"Mu Qing donor, I haven't seen you in a few months, didn't expect your improvement so fast, you will almost break through the Emperor Peak!"

black Cloth smiled and controlled Mu Qing, wanting to imprison him, grabbing him to the Buddhist altar for purification.

Mu Qing's eyes were fierce. One after another violent power burst into his body, the bloodline was boiling at this moment, and countless negative energy burst out.

"Good evil! Good terrifying power! How could there be such a wicked person?"

Other people in the temple felt this aura, and their faces produced transformation.

"Not good! Run away!"

Suddenly someone changed color and turned and moved towards the temple to escape.

Because the negative energy in Mu Qing even ignored the black cloth's confinement, moved towards all directions spread.

A creature in the middle stage of the emperor has shaved his head and has just joined Buddhism not long ago.

He was very close to Mu Qing, and was directly touched by a decadent force.

The person hadn’t reacted yet. His arms began to fester and turned into dust. While he screamed, the decayed power on his body spread, and finally the whole person turned into gray dust, scattered on on the ground.

This terrifying and terrifying power shocked everyone.

"He is even more terrifying than before!"

The emperor of blood knife pupil shrink, whispered in a low voice.


Someone screamed again, this time a creature of the late god emperor came to this temple, wanting to listen to the preaching of the blood knife, looking for opportunities breakthrough to Peak.

But now, he is grieved, and his whole body is in pain, especially deep in his mind, as if there are countless resentful ghosts gnawing.

After a while, his eyes were bloodshot and red, and blood was flowing out of his pores, and the god Soul Destruction died.


The two Buddhist experts guarding this temple are both powerhouses of the god Emperor Peak. They shot directly when they saw it, and wanted to resist Mu Qing.

The two of them are also confident enough. After all, they have been in Buddhism for a long time, and they are good at all kinds of Dharma. They are most suitable for dealing with the energy in Mu Qing.

Unfortunately, they overestimated their own strength, in other words, they underestimated the negative energy in Mu Qing bloodline.

You must know that each of these negative energies in his bloodline is formed by absorbing a large amount of negative energy in a special place.

"What's going on..."

A Buddhist expert was shrouded in a miasma, and the Buddha power on his body was covered, and the miasma was like an evil ghost, gnawing him.

Another Buddhist expert was eroded by Corpse Qi.

Corpse Qi's terrifying degree even the powerhouse of Celestial Court is jealous, one after another Corpse Qi forcibly penetrates into his body, all the flesh and blood are taken away, only a piece of skin is left.


Mu Qing was imprisoned, and his bloodline broke out completely at this moment, and all the negative energy condensed into scarlet arrogance.

That blood-like power covered Mu Qing's body, climbing up to his face, the blood-colored hideous mask, more terrifying than before, with a pair of black horns on top of the mask, the same is Condensed by mixed negative energy.

At the same time, a bright red armor appeared on his body. There was a hideous head on the armor that looked exactly like a mask, as if it were alive, opening his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. Everything is swallowed.

"Appeared! It's this palpitating power!"

The blood knife emperor was shocked. He was too familiar with this power. When he was in Titan Race, Mu Qing was on him. The emergence of this force made the big Imperial Capital lose its sanity.


The black cloth yelled, hurriedly shot, pinched the Buddha seal with both hands, chanted the mantra, releasing the Heavenspan Dharma, and the golden lotus condensed and branded. Around Mu Qing.

Next moment, he was completely moved. The six golden lotus flowers that he came to condense were directly swallowed by the hideous head on Mu Qing's body, and they all gnawed to pieces.

"This impossible!"

black cloth turn pale with fright, you must know that he is the emperor of the lower tenth Peak, the Condense Grade 6 Buddha lotus curse, let alone the emperor, Even the general imperial capital will be suppressed.

But for Mu Qing, his Grade 6 Buddha Lotus was broken in an instant.

He now believes a little bit in the blood knife, maybe only the person possessed by the Supreme body can break his Grade 6 Buddha lotus curse directly at God Sovereign Realm.

"It's over, let's run! Otherwise, our sanity will be completely lost!"

The Emperor Blood Knife quickly discouraged.

Black cloth frowned, and said: "Is it so evil?"

He still doesn't believe in evil, and wants to condense the Grade 6 Buddha lotus curse again to suppress Mu Qing.


A blood light soars into the sky, moving towards the starry sky at a terrifying speed.

Although both Black Cloth and Blood Knife Great reacted, they were both somewhat dreaded and did not take action.

"I suddenly felt that what you said earlier made sense."

black cloth opened the mouth and said.

The blood light is Mu Qing. After breaking the Grade 6 Buddha lotus curse, he left directly.

"Weird, didn't that guy come for me?"

The Emperor Blood Knife was a little dazed.

He always thought that Mu Qing appeared in front of him many times to kill him.

But just now, Mu Qing clearly liberated all his strength, but didn't expect to leave now.

"The people around did not lose their minds, which is a bit strange."

The blood knife emperor frowned. When he was at Titan Race, the entire Titan Star Domain was alive. They were all affected by the blood-red light, and there was no reason.

"No matter what, Mu Qing must pay attention to it. Even my Grade 6 Buddha lotus mantra cannot be resisted. Too terrifying, maybe the Grade 9 Buddha lotus mantra is also the ten Grade 2 Buddha lotus mantra. It is possible to suppress him!"

black cloth took a deep breath.

He then took out a newsletter rune, with a heavy tone, and said: "A person named Mu Qing is listed as our Buddhist taboo. The other party is a heinous person and must be pulled into the Buddhist altar for purification. !"

I am afraid that Mu Qing would never have imagined that when he first came to Taining Realm, he was wanted by the Science and Technology Alliance, and then the joint director helped him to remove it, but now he is again wanted by Buddhism.

Now Buddhism rules the entire Taining realm, so as soon as the news of the black cloth came back to the Buddhist headquarters, all the stars in the Taining realm began to search for Mu Qing's whereabouts.

At this moment, the giant dragon's cemetery.

A blood light landed, Mu Qing entrained a strong negative energy and demonic energy. His current breath was terrifying and almost surpassed the God Emperor Peak.

But soon, his breath receded, and cracks appeared in the blood-red armor and hideous masks, and they shattered one after another.

Mu Qing let out a long breath, his face is weird.

At the moment when the black cloth imprisoned him, he had lost his mind, and the bloodline suddenly exploded due to the stimulation of powerful external forces.

But soon, Mu Qing regained his sanity. He found that the Grade 6 Buddha lotus curse cast by black cloth seemed to restrain his bloodline by nature.

Although the Grade 6 Buddha Lotus Curse cannot weaken his power, it can suppress the violent bloodline and restore his sanity immediately. This effect is much higher than the divine ability of the cold bones.

"If I had this Buddhist mantra of Buddhism..."

Mu Qing's eyes turned, and he had some thoughts.

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