"You are Long Qing? I have heard of the name for a long time!"

The unknown emperor looked at Mu Qing with great interest.

Although he didn't make an immediate shot, Mu Qing could feel that the other party had gathered strength, and the aura belonging to the great emperor completely sealed off his surroundings.

Mu Qing left a trace of cold sweat next to his cheeks, he has no retreat, one after another killing intent locks him, as long as he has any special actions, I am afraid he will be directly killed on the spot!

"Are you a Buddhist? What is your purpose? The target is me?"

Mu Qing said solemnly.

Although he feels a mountain of pressure now, he is still calm.

At the same time, he is very puzzled about one thing. This is the world of Buddhism, who will attack the master of Xuanming?

Or, in fact, the target of these guys is him?

"You don't need to know what our goal is, you just need to know that you will be killed next!"

The emperor sneered and was He couldn't see what he looked like, surrounded by golden Buddha's radiance.

After he said, he rushed towards Mu Qing directly moved towards Mu Qing, turning his hand is a palm, suppressing all around, the space bursts, and the power of horror is swept in.

Mu Qing complexion greatly changed, his body immediately burned with dark green flames, and his promise divine ability was urged to the extreme, reaching the fourth stage.

In an instant, the blood boiled, and the fleshy body burst out with boundless power.


The ground with a radius of one thousand meters was crushed, and a big pit appeared on the spot.

One after another crack on the ground stretched out. This is the great emperor's one-shot power, which is too terrifying.

You must know that the main world of Buddhism was created by the Buddha himself. It was extremely robust, but it was easily destroyed by the other party.

"Didn't it appear?" The great powerhouse whispered, looking towards all around, as if he was expecting something.

Unfortunately there is nothing all around, only not far away Master Xuanming and another powerful emperor are fighting, and the aftermath of the battle is extremely dangerous.


Suddenly, the emperor exclaimed, he moved towards looking down, and saw a silhouette panting heavily, and one-knee kneels fell to the ground Above, the clothes on her body have been wiped out by the terrifying power, revealing strong muscles.

This person is Mu Qing!

"The power of the Great Emperor Realm is indeed extraordinary, and the cultivation realm of this guy is probably not an ordinary lower emperor, it should be 7th grade, eighth grade, close to the existence of the upper emperor!" Mu Qing Just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but couldn't help but cough up blood.

Just now, he was seriously injured, and the black robe condensed with the power of the black hole on his body was shattered. If it weren’t for displaying the Promise divine ability at a critical moment, it’s estimated that he would have been there just now. died!

"Who is it? Why do people in Buddhism kill me?" Mu Qing kept wondering in his mind, he wanted to know who would kill him desperately.

It seems that he is in Buddhism, and he has not offended who, let alone the powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm.

The origin of this great emperor is unknown!

"Is it the Celestial Court?" Mu Qing's eyes suddenly became serious, and Yuehe Princess knew his identity. Could it be that the other party was lying to him from the very beginning?

Actually, this Buddhist emperor was the Princess Yuehe who revealed his identity before looking for him to be captured?

But it’s not right to think about it. If that’s the case, there is no need to attack Master Xuanming.

"Sure enough, he defeated the ninth-ranked person as soon as he joined Buddhism, and he was able to get a head-on blow to me without dying, even if the Big Imperial Capital of First Rank and Rank 2 can’t do it, you are very strong. , But now it’s a certain death situation!"

The great emperor appeared in front of Mu Qing in a twinkling room. The silhouette shrouded in golden light was so dazzling that Mu Qing squinted involuntarily. eye.

The opponent raised his hand, and a Vajra pestle formed by Buddha power appeared in his hand.

"Aren’t you afraid of death? Don’t you also have a strong existence in Buddhism protecting you? Give him over and let him save you!"

He speaks very slowly, the Vajra pestle in his hand is brewing terrifying power, slowly approaching Mu Qing.

There is no doubt that once touched by the Vajra pestle, there is absolutely no life! .

Mu Qing can smell a devastating aura from this Vajra pestle, and his Divine Soul is trembling.

And hearing this guy's words, Mu Qing finally realized something.

The other party is testing!

This guy is deliberately so slow, the goal is not Mu Qing itself, but the Buddhist powerhouse behind Mu Qing!

When Mu Qing fought against Jiansan earlier, he entered a state of complete madness. He thought he would be completely exposed, but he didn’t want to have a terrifying powerhouse in Buddhism to help him hide that madness. After the transformation, there were even Buddha mantras to help him restore his sanity.

Mu Qing also kept guessing who this Buddhist powerhouse is? Why would you help yourself?

But he has never had a clue. Since then, the Buddhist powerhouse has never appeared.

Mu Qing's eyes flashed sharply, he understood, the other party wanted to know who the Buddhist powerhouse behind him was.

Unfortunately, even Mu Qing himself does not know the identity of that person.

"Why? Hurry up and call for help! I have already given you hope of survival, but don't cherish it!" The great emperor yelled at Mu Qing, and the Vajra in his hand slowly approached .

And his attention is always around, because once that powerhouse secretly makes a move, it is likely to attack him directly, and that level of attack is not something he can withstand.

"It's not good..." Mu Qing said. He whispered first, and then suddenly smiled, "Well, will that person come to save me?"

For Mu Qing, this is also an unknown. The Buddhist powerhouse behind him does not know him, let alone ask for help.

At the same time, Mu Qing also wanted to know if that person would try to save himself, saying that he could not know the identity of the other party.

As for his own safety, Mu Qing is not too worried, because he has a hole card, which is enough to save his life!

He was once given a Heavenly Dao Tribulation mark by heavenly punishment. That Heavenly Tribulation mark Mu Qing has never been used. Although it is a one-time use, it contains some theories of heavenly punishment.

Who knows what heavenly punishment is? That was a Supreme in the past, and now even if there were some accidents in the body, he still has the strength of an extremely great emperor.

The imprint of Heavenly Tribulation is still on Mu Qing, and it is able to explode the power of the Extreme Great Emperor.

The great emperor in front of him is at best a lower-level emperor of the eighth rank, unable to withstand the power of the mark of Heavenly Tribulation at all!

"Enough, I can't wait any longer, go to hell!"

For a long time, the silhouette did not appear. The great emperor also consumed all his patience, the Vajra pestle in his hand. fiercely moved towards Mu Qing's head fell.

Mu Qing smiled and calmly faced.

And just when Mu Qing intends to spur the mark of Heavenly Tribulation!

A word of sword light pierced from in the sky, and it was shocked to cut off the Vajra pestle!

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