Faced with the question of Xuan Master Lin, Master Xuan Ming could only remain silent. This time it was indeed his problem.

"When we pretended to fight, a powerhouse erased the battle aura from Master Yuanzhi!"

After a long time, Master Xuanming gave a brief explanation.

If Master Xuanming could detect when Jiansan and Master Yuanzhi first started fighting, then he would naturally be able to save Master Yuanzhi.

But what is very strange is that he is pretending to be fighting with Xuan Master Lin, and the two high-ranking emperors have not noticed what happened to Master Yuanzhi.

Master Xuanming frowned. He now feels that the speculation of black cloth has several points of truth. After all, there are only three realm masters who can achieve this level of existence!

His face gradually became ugly. The realm master is the strongest existence under the Buddha Lord. Everyone has the cultivation realm of the supreme emperor. Has such a terrifying existence betrayed?

The most terrifying thing is that the three realm masters are all the dísciple of the Buddha, and they can do some secret things under the eyes of the Buddha without revealing it. This method can be described as shocking.

"If the person you see is really Jiansan, then the mysterious powerhouse behind the scenes may well have mastered the method that can make people detached and successful. This person has unpredictable thoughts, which is absolutely true for us in Buddhism. A huge threat!"

Xuan Master Lin said solemnly, he had learned the whole sequence of events from Xuan Ming.

The black cloth master seemed to think of something, and quickly said to Xuanming master: "Continue to stare at that Longqing, let him continue cultivation, and observe the progress at all times. If he succeeds in transcending, then he is absolutely harmonious. The people behind Sword Three are related!"

Master Xuanming was nodded heavily.

He originally planned to give up Mu Qing, but now he feels that Mu Qing has a problem more and more!

"It seems that next I will personally supervise the progress of that Longqing's cultivation." Master Xuanming said in a low voice.

A certain mountain in the main world is surrounded by white clouds and dense energy. Once you enter, you feel refreshed, just like you have entered Heavenly Paradise.

This mountain is the mountain occupied by Master Xuanming.

As the master of Buddhism, the peak of the dignified upper emperor, there are a large number of high-level Divine Stone veins under the mountain, which is of great benefit to the cultivation of the god emperor Peak.

As soon as Mu Qing came here, he was led by a Buddhist emperor to the temple on the top of the mountain.

There are already several silhouettes in it, and one of them, Mu Qing, is very familiar with it. It is the bone soul of Ranked 5th!

Apart from this, there are four other powerhouses, each with a stronger breath.

As for the identities of these four people, Mu Qing has actually learned from the mouths of Mei Third Young Lady, namely Yan Yi of Ranked 7th, Heze of Ranked 4th, Gu Yuan of Ranked 3rd, and Ranked The 2nd Yuan emperor.

As soon as Mu Qing walked into the hall, he felt a pressure assaults the senses, causing his body to sink involuntarily.

He took a deep breath, and the super raw secret scroll was slightly circulated in his body, and all the pressure suddenly disappeared, and after the pressure disappeared, he immediately stopped the operation of the super secret secret scroll.

Although Jiansan told him that he can easily transcend and will not have the same problems as others, Mu Qing still chooses to treat it with caution.

After all, Jian San suddenly appeared. If Tu told him this, then he must be immediately detached.

But he is not familiar with Jian San, so naturally it is impossible to believe the other party's words so easily.

Mu Qing's gaze swept across the five people in front of him, and these guys released the pressure as soon as they came up, seeming to want to give him some power.

His gaze swept across Bone Soul, Yan Yi and the others, and finally fell on Yuan Tianzi, who was expressionless and had a scar on his face.

According to the information of Mei Third Young Lady, the world Ranked 1st god Emperor Peak has been in retreat since a few years ago and has not appeared for a long time.

And Mei Third Young Lady asked Mu Qing to pay special attention to the Ranked 2nd, Yuan Tianzi!

The top ten god emperor Peak, only a few people come from the higher races in the Taining realm, most of them are different races, even races with low bloodline, they soared after joining Buddhism .

All these people in front of us have abandoned their race and changed the bloodline into a bloodline that belongs exclusively to Buddhism!

"Emperor Yuan..."

Mu Qing whispered this name in his heart.

Mei Third Young Lady specially investigated this person. The other person is very mysterious. I don't know which race it is from. It already existed when Buddhism was in the stage of secret development.

No one knows what Yuan Tianzi’s original name is, because the top Buddhist officials have long given him the name Yuan Tianzi.

Being able to be given the name of the emperor, we can see that the Yuan emperor is very unusual.

The other party has a refined appearance, his eyes are light green, and some scales can be faintly seen on the skin of the back of his hand.

It's just a scar on his face, which adds a bit of hideousness to him.

“bang! ”

Suddenly, the emperor Yuan lifts the head, looked towards Mu Qing, the light green eyes burst out with terrifying power, a huge pressure like a mountain Rolling in.

This is almost no less than the pressure of the Great Emperor level!

Several people around are complexion changed.

Only when Mu Qing came in, a few of them coincided with each other and released the coercion together, mainly to see whether Mu Qing was qualified or not.

While seeing Mu Qing's body wounded, he could still have a calm face under their pressure, and they more or less recognized Mu Qing's strength.

But didn't expect this time, Yuan Tianzi personally took the shot, the terrifying coercion was like a thunder rolling over Mu Qing, without any hesitation at all, extremely overbearing!

What makes the bone soul and the others even more shocking is that Mu Qing actually showed a smile on his face under such terrifying coercion.

"I did this the first time I met, but it's easy to leave a bad impression in the eyes of others, don't you think? Yuan Tianzi!"

Yuan Tianzi's face Slight changes.

"Impudent! Senior Brother, Ranked 2nd, is the powerhouse of Ranked 2nd. You are only ranked ninth. How dare you call the name of Senior Brother!"

Yan Yi suddenly shouted angrily. He is Ranked 7th, and his strength is not trivial, wearing a black trench coat.

He has a low sense of existence, but he is cultivated a special Divine Ability, good at stealth and one-time bursts!

"What thing are you?"

The smile on Mu Qing's face receded, his face sank, and moved towards that Yan Yi with a drink.

An invisible force burst out from Mu Qing's body in an instant, moved towards all around and vented away.

The powerful pressure on Yuan Tianzi is like rainstorm, but now it is calm and tranquil with Mu Qing's drink, completely disappearing.

As for Yanyi, his body is trembled and his expression is trembled. The whole person is as if drunk, swaying, and falling to the ground with a thud under everyone's eyes.

Now, even Yuan Tianzi is shocked, pupil shrink.

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