Everyone looked at Mu Qing's behavior in the venue, feeling inexplicable, not clear what he was doing.

Xuanming master and the others saw some other aspects.

"This guy's cultivation secret scroll has clearly reached the realm that is about to be detached, and he can actually suppress it!"

Master Xuanming has been in charge of the secret secret scroll for a long time. Although he does not have the bloodline method of cultivation, he is more familiar with super secret scrolls than most people.

He knows very well that once cultivated, he will become addicted, until he detaches himself from the realm, and finally becomes a lunatic.

In Mu Qing's situation, he was close to the realm of transcendence, and the opponent obviously did not continue cultivation to prevent himself from entering transcendence.

Master Xuanming has to admire Mu Qing. He knows very well that the terrifying of superbirth and secret volume, once cultivated, it is difficult to stop. If he doesn't cultivate all the time, he will be in a state of extreme pain.

"I remember, Jiansan is the only way to succeed in detachment, why is Mu Qing not detachment? If the mysterious powerhouse is really the backer behind him and Jiansan, it should also help He is right to be detached!"

The black cloth master felt a little puzzled.

"What the hell is he going to do?!"

The Great Emperor Red Feather roared outside. He took several other Celestial Court Great Emperors and rushed directly to the side of Formation, took out the fairy sword, and cut it out. Shocking Heaven Sword gas.

Seeing that Bai Duanxun's situation is not good, he can't control so much. With Bai Duanxun's position in Celestial Court, they absolutely can't let the other party die!

Now that there are cracks in this Formation, Emperor Hongyu thinks this is an excellent opportunity to break the Formation!


Suddenly, a Celestial Court Great screamed. He was touched by the drama poison mist. His whole body began to rot, and the Immortal Qi in his body was corroded. The flesh and blood melted, revealing the white bones.

"Not good!"

Great Emperor Hongyu's complexion changed suddenly, his scalp was numb, and he felt a great crisis, so he hurried away.

A sharp pain came from between his fingers. He looked down and saw that one of his fingers had turned into a bone at some point, and blood was still flowing.

This is the end of his mind not to touch the poison mist!

The face of the Great Emperor Hongyu was so gloomy that water could drip out. He thought it was an opportunity, but didn't expect the poison mist to escape from the cracks. The lethality was terrifying, even the big Imperial Capital could not resist it. .

This poison mist was only transformed by the breath escaping from that palm!

"Quickly retreat!"

When the Buddhist leaders saw this, they immediately led many dísciples to avoid the poison mist as much as possible.

On the other side, in the venue, Mu Qing gasped, and finally completed the magic power of the day-to-day change. At the price of the eternal ice on his body, he exchanged the magic power previously performed by Bai Duanhun.

That magic skill is called endless darkness!

This is a magic skill created by Bai Duanhun, but unfortunately it now falls on Mu Qing, and Mu Qing is also a Demon Race, which can fully exert all the formidable power of this magic skill!

"You can go to death..."

Mu Qing picked up the bloodthirsty prince on the ground.

Bloodthirsty Grand Duke recognizing Master Bai Duanhun, naturally will not allow Mu Qing to easily control himself, those fangs directly pierced Mu Qing's palm, swallowing blood.

"If you want to die, just continue to eat my blood..." Mu Qing glanced at the bloodthirsty prince in his hand, his eyes turned completely silver!

The super Life Power of the super secret volume makes Mu Qing's Divine Soul extremely powerful.

Now Mu Qing urges Divine Ability in the Superbirth Secret Volume, which is enough to wipe out the soul of the Bloodthirsty Duke. When the time comes, the Bloodthirsty Duke is just a hard sword, even the Emperor. Treasure is not even considered.

The bloodthirsty Grand Duke's sword trembled lightly and loosened its fangs. It feared Mu Qing. Moreover, its own master was already in a coma, and it couldn't exert complete formidable power at all.

Mu Qing corner of the mouth slightly raise, waved a sword and cut off the head of Bai Duanxun.

The blood stained the ground.

A Celestial Court Heaven's Chosen, fallen here!

Bai Duanxun died very frustrated. He himself possessed the Great Emperor's cultivation base, but his strength was suppressed by the seal.

After all the methods were used, it was able to match Mu Qing evenly, but he didn't expect Mu Qing to summon directly out of the palm of that evil god in the sky forbidden bottle, and completely defeated him.


Mu Qing has just recovered from the skinny state of the Super-Born Secret Volume, but accidentally discovered that there is a beam of light on the body of Bai Duanxun and suddenly rushed out , Submerged in the sky.

He immediately tried to block it, but it had no effect. He even went straight through the palm of the evil god and disappeared.

"He is still alive? No!"

Mu Qing is certain that Bai Duanxun is dead, and even Divine Soul is crushed by him, that a beam of light , It should be a message or something, to be passed to Celestial Court.

"It is estimated that the people at Celestial Court will immediately notice Bai Duanxun's death, and it is time for me to leave!" Mu Qing was not too worried about his safety.

He has the means to escape from Buddhism, not to mention that Mei Third Young Lady also has an escape talisman specially refined by Emperor Tianlu, which can lead him directly into the realm of Ancient Immortal.

In midair, the palm of the evil god gradually shrank, condensing all the breath, and returned to the sky forbidden bottle.

Mu Qing took a long breath at this time, and the black and red air on his face disappeared.

He was very worried that he suddenly lost consciousness, but fortunately, he persisted.

The power of the palm of the evil god is beyond his imagination, but he knows that he cannot rely on this thing. After all, he is not under control. Some accidents are likely to happen!


Although Mu Qing took back the Sky Forbidden Bottle, the cracks caused by the leakage of the evil god's palm breath spread on the Formation.

Only a bang was heard, and the entire Formation covering the venue was shattered.

"Take him down for me!" Upon seeing this, the Great Emperor Hongyu shouted immediately.

The surrounding Celestial Court emperors made their moves one after another, the rolling emperor's might filled the sky, and he reached out his palm to take Mu Qing down.

Many senior officials including Buddhism have also taken action. Everyone has only one goal, and that is Mu Qing!

Although the Formation of the venue is broken, the entire mountain peak is still shrouded by a Formation. Master Xuanming and the others can't get out, so they can only find some way if they win Mu Qing.

Mu Qing frowned, even if he was surrounded by great emperors, he did not panic too much.

He already has a mark in his hand, which is the mark of Heavenly Tribulation given to him by heavenly punishment, which at least contains the power of an extremely great emperor.

The emperor present is the strongest but not the upper rank. Mu Qing believes that no emperor can withstand the power of the Heavenly Tribulation mark!

"hahaha! Bai Duanxun is dead, Moon River Princess, part of your wish is completed, right?"

Above the sky, layers of pitch black suddenly appeared The clouds were surging violently, and there was a sound of laughter.

Yuehe Princess's eyes were cold, she glanced at the dead body, indifferently said: "It's just the beginning of that's all."

She then looked towards the dark clouds in the sky, shouted: "I hope you keep your promise!"

"hahaha! Don't worry! Our interests are exactly the same, the cooperative relationship will not be interrupted, and I will not lose faith!"

There was thunder and thunder, a silhouette stepped out, one after another terrifying breath filled.

All the Buddhist powerhouses present were shocked and their eyes were horrified.

Because the breath is very familiar...

Heart Demon!

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