the low-key daoist robe of Xuanmu. His daoist robe is tattooed with nine golden True Dragons, which is lifelike, as if alive, hovering around his body, obviously not a piece Fanpin!

According to Mei Third Young Lady's introduction, this smiling Little Fatty is Heaven's Chosen of Heavenly Master Path, named Xiao Pan, but his strength is not as good as Xuan Mu.

Mu Qing's heart moved, Heavenly Master Path is a force created by Zhenjun Ning Feng in the realm of Ancient Immortal, is it possible that this Little Fatty......

Mei Third Young Lady laugh With shook the head, although Zhenjun Ning Feng created the Heavenly Master Path, he did not have a Direct Disciple, but occasionally preached that's all in the Heavenly Master Path.

Little Fatty Xiao Pan did not feel the slightest embarrassment, touched his nose, said with a smile: "Master said that you are favored by Ancestral Master, you must be very difficult to deal with, I am here to hold my thigh !"

His eyes were rolling, quite clever.

Originally, his goal was Xuanmu, but he thought that he would be a Heaven's Chosen character in Heavenly Master Path. His strength is not much worse. If you look for Xuanmu and act together, you should be able to hold your thighs!

Who knows, Xuanmu looks kind, but he is actually quite arrogant. Xiao Pan's strength is pretty good. He is a Heaven's Chosen, but he doesn't get Xuanmu's eyes.

In desperation, Xiao Pan chose Mu Qing.

Mu Qing heard Xiao Pan's undisguised words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, this guy is also a Heaven's Chosen, right? Come to hug your thighs?

He just wanted to refuse, suddenly a voice came in his ear.

"Little friend Mu Qing, help me take care of Little Fatty. His strength is still pretty good at the same level. It shouldn't be a hindrance, and with him, you will also get some benefits. !"

Mu Qing complexion changed, and when he looked towards Xiao Pan again, his eyes were strange.

It turned out to be Zhenjun Ning Feng himself sound transmission!

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