The range of the Buddhist altar on the 1st floor is the largest. The moment everyone enters, they are surrounded by one after another rich Buddha power.

Except for Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady, the others immediately sat down and frantically absorbed the Buddha powers around them.

Although this Buddha power has been manipulated, it is indeed able to increase cultivation base, and its quality is far superior to divine force.

Everyone looked surprised. Even if they did not pass the third test, they could absorb enough Buddha power to increase their strength.

What they don't know is that if they absorb the power of Buddha and integrate it into their bloodline and divine force, they will be subject to Buddhism in the future.

"This is the avatar given to me by the Ancient Immortal world. If you stick it on my body, even if I absorb the Buddha power, it will be integrated into the avatar." Mei Third Young Lady said to Mu Qing.

She has runes in her palm, the whole body is faintly blue, and she has a strange luster.

Mu Qing glanced at it, but shook the head: "No need, I have my own way."

He let Mei Third Young Lady rest assured that he has been shackled. Fo Li, he doesn't have to be afraid at all.

Anyway, these Buddha powers are integrated into bloodline and divine force, and his bloodline and divine force come from Draconian Race, and can be converted at any time through the magic power.

If this Buddha power is integrated into the fleshy body, then Mu Qing may still be somewhat dreaded, of course, with the protection of Chaos Energy, it should not be affected.

Mei Third Young Lady was stunned for a moment, but before she could react, she saw Mu Qing sitting down directly, crazily eating away at the surrounding Buddha power.

She looked surprised and wanted to stop it, but after thinking about it, she stopped. Looking back on Mu Qing’s ability before, she thought that Mu Qing would not care to that point, so she must be sure to resist this passivity. The power of the hands and feet.

"Wait! What's going on?"

Half an hour later, someone suddenly exclaimed. The god emperor Peak was shocked and he was absorbing all around Buddha power. , Seeing that the divine force and bloodline are getting stronger and stronger, but I feel a repulsive force covering the whole body.

In the next instant, he was completely repelled, which was like triggering the rules of Xuantian Secret Realm and was eliminated.

When everyone around saw this, they were also taken aback.

The person was rejected without the slightest warning, so he was eliminated.

After that, several people exclaimed and were eliminated.

These people’s faces are full of surprises, because they feel good, they think they have a high degree of fit with the Buddha, so they can absorb it easily and blend into their own bloodline and divine force. They don’t understand. Why was it suddenly eliminated.

In fact, the Buddha fits this thing, simply does not exist, Master Xuanming is in control of everything secretly, and who should be eliminated has already been predetermined!

Mu Qing knows this well, he is fortunate to let go of his hands and feet and absorb a lot of Buddha power.

But for him, the strongest is the fleshy body, the Draconian Race divine force in the body, even if it is integrated into the Buddha power, it will not be strong.

On the other side, the one who absorbed the most energy was naturally Jiang Kuang. He already had obsessions in his heart, he wanted to defeat Mu Qing, his eyes were red, and the Buddha power around him almost formed a vortex and enveloped him.

At this time, a special force surged, and everyone thought that someone else had been eliminated, but found that everyone's body was empty and rushed to the Second Layer Buddhist altar.

Everyone is sighed in relief, but my heart is still heavy. The 1st floor Buddhist altar has not been eliminated, but maybe it will be eliminated in this Second Layer Buddhist altar. After all, there are a total of 18th Layer Buddhist altars. .

"I feel that I will be eliminated." Mei Third Young Lady suddenly used special means to sound transmission Mu Qing.

She told Mu Qing that this third test does not look at strength or luck. Master Xuanying is in control of everything behind.

Although Mei Third Young Lady was well prepared before coming, this third test is still more difficult.

She has a stand-in rune, the Buddha power here has no effect on her, but if Master Xuanming wants her to be eliminated, she can't stop it.

In the second test, Mu Qing showed amazing strength at the last moment. Obviously Master Xuanming would not let him out, but Mei Third Young Lady is different. She is still the Queen of God. Period, the strength is not strong.

"If I am eliminated, can I trouble you to help investigate things about Celestial Court and Buddhism?" Mei Third Young Lady asked.

"It's very troublesome..." Mu Qing frowned, and then nodded, said: "If I have time, I will investigate."

Mei Third Young Lady has a face Hi, Mu Qing is enough!

However, what surprised her was that when everyone came to the 5th floor Buddhist altar, she still had not been eliminated.

This Mei Third Young Lady feels extremely weird, including the surrounding God Emperor Peak, who also cast their eyes frequently.

"The patriarch of the fox female clan, shouldn’t it charm the mysterious Old Man Ming through the back door, right?" Someone whispered, after all, it seems too weird that the Third Young Lady, a late god emperor, is still here. .

"Maybe the other party's Buddha fit exceeds the standard?" There are also speculations.

After all, everyone is completely confused about the so-called Buddha power fit. They absorb Buddha power and feel good about themselves, and the next moment is eliminated.


On the way to the 6th floor Buddhist altar, someone was directly eliminated.

"Is there a problem with these Buddha powers?!"

A god emperor Peak suddenly spoke and asked Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady to cast their eyes, is it possible that someone still pays What did you really notice?

As a result, the man was just speculating, thinking that the more he absorbed the Buddha power, the more likely he was to be eliminated, but fortunately he no longer absorbed the Buddha power.

However, in just a few minutes, the man was eliminated.

"It seems that Master Xuanming has given you enough face, or is he giving Xuanzhen face?"

After arriving at the 6th floor Buddhist altar, Jiang Kuanglai When he came to Mu Qing, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, falling on Mei Third Young Lady.

Obviously, he thinks that it is unusual for Mei Third Young Lady not to be eliminated, and may have something to do with Mu Qing or Xuan Zang.

"There is no need for you to guess, Mei Third Young Lady has always longed for Buddhism, and her Buddha power fit should be the highest." Mu Qing indifferently said, talking to Jiang Kuang. .

Xuan Zang stood blankly beside Mu Qing.

I have to say that the black cloth Heart Demon's ability is still very powerful, it occupies the body of the Xuanming, but when facing the Xuanming Master, the Xuanming Master, it did not show the slightest horse's feet!

The black cloth Heart Demon who occupies the body of Xuan Zang is also very cooperative, without making a big noise, and obediently following Mu Qing.

This is not Mu Qing's order, but it discovered that if you follow Mu Qing together, you may not be able to get out of this damn Secret Realm and go to the outside world!

"If you can, can you let me occupy the body of black cloth later? When the time comes, as long as you don't limit my freedom, let me wholeheartedly acknowledge allegiance to you, it's not a bad idea!"


Heart Demon, who is controlled by the Sky Forbidden Bottle, has a unique connection with Mu Qing. Black cloth Heart Demon secretly contacted Mu Qing at this moment and made a request.

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