"I..." Yuan Tianzi's face changed many times. He looked at the two teams that surrounded them and would shoot at any time. In the end, the imposing manner was sluggish, heave a long sigh, "Let's go The peak of the third mountain is..."

"Senior Brother of Yuan Tianzi!"

Gu Yuan, Heze, and Yan Yi have all opened wide, and they have even finished their last battle. The preparations, didn't expect their leader to be the first, but they chose to admit it?

Bone Soul and the others are not very scared, because among them Mu Qing's strength is also extremely close to the first place. Really fighting, even if it is not the opponents of the other two teams, it can also make them lose. heavy!

"Senior Brother Yuan Tianzi!"

The bone soul is anxious, and I want to persuade Yuan Tianzi to think twice. If you really follow Bai Duanxiong, go to the three mountain peaks and consider yourself third. The name, not only the people like their main world, faceless, but also the subsequent personal battles will be greatly affected, and it can almost be said that they bid farewell to the first place.

"As long as Long Qing takes the shot, you and him will deal with each other first, and we can fight out if we desperately!" Gu Yuan said solemnly, he has a powerful force brewing, and he wants to break out.

"Shut up!"

The Emperor Yuan suddenly roared, his body trembled a little, his eyes were red, fiercely staring at Bai Duanxun.

As the world Ranked 2nd, he has reached the first rank leading the team, but he is facing tremendous pressure at this moment.

The decision to admit counsel is the most unacceptable for him, but there is no way.

After a fight, the emperor Yuan knew the strength of Bai Duanxun. He was not an opponent at all!

Even now, there is still demonic energy remaining in his body, which is destroying his blood vessels and meridian.

He is unimaginable, why is there such a terrifying powerhouse in God Emperor Peak.

Emperor Yuan thinks that his strength has completely reached the first place, and he can fight with Ranked 1st people. In fact, it is true, but Bai Duanxun's strength is more terrifying than the first.

"If Tianyu Senior Brother is here..."

Yuan Tianzi gritted his teeth, he felt very humiliated, but for the following personal battle, he had to endure this pain .

He thought, it would be good if the Senior Brother was here at this time. The other party was the world Ranked 1st powerhouse, almost standing at the top of the Emperor Peak, the last three-world meeting. , It was relying on the encyclical Senior Brother to win the first place.

But at this time, the master's world Ranked 1st encyclical, but was secluded cultivation, to break through the emperor, the first place fell on Yuan Tianzi.

Bone Soul and the others know that the strength of Yuan Tianzi has completely reached the point where it is comparable to the first place!

They felt that as long as Long Qing cooperated with Yuan Tianzi, they would not lose too badly.

But they don't know the true strength of Bai Duanxun!

Yuan Tianzi waved his hand, he told everyone to retreat together to claim the third-placed black iron banner.

He knew that even if Long Qing really broke out to have the first battle strength, it was no use, because the first place in the regional world was far more powerful than him.

Once the two sides fight, they will only lose. When the time comes dragging their injuries to participate in individual battles, the situation is even more unfavorable.

"Listen! We retain our strength, and we will never lose in the next personal battle!"

Yuan Tianzi's face is heavy, and the sound transmission is sent to Mu Qing and the other five people.

To deal with this personal battle, it’s better to give up the second place.

Although the third place has only ten points, there is still some hope, although this hope is very slim.

Bone Souls were so angry that they even wanted to shoot directly, but in the end they obeyed Yuan Tianzi's words.

Only Mu Qing glanced at Yuan Tianzi unexpectedly, didn't expect this guy is a figure who can bend and stretch.

He understands that perhaps this Yuan Tianzi is also aware of the amazing strength of Bai Duanxun, even if the cultivation base is sealed, the emperor is the great emperor after all, even more how Bai Duanxun is still a villain from the Celestial Court .

Since Yuan Tianzi chose to retreat, Mu Qing also saves on wasting energy to fight the powerhouses of the two teams, Bai Duanhun and Buddha, and followed the crowd to leave the second mountain.

The Buddha directly snatched the bronze banner, and the whole mountain roared and then collapsed.

The entire group of the main world team was embarrassed. Among them, Tianzi Yuan looked back and saw that Buddha and Bai Duanhun went to the first mountain together.

"The two teams of them are truly united..." Yuan Tianzi clenched his fist.

If it was just a team of Bai Duan Soul, he would immediately lead the team to the first mountain, even if he did not hesitate to expose Longqing's divine force, he would also have to capture the golden banner.

Unfortunately, the two teams of Fozi and Bai Duanhun have always walked together, and there is a huge gap in comprehensive strength, and they will not give the slightest chance.


Gu Yuan hit the third mountain with a fist, complexion ashen.

Heze is also violent, said solemnly: "Why is the union of the two worlds allowed? This is not fair at all!"

"Where is fairness and unfairness? Meeting of the Three Realms To put it bluntly, it’s just bringing huge benefits to the seniors. At most, we can go to the Buddhist altar and cultivation for a short period of time..."

Yuan Tianzi heave a long sigh, the whole person's spirit is less a bit.

He shook his head and said, "even more how, the Three Realms Meeting was decided by the Lord Buddha. Whether to hold the Three Realms Meeting or not is also up to the Lord Buddha to decide. After so many years, he suddenly ordered a meeting of the Three Realms. Obviously someone in our senior management made some mistakes and made the Lord Buddha upset."

The Lord Yuan told everyone that perhaps the Lord Buddha meant to take away the name of the Lord, otherwise, This unfair joint behavior has long been prevented.

After a while, Yuan Tianzi won the third-place black iron banner, and the whole team felt aggrieved, but Mu Qing didn't feel much. After all, what the main world team achieved had nothing to do with him.


Outside the audience, there was an uproar in the audience.

The ranks of the dignified main world, even under threat, are willing to claim the third place. This has never happened in the history of Buddhism!

"This is too scary? Why don't you stand up?"

Many people feel very exaggerated, and are puzzled by Yuan Tianzi's choice.

In the eyes of others, the team of the main world should be very strong, and should not be afraid of the teams of the other two worlds.

"I think they know how weak they are, so they don't dare to fight, right?"

From the audiences of Hell World and Taining World, came The sound of laughter.

"It's a waste!"

Even in the audience of the main world, many people spurned and cursed, thinking that the emperor Yuan and the others lost the face of their main world .


The main world high platform, where the Grandmaster Level powerhouses are located, suddenly felt a breath of suffocation. Several cracks appeared.

Everyone looked towards the source and found that the blue veins on the forehead of Master Xuanming were violent, and he had always had a kind and kind face. At this moment, he contained incomparable terrifying power. The clothes on his body had no wind and the whole person was relaxed. Send out a powerful storm of coercion.

Master Xuanming couldn't understand either. In such a situation, Long Qing's strength was directly exposed, and Dignified was just fighting.

"Why have you become so timid? Yuan Tianzi!" Master Xuanming roared in his heart, like a mad lion.

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