The cultivation base for the Third Young Lady is only the second stage of the God Emperor. Although it can burst out with power comparable to the God Emperor Peak, there is still a slight gap between the real God Emperor Peak.

Not to mention that she is now surrounded by the Heart Demon of the four-headed God Emperor Peak.

One of Heart Demon's hideous face turned into a beam of black light and rushed into the middle of the eyebrows of the Third Young Lady. Suddenly, the eyes of the Third Young Lady flashed with gray and black luster, and the mood was very different. normal.

Heart Demon's invasion is not something ordinary people can resist. If you are not careful, Divine Soul will burst.

These four Heart Demon were cut off by the Buddhist expert at the time of God Emperor Peak. Even if the strength is not as good as the black cloth and Xuanming Heart Demon, it is also very difficult to deal with.

Mu Qing made a decisive move when he saw this. His whole body turned into a Tyrant Dragon, running rampant.

"His roar!"

These Heart Demon have low spiritual wisdom and do not speak. They come from baring fangs and brandishing claws.

Unfortunately, Mu Qing's body is haunting Chaos Energy, he can't pinch the Ming Wang seal in his hand, and he speaks the mantra of the word, sitting behind a huge illusory shadow, myriad evils will not invade.

The three-headed Heart Demon rushed forward, and was directly knocked away by him, simple and rude.

Mu Qing next moment squeezed the fist imprints, and urged External Body Incarnation, suddenly transformed into hundreds of people, endless strength of Thunder Tribulation surge.

"hong long!"

Thundering heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the three-headed Heart Demon flew out.

“weng! ”

At this time, a Dao Mark road appeared on the center of the eyebrows of the Third Young Lady, and a ray of fairy spirit escaped from the whole body, and the translucent white flame came from She was burning up.

Behind it, seven snow-white tails were waving, shining brightly.


Heart Demon screamed as he screamed, and rushed out, his whole body was burned by the blazing white flame. The body was ruined.

Mu Qing's eyelids twitched, what kind of flame is this? How so powerful!

What he cares more about is that Immortal Qi really burst out of Mei Third Young Lady just now. There is no doubt about this. What kind of relationship does the other party have with Immortal Clan?


Mu Qing saw that Heart Demon was about to be burned to death. He waved his hand and ran his power quickly, hitting the blazing white flames of his body, and then uttered the mantra. , Recruit the sky forbidden bottle.

There was a dragon's roar roaring out of his throat. His body was tall, surrounded by Azure Dragon, Chaos Energy was condensed, and he held the Sky Forbidden Bottle.

The sky forbidden bottle quivered, and the bottle mouth was black, but Supreme's suction force swept out, swallowing all the four Heart Demon.

Mu Qing then spent a lot of effort to return the Sky Forbidden Bottle to the Ten Thousand Demons world.

He wiped the sweat stains on his forehead, relaxed, every time he used the Sky Forbidden Bottle, it was a laborious task.


Mei Third Young Lady ignoring the white skin exposed by the incomplete clothing on her body, stood up abruptly, looking towards Mu Qing.

Her beautiful eyes are full of shock, because just now she clearly saw the appearance of the sky forbidden bottle, which contains Immortal Qi, which is definitely a Supreme Treasure of the fairy family!

Mei Third Young Lady stared at Mu Qing closely, wondering in her heart, why does this weird guy in front of me have such a treasure?

"cough cough."

Mu Qing touched the tip of her nose. This charming Third Young Lady was too bold. Her dress was shattered, her curvaceous figure, and her white body , At a glance.

Mei Third Young Lady only then reacted, the seven tails behind her covered her, covering her sight. After a rustling, she changed into a sky blue dress and walked out, beautiful and moving .

She asked Mu Qing with a solemn face, and said: "Why do you own such Immortal Artifact?"

Mu Qing saw her attitude like this, sneered, and asked: "I still I want to ask you, why do you have Immortal Qi? And the mysterious Immortal Sect you used earlier, shouldn't it be the divine ability, but the Immortal Technique?"

Now, it’s the turn of the Third Young Lady. Dumbfounded.

The universe is so big, and the recent Celestial Court's actions have not been concealed at all. Therefore, most races basically know the existence of Celestial Court and the power of Immortal Qi.

But Xuan Immortal Sect is the entrance to the Ancient Immortal world, and few people know it, otherwise Mu Qing would not have spent so long before finding people in the Ancient Immortal world.

Mei Third Young Lady is not surprised that Mu Qing recognizes Immortal Qi on her body, but Mu Qing knows the Immortal Sect, the meaning is different.

"Are you from Celestial Court?!"

Meeting the Third Young Lady backed back again and again, with a vigilant look, as if she would take action at any time.

Mu Qing sneered, didn't expect that one day he would be regarded as a Celestial Court person.

From the beginning to the end, he didn’t have much malice towards the Third Young Lady, because the other party can summon the Immortal Sect, which shows that the other party has a relationship with the Ancient Immortal world, and even has a relationship with heavenly punishment. .

Mu Qing knows that heavenly punishment is the guardian of the Ancient Immortal world, mastering the five Immortal Sects, and those five Immortal Sects are also the Immortal Artifacts of Supreme.

The charming Third Young Lady in front of her can use the special spell summon to unleash the power of Immortal Sect to fight, and it is basically certain that she is from the Ancient Immortal world.

"I come from the Ancient Immortal world." Mu Qing replied.

strictly speaking, he has not joined the Ancient Immortal world, but in fact, he has already been on the side of Ancient Immortal.

Even more how, Ning Fengzhen of the Ancient Immortal world and the others have given him a great help, and it is precisely this way that he can grow up.

"You too..." Mei Third Young Lady was taken aback, she was a little confused at the moment, how could she touch people from the Ancient Immortal world here.

Mu Qing frowned, said: "Why? Don't you believe it? Also, at that time, the Ancient Immortal world and Celestial Court were fighting in the giant dragon graveyard. I didn't see you at that time."

Mu Qing's words came out, but Mei Third Young Lady completely confirmed Mu Qing's identity.

The battle between the Ancient Immortal world and Celestial Court, although the scale is very large, but from the giant dragon graveyard, externally, it was only Celestial Court going there to find a wanted criminal.

Except for the Ancient Immortal world and Celestial Court, everyone else is impossible to know about this battle.

In addition to the secret art displayed by Mu Qing earlier, she also recognized that it was the Nine Characters Incantation of the Ancient Immortal world.

"I believe that the Nine Characters Incantation you used earlier is not something that ordinary Ancient Immortal can have. I just didn't expect and will meet people who are also in the Ancient Immortal world at this time."

Mei Third Young Lady shook her head, she completely let go of her vigilance.

Mu Qing was very puzzled and asked: "What are you doing here? Join Buddhism?"

Meet the Third Young Lady nodded, and said seriously: "The Ancient Immortal world treats me The fox girl has great favor. I discovered that Celestial Court had contact with Buddhism at the front end, so I planned to dive into Buddhism to see what the relationship between Celestial Court and Buddhism is."

She told Mu Qing bluntly that Buddhism is A very mysterious force, especially the Lord Buddha, is suspected of Supreme.

If Buddhism chooses to join forces with Celestial Court, then it is definitely bad news for the Ancient Immortal community.

"What about you? Are you here to investigate the news?" Mei Third Young Lady asked rhetorically, she was very curious about Mu Qing's appearance.

In addition to the Nine Characters Incantation of Mu Qing cultivation, she has already regarded Mu Qing as a descendant of the high-levels of Ancient Immortal.

Mu Qing slightly smiled, saying: "I'm here to steal something!"

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