Jian San and Yuan Zhi master confronted each other. Both of them were obviously lower-ranking emperors, but the situation was overwhelming.

Master Yuanzhi turned into a huge Buddha with a height of 10,000 meters. He thought he could crush people with his power, but he didn't want to shoot down the sword three times without a trace of injury.

"Holy Spirit?"

Yuanzhi master eyes shrank.

"How exactly did you do it? Buddhism has developed for so many years, no one has ever been able to detach from success!"

He kept exclaiming because he felt too incredible.

Although it is said that Master Yuanzhi did not go to the cultivation of the super secret scroll, as a member of Buddhism in the early days, he is qualified to be exposed to some Buddhist secrets.

One of them is the super secret secret scroll. Master Yuanzhi still knows a little about it. The bloodline method of cultivation can obtain extremely powerful power, but there is only one flaw, that is, detaching from this. realm, huge problems will arise.

In Buddhism, many people are allowed to cultivation this super secret scroll, many of them are geniuses. Unfortunately, this super secret scroll is not only extremely difficult for cultivation, even if the cultivation goes to the back, it is also stuck in detachment. realm.

According to the description on the Super Secret Scroll, the Divine Soul will be detached from the body normally, and all the power of the Fleshy body will be transformed into the Super Life Power and merged into the Divine Soul.

At that time, the fleshy body became useless, and Divine Soul was transformed into a new biological entity, Holy Spirit!

However, there are too many people in Buddhism who cultivation super secret scrolls, but unfortunately none of them can succeed in detachment.

Those geniuses are all cultivated to transcend the realm. Unfortunately, once they want a breakthrough, problems will arise. Not only did Divine Soul not break away from the body, but on the contrary, it was subjected to a violent impact by an invisible force and turned into a lunatic.

Master Yuanzhi was shocked by the appearance of Jiansan, mainly because Jiansan was also a member of the cultivation super secret volume.

Jian San was always suppressed by Jiang Kuang when he was in the Sword Spirit clan. He felt jealous and joined Buddhism. Under the temptation of Buddhist senior officials, he cultivated the secret scroll.

The bloodline method of super secret volume is quite peculiar. Once the cultivation is addicted, it will even become painful even if the cultivation is stopped.

After cultivated the Supernatural Secret Scroll, Jiansan, singing all the way, coupled with his own outstanding cultivation talent, reached the ninth ranking in the main world, and was admired by countless people.

After being defeated by Mu Qing, Jian San was dissatisfied in his heart, and redoubled his efforts to cultivation the super secret scroll, attempting to detach himself and gain powerful strength.

As a result, under the secret attention of senior Buddhist officials, Jiansan failed to escape, became a lunatic, and was imprisoned in a secret room.

The appearance of Jiansan made Master Yuanzhi puzzled, who let him out? How did he change from a lunatic back to a normal person?

"I used to be so stupid. Obviously the bloodline method you gave me had a huge problem, but I was secretly grateful!"

"In the end, I was just an experiment. Goods, failed goods, they will be discarded if they are useless."

Sword walked forward three steps, his face was gloomy, and his eyes contained murderous intention.

No matter who it is, knowing that he has been deceived will be furious, not to mention that Jiansan almost turned into a lunatic, and he can't completely recover.

Although Mu Qing defeated him and took his ninth place, compared with Buddhism, he wants to kill all the senior officials of Buddhism!

even more how, it was the one who asked him to save Mu Qing. If it weren't for that one, then Jiansan would be just a lunatic locked in a secret room!

"If this is the case, let you see how terrifying your Buddhist yearn for something even in dreams is!"

Jian San's face becomes hideous , He stepped forward, and an amazing imposing manner broke out on his body, turning into a storm and swept all around.

Master Yuanzhi is coldly snorted, he doesn't believe that both of them are of the same rank, can the other party kill him?

The two of them are both lower eighth-tier emperors. Even if they are lost, they are unlikely to be killed. Generally speaking, the two emperors may fight day and night.

Master Yuanzhi controls the 10,000-meter Buddha, lifts the Vajra pestle, once again condenses the power of Buddha, the power of densely packed Taoism emerges, permeating the power of terror, the golden radiance is scattered on the ground, and the power of Supreme is smashing void!

However, when he was about to smash it down with Vajra, his body suddenly stiffened.

He felt that he was locked in by an inexplicable breath, his body was trembling, and he was instinctively frightened.

Master Yuanzhi lifts the head, for some reason, his face is full of fear.

Behind Jiansan, Yinhui rises like a fire beacon, transforming into a sinister giant wolf, 30,000 meters high, condescending, the blood-colored vertical pupil staring only at Yuanzhi master Buddha.


The silver giant wolf's mouth drooled, revealing a greedy expression.

"The wolf..."

Jian San lifted the sword in his hand with a cold expression on his face, moved towards Master Yuanzhi and cut it down.

At this moment, the silver giant wolf also moved, culling the Buddha that was transformed by Master Xiang Yuanzhi. The silver teeth are like broad swords, and the cold light flashes. In fact, it is the long sword in the hands of the third sword. By the sword glow.


The Buddha fell to the ground, smashed a mountain, and was thrown to the ground by the huge silver giant wolf, struggling constantly.

The strength of the silver giant wolf far surpassed the opponent, frantically biting, and Buddha's arms and head were all swallowed.

"This is the Divine Ability in the Superbirth Secret Volume?"

After a while, Master Yuanzhi was covered in blood, and the Buddha he had transformed was completely torn apart. The silver giant wolf contained His power is beyond imagination, a look in his eyes turned into countless sword lights, and he was seriously injured!

"Super-born secret scrolls are not the existence that you can cultivation. Buddhism has developed in the Taining realm for so many years in secret, but it is only a flash in the pan, and it will be destroyed soon..."

Jian San raised the silver long sword in his hand and pierced Master Yuanzhi's chest.


Master Yuanzhi stared wide-eyed, his pupils gradually dimmed, Divine Soul shattered at this moment, turned into a faint silver light, injected through silver long sword To Jian San.

The powerhouse, a great emperor of Buddhism, was killed in seconds!

Destroyed on the spot!

"The sword of greedy wolf...The Holy Spirit after you transcend, is the greedy wolf?" Mu Qing looked towards Jian San, his face surprised.

The super secret volume is very peculiar. The bloodline method of cultivation will evolve into a Holy Spirit after detachment.

Everyone’s Holy Spirit is different. After Jiansan evolved into Holy Spirit, he possessed the power of greedy wolf, which is very powerful, and it can easily kill the Yuanzhi master of the same realm. !

The huge silver giant wolf gradually blurred and turned into silver, like a heavenly river, falling down and returning to Jiansan's body.

He turned around and looked towards Mu Qing, but did not answer Mu Qing's question.

"Although I don’t know why that person will save you, the person who asked me to save you is mainly to convey a word to you."

" There is a problem, but you are special, you don’t need any external force, you can easily surpass it!"

"Because in this universe, you are more suitable for super secret scrolls than anyone else!"

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