"Supreme Taoist?!"

The evil god's figure stopped in midair, and he developed a panic.

If he was in his heyday, even facing a Supreme like Supreme Taoist would never have fear, but now he is different, just a Remnant Soul.

When his Remnant Soul was resurrected for the first time, the power automatically triggered by the Sky Forbidden Bottle was able to suppress him.

Hard to bear for a long time, accumulated enough power in Mu Qing's body, thinking that he could not fear the bottle of heaven, body possession Mu Qing, but didn't expect the Supreme Taoist to be around here!

Evil God's face is ugly to the extreme, but he wears a hideous mask, and other people can't see it.

"Wanke! What are you doing to revive me in front of Supreme? Useless work!"

The evil god yelled and vented the flame hair to Wanke.

With the power of his current Remnant Soul, Supreme Taoist chanted Nine Characters Incantation, manifesting the nine rounds of the sun, and it is completely capable of burning this Remnant Soul!

Wanke body trembled, but did not panic too much, instead facing the golden big octopus, shouted loudly: "Aquaman, quickly start the inheritance test! I want to conduct the qualification test!"

He is indeed related to the Sea of ​​Silence, but at most it can only be regarded as half an Inheritor.

However, half an Inheritor is also eligible for the qualification test. After passing it, it is the real Inheritor.

The golden octopus hesitated at the moment, saying: "As a semi-Inheritor, you are indeed qualified to let me start the experiment, but now that you start it, this group of guys will also enter. Are you afraid of inheritance being robbed?"

It's good for Velcade.

At any other time, Wanke starts the inheritance test. As long as it passes, it will be the next Lord of the Sea of ​​Nirvana!

But now, if he starts the experiment, everyone in the central battlefield of the Sea of ​​Silence will be teleported in.

How many people are there in the central battlefield? There are hundreds of thousands of emperors, tens of thousands of great emperors, there are still more than a dozen extreme positions on both sides who have not taken any shots!

Although everyone is suppressed in the experiment, but so many people, the inheritance ghost of the sea of ​​nirvana knows who will be taken away?

Wanke is half an Inheritor. Yes, he opened the Inheritance Land, but let so many people enter, it is not certain whether he can get the complete inheritance!

"Don't talk nonsense! Start now!"

Wanke's face is fierce, angrily roared.

He doesn’t care whether his inheritance will be seized. He only knows that when the Inheritance Land is opened, the entire force of the Sea of ​​Nirvana will be triggered, and all the cold power will be suppressed, and Supreme can’t set foot, so the evil will naturally be saved. God crisis!

In order to gain strength, Wanke had sold himself to the evil god. If something happened to the evil god, he would not survive.

When the golden octopus saw this, he was a little helpless and didn't say anything. Those huge eyes bloomed with golden light.

Two dazzling gazes pierced through and hit the ground, where the ground cracked and a large amount of dying sea water poured out, among which a daoist sect household emerged.

That is the entrance to Inheritance Land!

Immediately afterwards, the entire Silent Sea seemed to tremble, and there were more places to set off a tsunami. Heads of Silent Sea Beast surfaced out of the sea, making a roar that shook the earth.

The sea of ​​nirvana bloomed with a faint luster, and a terrifying force swept across in an instant.

At this moment, as long as the creatures on the sea are extinct, their cultivation base has been completely suppressed and a great realm!


A voice came up from endless void.

Supreme Taoist originally wanted to kill the evil god Remnant Soul directly, but didn't expect a change in the sea of ​​nirvana. As Supreme, he could not touch the sea of ​​nirvana at all.

"Did the Supreme Suicide succeed that year?"

Another voice came, full of majesty, from the Celestial Emperor.

The Celestial Emperor and the old man stopped fighting, and their eyes were as real as they penetrated into the Sea of ​​Silence.

The two Supreme wanted to enter the Sea of ​​Silence, but they were directly rejected!

This made the Celestial Emperor couldn't help but doubt, is it possible that Nirvana Supreme succeeded?

The Sea of ​​Silence at the moment, is it possible that the Transcendent Supreme device, is it above the Supreme?


At the same time, on the central battlefield, everyone's eyes fell on the daoist sect household.

That is the entrance of Inheritance Land!

The sea of ​​nirvana inheritance is inside!

"Holy Lord! Belong to me!"

Wanke hastily shouted.

The nine-wheeled sun in midair did not disappear, but some of its power was suppressed. The most important thing was that the speed became extremely slow.

This gives the evil god a chance!

The evil god reacted quickly, and a flash appeared next to Wanke.

An illusory shadow appeared behind Wanke. His Holy Spirit is Nine Headed Snake!

However, the evil god grinned and squeezed the Nine Headed Snake. A huge head appeared on the blood-red armor and swallowed the Nine Headed Snake Holy Spirit in one bite.


Wanke’s Holy Spirit was destroyed with no difficulty and suffered a serious backlash.

The evil Divine Eyes does not fluctuate in the slightest, just like possessing Mu Qing, he is possessed by Wanke, becoming the new Holy Spirit of Wanke!

one after another Negative power gushes out from Wank’s body. Although his own Holy Spirit is destroyed, he has gained the powerful power of the evil god. He can even use the evil god’s best Death Power and divine ability!

Wanke wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his whole person became a lot evil, with a cruel smile on his face, a flash, appeared in front of the portal of Inheritance Land, and rushed in.

At this time, the sun transformed by Nine Characters Incantation came slowly, moving towards Wanke's back.

“bang! ”

Dozens of golden tentacles are swept like a whip, forcibly exploding these nine rounds of great sun, and the terrifying energy bursts apart, forming a storm.

The golden octopus felt a sharp pain, and his heart was full of helplessness.

Supreme's attack is too powerful.

Even if Inheritance Land is turned on to completely activate the power of the Sea of ​​Nirvana and suppress the Supreme attack, it still pays dozens of tentacles before intercepting it.

No way, it has to do it, because it is the Sea King, loyal to the Lord of the Sea of ​​Nirvana, the sun eye transformed by Nine Characters Incantation is about to fall into the portal of Inheritance Land, it is impossible to sit and watch ignore.

If it weren't for the Sea of ​​Silence, then Nine Characters Incantation, even a word of truth, it would not be able to resist!

Wanke was possessed by the evil god and rushed into Inheritance Land. Only in this way could he escape the attack of Nine Characters Incantation.

At this moment, Emperor Gufeng suddenly looked towards the golden big octopus and asked: "Can we enter the Inheritance Land?"

The golden big octopus gave a positive answer. Said: "Yes, as long as the complete Inheritor has not yet appeared, then anyone can enter the Inheritance Land. Whoever has captured the true inheritance is the Lord of the Sea of ​​Nirvana!"

"Half Inheritor's ability, It's just summon me and the qualifications to open Inheritance Land!"

It seems to be very talkative, no matter if it is towards the Ancient Immortal world or the Celestial Court, there is no hostility, and all questions are answered.

As soon as this remark came out, even the weak-tempered Emperor Gufeng also showed a hint of joy.

When these extreme emperors enter, wouldn’t they have hope of inheritance?

However, the golden octopus immediately poured a basin of cold water.

"Except for the half Inheritor, other people can only enter by the creatures under the Great Emperor. Anyone who reaches the Great Emperor Realm has already been condense, and has walked out of their own way, and can no longer walk in the annihilation. The road of the Lord of the Sea will be directly rejected by Inheritance Land!"

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