The 18th stronghold, the stronghold on the periphery of the Celestial Court site, should be the weakest stronghold on the surface.

But when Mu Qing came here, he found that it was completely different from what Liao Ping remembered.

In this 18th stronghold, there is a powerhouse of the emperor, who is placed outside of the level of the enchanting Heaven's Chosen. Even Mu Qing has discovered a powerhouse that is not weaker than his own body.

When Mu Qing came to the deepest part of the Underground Palace, he was completely shocked.

There are people from Demon Race everywhere, one by one around the Sea Beast, Dissection research, and advanced technology equipment everywhere.

Occasionally, you can still see the Heaven's Chosen powerhouse in Celestial Court outside bringing back an extinct Sea Beast, some of which are corpses, some are still alive, all of which are of great research value.

The position of Demon Race in Celestial Court is quite high. Under the leadership of Emperor Anwu, half of Demon Race directly joined Celestial Court.

With the resources of Celestial Court, Emperor Anwu has made many amazing innovations.

The evil race is actually controlled by Celestial Court. An assassination unit equivalent to Celestial Court was created under the leadership of Emperor Anwu.

After that, Emperor Anwu resurrected the moon divine corpse to become a puppet, cloned a powerhouse with the blood of Emperor Gufeng in large quantities, and directly cloned a Demon Race Extreme Emperor with Mu Qing's blood, and so on.

It can be said that Emperor Anwu's contribution to Celestial Court is too great, and Celestial Emperor is extremely fancy about him. Although Emperor Anwu is only a high-ranking emperor now, his status is not weaker than that of extremely-ranking emperors.

Now, Emperor Anwu brought a large number of Demon Race clansman to the 18th stronghold, just to explore the secrets of the sea of ​​nirvana, because the outside world has been rumored that the sea of ​​nirvana is hidden in the sky, maybe Celestial Court can use this to strengthen its strength and defeat the Ancient Immortal world.

They are very low-key. Even within Celestial Court, few people know that there are actually many experts at this base on the 18th.

Mu Qing originally used the Divine Ability to hide his body shape. From the bottom of his heart, he looked at everything in front of him in shock, but he didn't want the sound from behind to make him trembled.

Although he immediately used more power to make himself as unexposed as possible, in fact, all this was in vain.

That sentence was completely aimed at him, and he was instantly locked by a terrifying force, and the rolling coercion suddenly came on, imprisoning him.

Mu Qing is now impossible to move even a little bit!

He pupil shrink, this breath completely surpasses the god emperor, not a common emperor, but a high emperor!

Those Demon Race and Celestial Court powerhouse in Underground Palace are very surprised, some don't understand, because they can't see Mu Qing, even the powerful monster Heaven's Chosen Tianyin can't detect it.

The appearance of Emperor Anwu is just a black shadow at first glance, floating in midair, no one knows his true face.

"Did you forget me? I finally met. After introducing myself, I am the Anwu Emperor of Demon Race. You can call me Anwu..." The Anwu Emperor suddenly laughed strangely. His eyes burst with dim-blue rays of light.

Mu Qing's Divine Ability cast on him was broken, and his figure appeared directly.


In an instant, the Emperor Peak powerhouse of a Celestial Court appeared around Mu Qing and surrounded him.

These powerhouses are located inside Celestial Court, they are all Heaven's Chosen of the same level, and each of them is very powerful.

As for those Demon Races, the strength is uneven. I didn't intend to move forward, just watch the excitement in the distance.

Tianyin looked solemnly at Mu Qing.

He belongs to Heaven's Chosen Child in Celestial Court. Even Bai Duanxun is not as good as he was before he became Demon Race.

However, the guy who seemed to be the same realm as him was hidden by them, even if he didn't notice it!

If it weren't for Emperor Anwu to take action, I'm afraid Mu Qing would keep peeping at them without being noticed by anyone.

The Great Emperor Anwu kept looking around Mu Qing, making strange laughs.

"I ask Celestial Court to issue an arrest warrant to capture you. As long as you capture you alive, I believe I can directly create a Demon Race!"

He is quite the same. confidence.

You must know that many years ago, with the help of Celestial Court, he secretly studied the two powers of immortals and gods, and tried to merge these two forces, and finally created evil Family.

Although the evil race is a failed semifinished product, its strength is not weak at all, which has improved the overall strength of Celestial Court.

Now let alone get Mu Qing, the living Demon Race clansman, Emperor Anwu believes that it only takes three months to completely Dissection Mu Qing and study all the secrets!

"How did you find me?" Mu Qing shouted in a deep voice.

Emperor Anwu is powerful, with the cultivation realm of the upper emperor, but the Divine Ability is not weak at all. After all, it comes from the evil god and is the Supreme powerhouse of another universe.

Mu Qing came all the way to be cautious and didn't understand why he was exposed so quickly.

Emperor Anwu Hearing this jié jié said with a smile: "You can only say that you are too stupid. According to the information, some time ago, in a stronghold in the Celestial Court site, someone used the communication rune of the Ancient Immortal world. , I didn’t care about it at the time, but just now, someone contacted me. In my base on the 18th, there were traces of using the Ancient Immortal world communication rune again..."

Mu Qing's face suddenly changed. Change, he did use the communication rune to contact the Ancient Immortal world!

When he first came to this sea of ​​silence, he used it once, but there was no response from the Ancient Immortal world. He didn’t care at the time, and when he came to this stronghold on the 18th, he He tried to contact the Ancient Immortal world again, but there was still no response.

Mu Qing thought there was something unexpected in the Ancient Immortal world.

But I didn’t want to. It turned out that the two communications rune were discovered by Celestial Court powerhouse!

"hmph!" Tianyin sneered and said: "This is the site of Celestial Court. The communication rune of the Ancient Immortal world is naturally invalid, and traces of use will even be captured!"

At this moment, Mu Qing finally knows why he was discovered, including the Celestial Court patrol team on the road.

No wonder he used the communication rune twice to contact the Ancient Immortal community but did not respond. It turned out that he was blocked by the power of the Celestial Court, and even caused himself to be discovered by the Celestial Court!

"I have to say, your hidden body Divine Ability is a bit powerful, I almost didn't realize your existence." Emperor Anwu was completely dark, like a black shadow floating in midair, but that A pair of evil eyes burst into light.

His eyes were greedy, staring at Mu Qing, he was already a little unbearable, he wanted to cut off Mu Qing's head immediately, and searched for these wonderful Divine Ability in Mu Qing's memory!

"en?" Suddenly, Emperor Anwu's complexion changed, and he was shocked: "What's the matter with your body?! What about Demon Race bloodline? Why does physique become so special?"

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