The various distracting thoughts, evil thoughts, and negative emotions removed by the Buddhist experts are called Heart Demon.

There is a rumor circulating among the senior Buddhist leaders that once the spiritual wisdom is occupied by Heart Demon, it will become a demon. Therefore, every senior leader will cut off Heart Demon, and at the same time change his own strength. Get stronger.

Mu Qing naturally didn't believe this statement. He felt that the so-called demons in Buddhism were at best a convergence of various negative energies.

Now, the same Heart Demon as the previous sword demon rushed out, making a harsh roar.

Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady shot almost at the same time.

Behind the Mei Third Young Lady, a world full of fragrance is presented, with the brilliance of purple everywhere, with her palm, a densely packed rune emerges, and a huge palm print rolls away.

Mu Qing condensed Chaos Energy and Dragon Qi, one stroke dragon levies ten thousand li, the fist marks burst, there can be countless giant dragons roaring.

He didn't urge his own world, because his demonic energy still exists in the world, which can be regarded as his final trump card in Xuanming Temple. Once used, his identity will be revealed.

Of course, even if you don’t use the God of Human Race, Mu Qing's strength is very powerful. Chaos Energy works with the Dragon God of Human Race, and the power is amazing.

Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady punched and slapped the Heart Demon to half of their body.


The two are very surprised, how does this Heart Demon feel too fragile compared to the previous sword demon?

Although it is also exuding the breath of God Emperor Peak, it burst into pieces when hit by the palm of the two of them.

The wisps of negative energy poured into his body, Mu Qing was stunned, but did not react for a while.

There is still a gap between these Heart Demons. The previous sword demon with spiritual wisdom is obviously a high-level Heart Demon with very strong strength.

If the strength of the sword demon is above the peak of the god emperor, then the heart demon is just the level of the ordinary god emperor Peak. The two others can work together, and Mu Qing can easily deal with it. .

"Your strength is not limited?"

Mei Third Young Lady immediately separated from Mu Qing, her eyes were very alert.

The black mist struck, covering the entire mirrored Buddha city.

This black mist, like Heart Demon, is also a combination of various negative emotions. After covering this mirrored Buddha city, basically everyone is affected.

But Mei Third Young Lady discovered that Mu Qing's strength did not seem to have been affected in any way, and he could still burst out of his original strength.

Her face is wary, because from the beginning, some of the breath escaping from Mu Qing's body is very similar to Heart Demon.

This has to make Mei Third Young Lady doubt, is it possible that Mu Qing itself is a Heart Demon?

From the Heart Demon appearing in this black mist, she has already seen that Heart Demon seems to be divided into levels. The Heart Demon just now can be defeated even by her, but the earlier Sword Demon has the strength It is amazing, and spiritual wisdom is high.

In this way, to charm the Third Young Lady is a suspicion. Mu Qing may itself be an advanced Heart Demon with spiritual wisdom.

"You seem to have some misunderstandings about me."

Mu Qing caught a glimpse of Mei Third Young Lady, slightly opened the mouth and said.

"I don’t think this is a misunderstanding."

Mei Third Young Lady’s pretty face is full of grave expressions. She turns into a purple light and flees away, in the black mist Disappeared.

Mu Qing scratched his head. He understood that this charming Third Young Lady should have felt some aura from him, so he identified himself and Heart Demon as the same type.

"Speaking of which, Myriad Evil Origin, which absorbs all the negative energy in my body, is not a bloodline, so what is it?"

Mu Qing frowned.

Earlier, he thought that the ability to absorb negative energy originated from his bloodline, and he also felt that his Demon Race bloodline had already undergone mutation.

It wasn't until the Demon Race bloodline was converted through the magic power to change the Demon Race, Mu Qing finally discovered that this ability to absorb negative energy did not come from the bloodline.

His bloodline is still the Demon Race bloodline, it's just a Myriad Evil Origin power hiding in the bloodline, even he didn't notice it.

Moreover, the power of absorbing negative energy will greatly enhance the bloodline, and it is precisely this way that he will produce his own Demon Race bloodline, which has mutation become Peak bloodline.

strictly speaking, Mu Qing’s Demon Race bloodline is still a high-level bloodline.

"It seems that stealing advanced Buddha spells can no longer be delayed!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath, since he could not expel this force from his body, then Just think of a way to suppress it.

For him, although this negative power can add to his own strength a lot, what is really useful is the huge increase in strength after madness.

He would rather give up this madness, because stability is too insufficient.

"It shouldn’t be difficult to stay in this black mist for three days without being seriously injured."

Mu Qing walks in the black mist, almost all the time. Malice and evil thoughts rushed into his mind to contaminate his Divine Soul.

But unfortunately, as long as this negative force is absorbed into the depths of the bloodline, Myriad Evil Origin becomes more vigorous.


At this time, a dark green beam of light rose into the sky in the distance.

This jade green beam of light is most obvious in the black fog, and can be clearly seen by people in almost the entire mirrored Buddha city.

"I heard that there are opportunities and crises in Xuantian Secret Realm. This black mist is a crisis. Then this jade green beam of light, is it possible that this is an opportunity?"

Mu Qing Thinking about it, the dark green beam of light may be extremely risky.

For such an obvious beam of light in the black fog, he doesn't need to think about it, there will be many people fighting for it.

Not only the powerhouses of other gods in this mirrored Buddha city, but also some Heart Demons in the black mist.

If there are really good things in the dark green beam of light, then when the time comes, there will definitely be other battles of God Emperor Peak Level.

"It's better for me not to join in." Mu Qing shook his head.

He does not intend to go.

However, next moment, his complexion is stiffened.


Suddenly, another dark green beam of light skyrocketed.

This dark green beam of light, right by Mu Qing's side, the emerald-like brilliance, rendered his face green.

"Isn't it?"

Mu Qing absolutely didn't expect, this dark green beam of light appeared directly beside him.

Immediately afterwards, within the mirror image Buddha city shrouded in black mist, dark green light beams rushed out one after another, a total of ten!

Mu Qing moved towards dark green took a look inside the beam of light, and found that there was indeed a treasure, and there was a crystal clear and near-transparent fruit inside, escaping amazing energy fluctuations.

There is no doubt that this is absolutely the same as heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and the energy fluctuations contained in it are really huge.

Mu Qing has seen a lot of divine medicine and Immortal Medicine, but it is the first time he has seen such heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it feels like this fruit is a star!

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