This time, the power of the sword demon was even more violent, and the entire mirrored Buddha city flashed and thundered, and it was raining heavily.

This blade of the Sword Demon cut out a huge blade glow, a kind of extremely amazing power, Tearing Space.

The power that bursts out of his body is very difficult to deal with, not Foli, divine force, Immortal Qi, but not demonic energy.

Mu Qing can affirm that the power of the sword demon is the product of the gathering of various negative energies.

There was no fear in his eyes, and he punched directly.

"Long Zheng ten thousand li!"

Suddenly, the Dragon Qi in Mu Qing bursts out, dragon roar bursts, and the surging power gathers on his fist.

Relying solely on the two Draconian Race divine abilities of Azure Dragon body and dragon sign ten thousand li, Mu Qing is impossible against the powerhouse of God Emperor Peak.

But now, Chaos Energy haunts him all over his body. With the blessing of Power of Primal Chaos, his power has skyrocketed, which is enough to make him comparable to God Emperor Peak!

It can be seen that Chaos Energy is such a powerful force. In Mu Qing's mind, only Chaos Energy is comparable to demonic energy.

Because Chaos Energy has amazing fusion power for all forces.

After absorbing Chaos Energy, Mu Qing's demonic energy has become Chaotic Devil Qi, and the quality brings it up a level.

And now, Mu Qing’s demonic energy has been converted into Dragon Qi. After Chaos Energy’s blessing, this Dragon Qi has naturally become Chaos Dragon Qi.

Mu Qing's punched out, there is an Azure Dragon roaring moved towards the sword demon roaring away.


The two meet force with force, but in terms of strength, the sword demon is obviously better. The turbid and dark blade light tore the Azure Dragon and cut it. Mu Qing's body.

When the Mei Third Young Lady on the side saw this, she hurriedly performed the healing secret technique, and a green light ball fell on Mu Qing.

Just like the spring breeze blowing in the willows, a burst of vitality swept through the body.

This is Mei Third Young Lady who is afraid that he will be repelled by Xuantian Secret Realm because of heavy damage, so she immediately chose to use the healing secret technique to restore Mu Qing's injury.

However, that sabre light slashed on Mu Qing's body. Although a long and narrow gap was cut out, blood splashed, but he was not seriously injured.

This is not the credit of the third Young Lady's healing secret technique.

Mu Qing's face is weird, and the sword demon is even more surprised.

"Why didn't you die?" The sword demon roared and shot the sword again and again.

The countless blade glow is like a storm sweeping over, directly enveloping Mu Qing.

The speed of the sword demon is too fast, he moved, it is difficult to catch his silhouette, one after another blade light tore Mu Qing's body.

"Not good!"

Meeting the Third Young Lady condensing printing method, once again summon out the Immortal Sect, this time there are two daoist sect households, pulled out from Mu Qing From the ground.

But soon, these two Immortal Sects were directly crushed by Blade Qi.

The strength of the sword demon is beyond imagination, even if the Third Young Lady tries her best to display the Immortal Sect to help with it, she can't resist it.

"Is this really the God Emperor Peak?!"

Mei Third Young Lady gritted her teeth and performed the healing secret technique again to heal Mu Qing.

She and Mu Qing are both capable of erupting the power of God Emperor Peak. Together, even if they cannot kill or defeat God Emperor Peak, they are enough to contend with God Emperor Peak.

And the current situation is exactly the kind of that the two of them are suppressed and will die at any time.

"Fragrant ten thousand li!"

The graceful body of the charming Third Young Lady danced, and the seven tails bloomed into gorgeous rays of light, with a green world behind it.

The unimaginable world that fascinates the Third Young Lady is a world full of vitality. With the blessing of this force, Mu Qing's injuries are recovering at a speed that can be seen by naked eye.

"You are dying! Don't use all your strength yet?!"

She is charming the Third Young Lady. She looks at Mu Qing in the blade light storm but is indifferent, and her heart is very deep. Is anxious.

Heavenly God field, the god emperor world, after a god emperor displays his own world, there will be an extremely amazing blessing.

Therefore, Mei Third Young Lady saw that Mu Qing hadn't called out her god emperor world for a long time, thinking that Mu Qing had not used all her strength.

In fact, Mu Qing did not use all his strength.

His body was full of scars. At the moment when he was enveloped by the blade light storm, there were tens of thousands of knife wounds on his body, and blood was flowing.

If it weren't for the strength of Chaos Energy, Azure Dragon, and his own body, he would have been sacked if he was replaced by another god emperor.

But he was forcibly resisted, and his injury, under the blessing of the fragrant world of the Third Young Lady, had an amazing recovery.

Of course, Mu Qing also has azure lines on his body, and a large amount of vitality swept away in his body.

As soon as a scar appeared on his body, he recovered immediately.

Even the Third Young Lady is confused, and his healing secret technique seems to be more powerful than ever.

"It's useless...You are not a real demon, you can't kill me."

A faint voice came out, and then, a palm forcibly tore the blade. light storm.

Mu Qing actually tore the blade light storm with the fleshy body and walked out directly. The aura on his body became stronger and stronger, and his eyes were full of hostility and fierceness.

A scarlet mask appeared on his face. On the hideous mask of the evil god, there were also a pair of black horns.


Mu Qing's breath completely burst, rushing to the sword demon in an instant, punching away, countless giant dragons roaring.

Mei Third Young Lady was stunned, she didn't expect Mu Qing to explode such terrifying power, and there is even a tendency to surpass God Emperor Peak.

She doesn't know what happened to Mu Qing, but she can feel that the breath of Mu Qing is very similar to the breath of Sword Demon!


The speed of the sword demon is very fast, but Mu Qing has gradually entered a frenzied state, and grabbed the opponent's arm in one fell swoop , Tear directly!

The broken Sword Demon's arm turned into wisps of black smoke, which did not disperse, but poured into Mu Qing's body.

The essence of this sword demon is a combination of various negative energies. Although I don’t know why there is spiritual wisdom and such a powerful force, in the final analysis, this is a huge negative energy at best. Fusion.

Since it is negative energy, it will naturally be restrained by Mu Qing.

Mu Qing now almost knows that his bloodline is still his own Demon Race bloodline, and nothing has changed.

In his own body, there is always a hidden power, which seems to be Myriad Evil Origin, capable of swallowing and absorbing all the negative energy in the entire universe.

This Myriad Evil Origin has always been hidden in the bloodline. It is also because of the existence of this force that Mu Qing has the illusion that his Demon Race bloodline has undergone mutation and evolution, and reached Peak bloodline level.

The same is true even now. He used the magic power to convert his Demon Race bloodline away, but the Myriad Evil Origin is still there, hiding in the depths of the Draconian Race bloodline, let this The Draconian Race bloodline of advanced races has become even more amazing!

"jié jié jié."

The scarlet mask on Mu Qing's face seemed to have a terrifying existence rushing out, making a weird smile.

It was an illusory shadow, with scarlet in the darkness, and a huge claw came out, squeezing the sword demon's head.


The body of the sword demon burst, and all the negative energy poured into Mu Qing's body.


Mu Qing turned his head abruptly, and appeared in front of Mei Third Young Lady.

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