Mu Qing pupil shrink, he is unable to move even a little bit, although the sea king in front of him does not seem to have a killing intent for him, but with a special force, he deprives him of Divine Ability!

When Wanke saw this, a touch of ecstasy appeared involuntarily on his face.

He didn't need to say anything, Aquaman saw through all the divine abilities of Mu Qing at a glance, and one of the divine abilities suppressed an evil Remnant Soul.

Aptune immediately knew what Wanke's requirements were!

The evil god Remnant Soul contains a strong and huge negative power and evil aura, but Aquaman ignores it at all. It only needs to fulfill the requirements of the semi-Inheritor in front of him.

"Stop it!"

Zhenjun Ning Feng and heavenly punishment directly set off the power of horror and attacked the sea king.

But a special force swept away from the sea king and resisted the attack of the two extreme emperors.

Several emperor expressions all present were slightly surprised.

When the golden octopus appeared, everyone knew that the strength of this sea king had reached the extreme tenth order!

However, Zhenjun Ning Feng and Heavenly Punishment are both extreme powerhouses of order ten. What kind of power does this golden octopus possess? It is unexpectedly able to withstand the attacks of both. !

"It's useless, in this sea of ​​silence, even if fifty extreme positions and tenth ranks are shot together, they are impossible to cause harm to me!"

The Sea King laughed, It will almost never die in this sea of ​​nirvana, because as the king of the sea of ​​nirvana, it guards the inheritance of the lord of nirvana and is protected by the entire sea of ​​nirvana.

Even if all the extreme positions of the Ancient Immortal world and Celestial Court attacked it, they would not be able to leave some injuries.

The only thing that can hurt Sea King is Sea Beast in the Sea of ​​Silence!

The position of the sea king is the result of countless sea beasts fighting each other. The golden octopus originally only had the upper tenth rank, but this strength is already extremely powerful among the many sea beasts. After a lot of bloody Killing, seized the position of Sea King, and even soared to the extreme tenth rank.

Once you become a sea king, you will be protected by the sea of ​​nirvana. Unless a sea beast of the extreme tenth rank is born in the Sea Beast and the golden octopus is killed, otherwise it will be in the position of the sea king. Until the life essence is exhausted!

However, this also has limitations, and Aquaman cannot take action against these people in front of him.

The golden octopus glanced at the people present. There was no hostility in its eyes, because it knew that it was impossible to fight with these people in front of it.

The position of Neptune is protected by the sea of ​​nirvana, and Neptune is the lord of the sea of ​​nirvana!

Only the lord of the sea can order the sea king, let the sea king kill whoever the sea king kills!

The reason why the golden big octopus shot against Mu Qing is because Wanke is barely considered half the Inheritor of the Lord of the Sea of ​​Annihilation, and is qualified to bring it out, the sea king summon, but is not qualified to let it kill. One more little thing to help.

Wanke's face was pleasantly surprised, but he didn't care whether he could control Aquaman.

In the world of Ancient Immortal, Wanke was originally a small Ancient Immortal, capable of Heavenly God...

Knowing that one day, the world of Ancient Immortal was turbulent, it seems that there was a turmoil in the world of Ancient Immortal. great character shot!

At that time, a beam of light landed on him, and there was a bloodline method called the super secret volume in his mind. At the same time, his body structure was also changed. Become Saint Spirit .

Wanke was attracted by the powerful force. He was caught in it. He signed a contract with the evil god Remnant Soul and betrayed the Ancient Immortal world. He only knew that the acknowledge allegiance belonged to the evil god, and his goal was to help the evil god resurrect. !

In the ancient Lord of Immortal World, the old man and his friends Supreme together suppressed the evil gods and broke up the opponent's Divine Soul.

The evil god Remnant Soul, there are several, left in the universe.

Among them, the Remnant Soul on Mu Qing is the most critical, and it has been revived for a short period of time!


The sound like a cracking egg, the sound is very crisp, Mu Qing's eyebrows are deprived of a divine ability rune, and the next moment is broken into powder.

The immeasurable Buddha lotus curse, completely deprived!

No, it should be said that Mu Qing's divine ability of the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse was erased, and the memory was disappeared.

In an instant, a raging negative force burst out from Mu Qing!

Mu Qing's complexion changed suddenly, and then his sanity was greatly impacted, and all kinds of negative energy gushed out of the pores all over his body.

The black and red air lingers all over the body, the evil god Holy Spirit emerges behind him, and two blood-red eyes penetrate through his eyes.

With the suppression of the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse, Mu Qing didn't care much before, until now after being deprived of his divine ability, he was shocked to discover that the evil god Remnant Soul had grown to this level unconsciously!

Wanke was extremely excited and shouted: "Congratulations to Sir Holy Lord for the recovery!!"

He knows the identity of the evil god, and the opponent has unified the Holy Spirit universe and is the strongest Supreme , There are several under Supreme alone.

And when the opponent was suppressed by the Ancient Immortal world, there were several Remnant Souls, which obviously left behind in the universe.

Now, he has taken the lead in resuscitating the evil gods, and he has made great achievements. After that, he has been blessed by the evil gods, not to mention Supreme, at least he can enter the extreme realm!

Mu Qing has come into contact with two of the back players left by the evil god Remnant Soul. One is the Buddha Lord Heart Demon. There was hope of reviving the evil god, but he didn’t expect to be killed by Yuehe at the last moment. Princess posed one, and the other was Wanke in front of her, half an Inheritor!

"didn't expect...the Inheritor of the Sea of ​​Silence, it turned out to be him!"

True Monarch Ning Feng heave a long sigh.

Their three people shot, but the attack couldn't reach the golden big octopus at all, let alone save Mu Qing!

Both Ancient Immortal circles and Celestial Court know the secrets of the Sea of ​​Silence.

Outsiders think this is a useless place, where there is only a sinister environment, but there is no chance.

Actually, Celestial Court and the Ancient Immortal world know that this Sea of ​​Silence has an ancient origin. The lord of the Sea of ​​Silence is a Supreme!

Supreme is gone!

The universe first opened and the chaos was hazy, and then countless stars and creatures were born. All the chaos gathered into a boundary, hidden somewhere in the universe.

After the chaos dissipated, the creatures began cultivation, and then the first Supreme appeared, creating the Celestial Court!

The old Celestial Emperor is the first Supreme of the universe, and is known as the strongest Supreme. Unfortunately, he was later missing. Many people speculated that it was murdered by the new Celestial Emperor.

In the following years, the enchanting Heaven's Chosen in the universe have breakthroughs to Supreme one after another, and one of them is the Supreme Supreme, who controls the power of annihilation, which is quite terrifying.

Supreme of Nirvana once defeated three Supremes with one enemy and three. Only a few people knew about this battle. At that time, most of the creatures in the universe could not even see the powerhouse of the Great Emperor. Don't talk about watching the Supreme Level battle.

The Ancient Immortal world and Celestial Court stand on the battlefield in the Sea of ​​Silence, just to see if it is the chance to get the inheritance of Supreme of Silence!

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