Mu Qing panted, his paralyzed body finally eased and he was able to move.

He has serious eyes and realizes that he still can't underestimate Bai Duanxun, even if the other party consumes too much, he still cannot be underestimated!

The bloodthirsty Grand Duke was too abnormal, and Mu Qing discovered for the first time how terrifying the power of the upper Emperor Treasure is.

He himself instantly differentiated thousands of External Body Incarnations, but the bloodthirsty Grand Duke was not confused at all, he easily found his own body and attacked himself!

"The power of the upper Emperor Treasure is beyond imagination, but you are only the strength of the Emperor Peak, how long can you push?" Mu Qing was calm at this time.

He knows very well that although the formidable power of the upper Emperor Treasure is terrifying, it requires an immense amount of power to activate it. In this state, the dead soul cannot last for too long.

He only needs to delay consumption to defeat Bai Duanxun!

Mu Qing's face is very pale, and his fleshy body is relatively weak. A part of the blood has been absorbed just now, and part of it has been swallowed along with the strength in the body.

He used the four-character mantra, barely able to control the sky forbidden bottle, trying to suppress the bloodthirsty prince with the sky forbidden bottle!

There are two artifacts in him that can compete with the high-ranking Emperor Treasure of the Bloodthirsty Duke, one is his magic knife, and the other is the forbidden bottle this day!

The Sky Forbidden Bottle comes from the Ancient Immortal world, and it is sealed with a terrifying evil god. It is made by the mighties of the Ancient Immortal world with multicolored jade stone, with extraordinary quality.

In addition, Nine Characters Incantation is also branded on the forbidden bottle on this day. The power is very powerful, and it can completely withstand the edge of the bloodthirsty Grand Duke Emperor Emperor Treasure.

As for the magic knife, it is even more extraordinary!

The origin of the magic knife is the Immortal Technique of the Ancient Immortal world, the technique of dragon leaping.

Mu Qing can dominate the situation by using the technique of dragon leaping, summoning the True Dragon fairy sword, and then this True Dragon fairy sword merges with the old Emperor Treasure and his demonic energy to form one devil blade.

At present, even Mu Qing himself doesn't know what level his devil blade has reached, but it must be of the Emperor Treasure level, which can compete with the upper Emperor Treasure!


The sky forbidden bottle is blooming with colorful brilliance, one rune around, while rotating, while overflowing with boundless gravity, like a star smashed go with!

The black wings behind Bai Duanhun vibrated, and the demonic energy on his body transpired. If the fire beacon rushes into the sky, holding the bloodthirsty prince, cut it away with a sword.

"Supreme fairy! The sword is boundless!"

He displayed the Divine Ability taught to him by Emperor Gufeng. Although it does not conform to his sword intent style, formidable power is required. Much better than the Sword Art he figured out by himself.

In the state of the Black Wing Great Demon, coupled with the high-ranking Emperor Treasure of the Bloodthirsty Grand Duke, the power of the sword of White Broken Soul is beyond imagination, even if there is only the cultivation base of the Emperor Peak now, it is still A power comparable to the third order of the lower emperor broke out!

White Broken Soul’s sword dazzled the world in panic, slashed away from the sky, sword glow, sword qi, like Immeasurable Sea, swept past.

"bang! !"

The violent energy fluctuation burst open, and the entire venue was enveloped by a terrifying storm.

Mu Qing body trembled, suddenly felt a huge force hitting his chest, the whole person was repelled by a hundred meters, coughing up blood a mouthful of blood, and then barely eased down.

As for Bai Duanxun, he was even more embarrassed. The bloodthirsty great prince in his hand was shocked, a force rushed directly onto his arm along the sword, and his sleeves were directly crushed by this force.

On his arm, there is one after another bloodstain, and there is a sharp pain, even some of it can't be used.

"The damn white bottle, what is it?" Bai Duanhun gnashing teeth, all the power of the bloodthirsty prince was exploded by him, but it still failed to cause Mu Qing to be effective Injury!

"The sky forbidden bottle can actually suppress the upper Emperor Treasure Bloodthirsty Grand Duke?"

Mu Qing was also very surprised when he saw this. Didn't expect this result.

You must know that he only mastered the four-character mantra, which has been able to suppress the bloodthirsty prince. If he mastered the complete Nine Characters Incantation to urge the sky forbidden bottle, wouldn’t he be able to directly The bloodthirsty prince crushed?

He suspects that the rank of the Sky Forbidden Bottle has reached the extreme Emperor Treasure!

At this time, everyone in the outside world was stunned. Is the battle between these two guys really still the God Emperor Peak Level?

The battle between Mu Qing and Bai Duanhun is no different from the battle between the two great emperors!

"Yuehe Princess! Please unlock the seal of the White Young Master. His opponent is Mu Qing, the body of the Demon Emperor!"

The Great Emperor Hongyu turned his head to face Yuehe Princess shouted.

He found that even if their Celestial Court’s powerhouse cooperated with Buddhist senior officials, there was no way to cause any damage to this layer of the venue.

And the Great Emperor Hongyu also found that the battle between the two people in the venue was evenly matched, and he couldn't help but sigh that Mu Qing is the body of the Demon Emperor. Although there is only the cultivation base of the Emperor Peak, it is below the same level. , But can suppress Bai Duanxun!

The Great Emperor Hongyu realized that Bai Duanxun's current state is probably Mu Qing's opponent, and he doesn't want to do his own merit now, as long as Bai Duanxun doesn't have any trouble!

"Sorry, Emperor Hongyu..." Yuehe Princess laughed, brilliant and beautiful. She stuck her tongue out and said playfully, "I can't unlock the white Young Master now. , Otherwise the plan will fail."

The Great Emperor Hongyu was stunned, including the other Celestial Court emperors, who were also confused and confused.

"Yuehe Princess, what do you mean? With your status, you should know the importance of the Demon Emperor to our Celestial Court. Just unlock the seal of the White Young Master and use his cultivation The realm is fully capable of capturing Mu Qing alive, when the time comes to sacrifice the clone to the body, the cultivation base of the Demon Emperor will reach the Supreme Realm!"

The Great Emperor Hongyu and the Celestial Court Great Emperors shouted in a deep voice.

They all know how powerful the power of Demon Race is, but the Demon Emperor is a clone after all. Even with his blood, it is still quite difficult to create a Demon Race. Celestial Court, there is also such a person as Bai Duanhun.

Even afterwards, Emperor Anwu also extracted the blood of Bai Duanxun and continued to study, but what I wonder is that after many in vivo experiments, they all failed and failed to create a second Celestial Court. Demon Race, this also makes Bai Duanxun's status higher and higher.

But if the Demon Emperor becomes Supreme, it will be different. The bloodline sublimates, maybe when the time comes, there is a way to create countless Demon Race powerhouses.

The Red Feather Emperor and the others know the importance of the Demon Emperor to their Celestial Court, this Mu Qing will definitely win!

However, Moon River Princess was laughing, her white skirt swayed, her lovable body shed a bright moonlight, and the lotus step moved, which opened her distance to the great emperors in Celestial Court.

Although she is smiling, she contains a terrifying killing intent and hatred, which makes people shudder.

Next moment, Moon River Princess's smile gradually converged, and her expression was endless indifference.

"Today, Bai Duanxun will undoubtedly die!"

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