This time, the Sword Spirit powerhouse displayed even more powerful methods. With a palm down, the sword light swallowed, and it was indeed a race that was born with Spirit Sword.

Mu Qing's eyes flickered fiercely, and his body suddenly burst out of hostility. The sudden attack of the Sword Spirit powerhouse made the negative energy in his bloodline stimulated and became more frantic.

He is subconsciously about to make a move, and at this moment, the negative energy in his body is about to gush out.

At the critical moment, a shadow rushed from the side, and the purple rays of light bloomed and condensed into a light shield.


That a sword light fiercely pierced on this purple light shield, suddenly burst out powerful power, sword qi scattered, but unfortunately did not crush the purple light shield.


Because of the strong impact, the purple light shield all split up and in pieces.


Mu Qing and the powerhouse of the Sword Spirit clan were very surprised. They glanced away and found that they were a beautiful fox girl, some of whom belonged to the late god emperor. Cultivation base, the skin is clear and crystal clear, the figure is fiery, and there are seven white tails behind it.

"The patriarch of the fox female clan, pleases the Third Young Lady? What do you stop me from doing?"

The powerhouse scolded of the Sword Spirit clan, he obviously knew the fox female in front of him.

Meeting the Third Young Lady coldly snorted, she withdrew to Mu Qing's side, her white palms trembled slightly, and it was obvious that she had resisted the a sword light just now and had withstood a relatively large force.

"You must know that Xuanming Temple only recruits twenty people. They let me wait in this mirror image of the Buddha city. They want us to fight each other, and to eliminate others is to increase myself to pass the assessment. The odds!"

The Sword Spirit powerhouse shouted, and he tried to persuade the Third Young Lady.

Because he knows that although Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady are both the cultivation base of the late god emperor, even if they can burst out the power of the god emperor Peak, they are not his opponents.

As long as the Third Young Lady does not interfere, he can easily defeat Mu Qing, minus a competitor.

But if Mei Third Young Lady wants to intervene, it will be troublesome. Even if he can defeat the two, it will take a lot of time and energy. When the time comes, once he is sneak attacked by others, It's a big loss.

"Sorry, I won't retreat."

The third Young Lady's voice is like a silver bell, which makes people feel comfortable, relaxed and joyful.

The Sword Spirit powerhouse frowned, and he shouted: "Would you not like this brat? But this guy is just a Draconian Race, abandoned by the giant dragon clan, no future, it’s better to follow me Let’s go, our Sword Spirit race is about to be promoted to the Peak race!"

"Sorry, I have made a choice. If you attack this Longqing Little Brother, I won’t sit back and watch. Reasonable."

Mei Third Young Lady smiled faintly, her long black hair, like a waterfall, pierced her waist, and her body exuded a light fragrance.

As a patriarch of the fox girl tribe, Mei Third Young Lady is simply beautiful.

She is also coveted by countless people in Taining.

The powerhouse of the Sword Spirit family has an ugly face, and his heart is very angry. He didn't expect that one day he would be deflated in front of two late gods.

When he was meditating for a while, gloomy face finally left.

Sword Spirit powerhouse He knows that this charming Third Young Lady is determined to help this Longqing. His strong action will only waste his power in vain.

"hmph! In that case, just wait! Even if I don't make a move, the late stage of your two gods and emperors will be impossible to live in this wind and rain desired Buddha city!"

He was coldly snorted, turned and left.

He is more or less aware of what the Third Young Lady thinks.

In the Taining realm, Mei Third Young Lady led the fox female clan. She has always been very strong, never committed to some powerhouses, and eventually developed the fox female clan into a higher race.

Therefore, Mei Third Young Lady is unlikely to be attracted to Mu Qing.

It's just that Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady are both the cultivation base of the late Shenhuang stage. They are of the same level and have the opportunity to cooperate on an equal footing.

If the Third Young Lady finds a certain God Emperor Peak, that God Emperor Peak will naturally take the initiative, or make some excessive demands.

"many thanks."

After the Sword Spirit powerhouse left, Mu Qing was sighed in relief. At this moment, he finally suppressed the negative energy in his body.

If the Third Young Lady didn't show up, he wouldn't be afraid of the powerhouse of the Sword Spirit clan. If he tried his best, he might be able to kill the opponent.

But then, the negative energy in your bloodline may leak out. Once discovered by a Buddhist expert, it will be over.

"You are welcome, no effort at all that's all, I will help you, but also because currently in the mirror image Buddha city, only you and me are the cultivation base of the late god emperor."

Mei Third Young Lady has a smile on her face, but she can see that she deliberately keeps a distance and is vigilant towards anyone.

She directly frankly told Mu Qing that the reason she would make a move was because she wanted to join forces with Mu Qing.

"Xuanming Temple has expanded the recruitment of dísciple, in fact, the quota is within 20, but now in this mirror image Buddha city, there are fifty-sixty powerhouses of the god emperor Peak, which will inevitably fight !"

"As for the post-cultivation base of the god emperor, only the two of us, together, can it be possible to keep the quota among so many god emperor Peak powerhouses and not be eliminated!"

Mei Third Young Lady raised her hand, the seven snow-white tails behind her exuded crystal rays of light, and a green light emerged, condense a green ball of light in her delicate palm.

"My clan has a secret technique for healing. In this Xuantian Secret Realm, once severely injured, he will be rejected. I have a secret technique for healing, which can restore severe injuries at a critical moment!"

Mei Third Young Lady is very confident. She is solemnly vowed, even if she is severely injured, she can be cured immediately without being rejected by the rules of the Secret Realm.

He knows the secrets of Xuantian Secret Realm, or knows something about Xuanming Temple.

This Xuantian Secret Realm was created by the expert of Buddhism, and its main purpose is to cultivate some dísciples in Xuanming Temple.

This expansion of dísciple is actually a test of Xuanming Temple for Xuantian Secret Realm.

In Xuantian Secret Realm, the Buddhist expert used Supreme's Buddha power to condense a mirror image of the setting sun and the Buddha city.

And in Xuantian Secret Realm, there are also certain dangers and opportunities, which are designed by the tempering dísciple.

The same is true. Once you are seriously injured, no matter who, you will be excluded from the Xuantian Secret Realm, which is regarded as the protection of changing directions.

The dísciple of the expansion of Xuanming Temple, the restricted cultivation base is around Shenhuang Peak, so you can see the idea of ​​Xuanming Temple.

They want to create a great emperor!

The emperor, no matter which power it is placed in, is considered extremely powerful existence. Any race, even if it is as weak as a low-level race, as long as there is an emperor in it, regardless of the background, it will be regarded as being A Peak race.

Xuanming Temple is the headquarters of Buddhism. There are already many emperors among them, but they still want to create a great emperor.

This Xuantian Secret Realm, it can be said that Xuanming Temple was built to create the emperor!

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