The silhouette of Master Xuanming appeared in front of everyone with a serious face.

He scolded everyone, let them go, and at the same time helped Jiansan heal his injuries.

Master Xuanming checked Jiansan’s injury, suck in a breath of cold air, and found that Mu Qing’s strength was many times stronger than he thought!

He turned his head and took a deep look at Mu Qing, and then left with Jian San.

"Master Xuanming, what is that guy's background?" Jian San was a little weak, and his injury barely recovered at this time.

"Draconian Race's evildoer, it's better not to mess with him. The Strength of Fleshly Body alone is enough to beat you up." Master Xuanming said.

Sword opened his mouth three times, his face hesitated, but there was no exit.

"What's wrong?" Master Xuanming noticed the strangeness of Jiansan.

"No, nothing." Jian San shook his head. He still remembered the scarlet monster he saw. He thought it was Mu Qing, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't tell Master Xuanming.

"Go, you still have to play in the Three Realms Meeting soon." Master Xuanming said.

Jian Sanyi has a bitter face and said: "That Longqing defeated me, I am afraid he will replace my ranking soon."

He left in frustration. , Being punched and defeated has a great blow to his confidence.

The Xuanming master is looking at the direction of Mu Qing's mountain peak, his eyes are deep, looking thoughtful.

In fact, he has been paying attention to Mu Qing all the time, and even the ten high-level Divine Stone veins under Mu Qing this mountain peak were also put in by him.

Master Xuanming has the cultivation realm of the upper emperor. At the moment when Mu Qing occupied this unowned mountain, he took the initiative to replace one medium Divine Stone vein under the mountain with ten high-grade Divine Stone veins.

He always felt that Mu Qing had some problems, but according to the information from the investigation, the other party did not have the slightest problem.

"When he was fighting Jiansan, what happened at the last moment? Who was helping him?"

Master Xuanming looked solemn.

He has been watching the battle between Jiansan and Mu Qing, or he secretly replaced the Divine Stone vein under the Mu Qing mountain peak, just to make Mu Qing eye-catching. After all, there are ten high-level Divine Stones. Mineral veins, even the top ten emperors, will be heartbeat.

Others saw that it was only ranked ninth, but the strength in the outside world is already very amazing. Even Master Xuanming did not expect that Mu Qing could defeat Jiansan so quickly.

What makes Master Xuanming even more aware is that in the master world, there is a terrifying guy helping Mu Qing!

"Who the hell is it? Lord Buddha?" Master Xuanming thought hard.

He is very clear that the golden light on Mu Qing does not come from itself, but is a terrifying existence that displays the power of Buddhism.

Perhaps this is also the case, Mu Qing can only defeat three times with one blow!

But Master Xuanming couldn't figure out who would help Mu Qing.

After all, Master Xuanming was present at the time, watching with his own eyes a golden light composed of vigorous Buddha power falling down from the sky, covering Mu Qing's body.

At that time, Master Xuanming exhausted all his methods to find out who was behind the scenes.

He was puzzled that Long Qing had just entered the main world, who would help him secretly?

The result was shocking. Master Xuanming discovered that even with the cultivation base of his own high emperor, there was no way to find out the true identity of the person behind the scenes.

In the main world, and even Buddhism as a whole, there are not many people who can have this strength, or it should be said that only the Buddha can do it!

But the Lord Buddha retreats all year round and it is impossible to contact others.

"Who will it be?"

Xuanming master frowns, and then left, he has no answer in his heart.

On the other side, watching everyone leave, Mu Qing sighed in relief.

"What happened to you just now?"

Meeting Third Young Lady only dared to approach Mu Qing at this time. She has been watching the game all the time. What is a bit puzzled is that Mu Qing is golden just now The light flickered and was enveloped by rich Buddha power, which looked like cultivated Buddha Dharma for many years.

"In the master world, someone is helping me!"

Mu Qing said solemnly, he is like master Xuanming at the moment, thinking constantly, but still don’t understand what will happen Who is helping him secretly!

He knew very well that he was hit by the illusion of Jiansan, the power of the Tu Xinjian is amazing, and according to his own plan, he should be defeated.

Unfortunately, the glazed illusion stimulated the negative power in Mu Qing's body. He entered a completely frenzied state in an instant, and his strength grew at an unimaginable speed, killing Jian San with one punch.

Mu Qing originally thought that he would be exposed, but absolutely didn't expect. At the moment he was about to be exposed, an incomparably thick Buddha power fell on him, covering up a scarlet armor and mask stand up.

From the outside, Mu Qing was shrouded in golden light at that time, like a profound Buddhist powerhouse.

At the same time, after defeating Jiansan, the person behind the scenes also cast a Buddha spell, which directly suppressed the negative power in Mu Qing's body and awakened him rationally.

It can be said that the person behind the scenes seems to be very clear about Mu Qing’s situation, knowing that he cannot be exposed in blood-red armor after being completely mad, so he needs to be covered by the golden Buddha's radiance, and even knows that he is lost. Reason, use the powerful Buddha mantra to awaken Mu Qing's reason.

"That person knows everything about me, even the Myriad Evil Origin in my body knows it!"

Mu Qing frowns, in the end, he still didn’t think of who the person behind the scenes would be, the only one What is certain is that that person should be a Buddhist powerhouse in the main world.

"Buddhist people suspect you?" Mei Third Young Lady asked, she also saw some signs.

Mu Qing nodded, he said: "It should be just a suspicion. If you really see something, you would have shot us a long time ago."

He asked Third Young Lady don't worry.

The two returned to their mountain peaks. On every mountain peak in the main world, there are many houses that can be directly lived in.

Mu Qing immediately carried out secluded cultivation, he just broke through to Shenhuang Peak, and it takes a certain amount of time to adapt.

The most important thing is his fleshy body. After the Ancient Life Tree has grown up, the feedback received is too powerful, making his fleshy body terrifying to the sky. He also needs to adapt to this Strength of Fleshly Body.

When he truly controls his Strength of Fleshly Body, his strength will be even more terrifying!

hong long!

A few days later, a burst of thunder rang out, awakening Mu Qing in retreat.

He then picked up a white shirt bed, walked out of the residence, looked up from his mountain, and found that there were dark clouds and lightning and thunder not far away on the mountain.

A graceful silhouette is located under the thundercloud, with seven white tails flying behind it, one after another amazing energy is brewing.

"Is it going to break through God Emperor Peak?" Mu Qing was surprised.

He thought about it carefully. It seems that the Third Young Lady has been in the late Shenhuang stage for a long time, and now it is almost time to break through to Peak.

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