"so that's how it is, Xuanming Temple from the very beginning, put the threshold of the expansion dísciple above the peak of the emperor, but they didn’t say it clearly. This is clearly a pit A big wave of registration fees!"

Mu Qing understood from the bottom of his heart, Xuanming Temple deliberately did not reveal the criteria for recruiting dísciple, just to pit a wave of Divine Stone.

With so many registered creatures, each creature has handed in 10,000 high-level Divine Stones. The total number is huge.

Everyone also realizes that they have been cheated, gnashing teeth one by one.

But they dare not say anything, after all, Xuanming Temple had also let out the wind before, saying that there were three difficult assessments.

Furthermore, Buddhism has the final say in the Taining realm. They still want to live in the Taining realm, so they can't offend Xuanming Temple!

"In that case, I will try it too!"

Another powerhouse of the Emperor Peak came out. This is a big bird with bronze feathers like one Hilt like a sword.

He directly moved towards the daoist sect of Xuantian Secret Realm and flew away. After touching the Formation, he was not injured. The power of God Emperor Peak erupted, and he rushed in. Inside Xuantian Secret Realm.

Immediately afterwards, the powerhouses of God Emperor Peak stood up. Now that they know the limits of Formation, there is nothing to worry about. As long as the power of God Emperor Peak erupts, with no difficulty. You can enter Xuantian Secret Realm.

A strong fragrance spread from nowhere, and in a daze, a graceful silhouette appeared in front of the portal of Xuantian Secret Realm.

It was a woman with seven white tails. She was wearing a black dress. She had a thin waist with a willow and a fair body. Her face was charming and charming. Her straight and slender thighs were light skiing white, just like suet jade-like. .

"The patriarch of the fox girl family?! She is here too, didn't expect to be promoted to the Peak race, she is willing to join Xuanming Temple and take refuge in Buddhism!"

People exclaimed.

Now everyone knows that only God Emperor Peak can enter Xuantian Secret Realm, so most people give up.

However, they did not leave, but stayed to watch the excitement.

Mu Qing mixed in the crowd and learned that the man was the patriarch of the fox girl clan.

The clansman of the fox girl are naturally charming, which will naturally arouse the greed of many people. However, under the leadership of the fox girl patriarch, the fox girl clan has become stronger and stronger. None of them succumbed to others and became servants and maids.

Nowadays, the fox girl tribe is a relatively powerful higher race.

"Didn't expect the patriarch of the fox female clan to come here in person, do they want to take refuge in Buddhism?"

Some people are curious.

Someone next to me immediately responded: "I heard that Buddhism people are cultivation of Dharma, pure heart and low desire, not close to female sex, I think it is precisely because of this that the fox girl will be willing to take refuge in Buddhism!"

The people around are hearing this, involuntarily nodded, and think that what this person says makes sense.

The fox girls have never acknowledged allegiance to other strong races, because once they have acknowledged allegiance, they will be treated as items, and they will be constantly tortured and played.

However, Buddhism has always had a good reputation in Taining circles, so the fox girls are also relieved to take refuge.

"It's just that the fox girl patriarch seems to be in the late stage of the gods, right?"

Everyone talked about so much, but suddenly remembered that the fox girl patriarch's cultivation base is just In the later stage of the Emperor God, it seemed that he could not meet the requirements of Formation and could not enter the Secret Realm of Xuantian.


The fox girl patriarch pretty face is solemn, the seven tails behind her sway, one after another strength is concentrated on her snowy palm.

She slapped a palm sharply, and the violent purple power surged out.

What many people did not expect was that the palm of the fox girl patriarch opened the Formation, her body flashed, and rushed in.


Most people didn't expect this result. The cultivation base of the patriarch of Mingming fox girl is only in the late Shenhuang stage.

"Formation is not the only person who can pass by the Emperor Peak Realm. We set up Formation to screen out the creatures who can burst out the power of the Emperor Peak!"

A Buddhist Vajra The expert spoke, telling the mystery.

There are many Buddhist powerhouses around the portal of Xuantian Secret Realm, mainly to maintain order and avoid cheating.

If you want to enter the Secret Realm, you can only rely on your own strength to explode the power of the Emperor Peak.

After the fox girl patriarch, many people came forward. The powerhouse of the god emperor Peak Realm is naturally able to easily enter the Secret Realm through Formation.

Next, hundreds of God Sovereign Realm creatures tried to pass Formation.

However, the cultivation base of these creatures did not reach the peak of the god emperor, and they showed their best efforts, and they did not reach the threshold of the god emperor Peak. All of them were shaken by the formation.

"It seems that I can't hide the cultivation base, otherwise, the power of the Emperor Peak will erupt from the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Emperor, which is too eye-catching."

Mu Qing When he stepped forward, he no longer suppressed his own cultivation base, directly exposing the realm of the late god emperor.

He originally wanted to keep a low profile and enter Xuanming Temple in the middle stage of the emperor, or even a lower realm.

But now it seems that it is no longer possible, because the goal of Xuanming Temple to recruit dísciple is the Emperor Peak or the creature that can burst out the power of the Emperor Peak.

"It's another late-stage god emperor, hey! Come back! It's nothing!"

Everyone shouted when they saw Mu Qing approaching.

They found that Mu Qing's face is unfamiliar, and although Draconian Race is a descendant of the giant dragon clan, Draconian Race is not too powerful in the higher races.

Even the Draconian Race can't even compare to the Fox Girl Race.

And the patriarch of the fox girl clan is also a Heaven's Chosen, although it is the late god emperor, but can burst out the power of the god emperor Peak.

But very few can do this step, too many creatures of the late god emperor came forward to try.

Many of the creatures are geniuses in their respective races. They think they can compete with the Emperor Peak, and feel that they are comparable to the Emperor Peak.

But the power they burst out is not so close to that of God Emperor Peak.

Mu Qing is wearing a black robe, with golden dragon scales on his body, surrounded by Dragon Qi, this is how he looks after taking the Variety Capsule.

Many people think he is unfamiliar, and they have never heard of when a genius appeared in Draconian Race, so they disagree and don't think he can get past this Formation.

"Although the Demon Race bloodline has been transferred away by me through the magic power of stealing the sky, even if it is the bloodline of the Draconian Race, it should be easy to burst out the Emperor Peak, right?"

Mu Qing whispered, he walked to the portal of Xuantian Secret Realm.

Suddenly, a pressure came, and when he touched the door, a burst of invisible power enveloped him.

"Azure Dragon body!"

Dragon's roar came out from the pores on his body, his scales turned into azure, and Azure Dragon hovered.

Mu Qing's breath soared wildly, and soon reached the God Emperor Peak level.

"Long Zheng ten thousand li!"

He roared, and smashed Formation's blocking power with a punch, and countless golden dragon phantoms scattered around, suppressing all directions.

Mu Qing strode out, and under the shocked eyes of countless people, walked into the Xuantian Secret Realm!

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