"The people of the Science and Technology Alliance are there! Hurry up and inform Buddhism!"

A certain star in the Taining Realm, a group of creatures are chasing the people of the Science and Technology Alliance.

The powerhouses of the science and technology alliance wear mecha and fly very fast, but their faces are full of aggrieved expressions.

When did they receive such treatment?

You should know that they are from the joint bureau branches of various stars, and they are all elites in the science and technology alliance.

But not long ago, a powerhouse rushed into the joint bureau branch and smashed it. Numerous Buddhist powerhouses suddenly appeared, hunting down the science and technology alliance.

The actions of Buddhism are so sudden that no one can think of it.

People in the Science and Technology Alliance could not imagine that the power of Buddhism would be greater than they thought.

In the past, Buddhism in Taining was a stray dog. Once it appeared, it would be hunted down by powerhouses of many science and technology alliances.

However, everyone in Buddhism has surfaced now, and a great emperor has stunned all the creatures in Taining Realm.

Especially the influence of Buddhism, it is too broad!

Buddhism has been developing in secret, but its development speed can be called against the sky, because Buddhism has never done anything to bully or even save the world and the people. As long as the creatures join, they will get a lot of Cultivation resources and profound bloodline method.

Can get so many benefits, and without the slightest bullying, everyone will choose to join.

Because the Science and Technology Alliance deliberately spread the negative news about Buddhism, Buddhism has been lurking.

But now, the sudden rise of Buddhism has caught the Science and Technology Alliance off guard.

Most of the experts of the science and technology alliance have fallen to the giant dragon cemetery, strength great injury, the joint director finally returned, planning to reorganize the science and technology alliance and become the Alliance Leader.

For this, the green spirit tribe naturally fully supports it, because the patriarch of the green spirit tribe also died in the giant dragon graveyard, and now the most powerhouse is the joint chief.

Unfortunately, the joint director dared to be the Alliance Leader within a few days, and the technology alliance completely collapsed.

In the Science and Technology Alliance, more than half of the people joined Buddhism, and at the same time, a Buddhist emperor powerhouse came out.

The joint director is not an opponent at all, and he does not know his life.

Today, the Taining realm is already the world of Buddhism, and changes have taken place almost overnight. Buddhism seems to have long known that the senior leaders of the Science and Technology Alliance will fall in the giant dragon cemetery, and sufficient plans have been prepared.

In the past, everyone in the Taining realm was a Buddhist yelling and beating, but now the positions of the two sides are reversed, and it is the turn of all the creatures of the Science and Technology Alliance to yell and beat.

The entire Taining realm seems to be enveloped by a layer of golden light. On every star, there is prosperity and prosperity. There is a Buddhist powerhouse to open the altar to preach. At the same time, there are temples established to enshrine the Great Emperor level. Buddhist powerhouse.

Everyone will not think that the Taining Realm will change so much. This is also the first power to completely rule an entire realm within the ten realms of the universe.


"hong long!"

Dark clouds are overwhelming, and the thunder is coming.

In the wild grievance zone of the giant dragon cemetery, there is a large area of ​​thunderclouds, and densely packed lightning strikes down.

Of course, this place can no longer be regarded as a wild grievance belt, because there is no grievance here.

Under the thundercloud, a man wearing a black robe sat cross-legged, black hair draping over the shoulders.

"Didn't expect breakthrough so fast!"

Mu Qing was also surprised at the bottom of his heart. All the grievances of this mad grievance had been absorbed by him, through the energy of the bloodline Feedback made him successfully reach the late Shenhuang stage.

One after another Thunder Tribulation fell down, but he didn’t panic at all. The Ten Thousand Demon World opened, and a Thunder Demon God roared inside, showing a mighty power almost comparable to pluck the stars and seize the moon. Yes, tear open Thunder Tribulation in an imposing manner.

The aura on his body is more powerful and terrifying.

Mu Qing came to the outermost periphery of the giant dragon cemetery.

At this moment, a trace of hesitation appeared in his eyes.

The giant dragon graveyard is surrounded by endless miasma, which is the last of the three terrifying negative energies in the giant dragon graveyard. The other two are absorbed cleanly by him.

If such a huge amount of energy is swallowed, the energy that is fed back to him through the bloodline may be able to break through to the same as the Emperor Peak in one fell swoop.

It is enough to be able to achieve such an improvement in such a short period of time.

In order to destroy Titan Race and catch the murderer who stole his parents Divine Soul from behind, Mu Qing has been unscrupulously improving his strength.

But now he has some hesitation.

In order to increase cultivation base, he let go of his suppression of bloodline.

When he absorbed Corpse Qi and grievances, he lost his mind nearly fifty times!

Sometimes, even he thinks that his sanity is going to collapse completely and become a puppet.

The more he improves his bloodline, the more he feels that he can't control it. Even with the divine ability, it is difficult to suppress the negative energy of the bloodline.

"If you can control the violent time at any time, and have reason when violent, I am afraid that even the emperor will be enough to fight!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath At the bottom of his heart, he really wants to control his bloodline.

Once violent, the increase in strength is like riding a rocket. As long as you find a way to stay sensible when violent, this will become one of his cards!

"It's not as good as the tiger's den! If I want to control this bloodline, I only have to delve into it!"

Mu Qing clenched the teeth, he let go of the suppression of the bloodline, all around The miasma came madly.

His eyes suddenly burst out with terrifying beams, and the depths of his eyes seemed to contain countless negative forces, condensing into a storm.

This is his opportunity to break through to the Emperor Peak. It is an opportunity. In just a few months, from Early-Stage to this realm, it is simply unimaginable.

Now in Mu Qing's ten thousand demon world, the fifth Demon God has also been successfully bred, and this fifth Demon God also contains a ten thousand demonic path.

In the Ten Thousand Demon world, the sixth demon fetus has been condensed, and there is also a demonic path rule on it.

It can be said that Mu Qing's path to ascend to the emperor has been extremely smooth, and the vital demonic path has already been condense.

A few months later, all the negative energy in the giant dragon cemetery was almost exhausted.

The time it took to absorb the miasma far exceeded Mu Qing's imagination, but to his surprise, he did not have a breakthrough this time.

However, there is only one step away from God Emperor Peak.

In the Ten Thousand Demon world, the sixth Demon God has been condensed and completed.

According to his guess, even if he has mastered the tenth demonic path rule, if he wants to reach the emperor, at least he needs the tenth demon god of condense.

And this requires huge energy and resources. He absorbed all the negative energy of the giant dragon graveyard, but he failed to reach that point.

"It's time to return to the Black Tortoise Star Domain." The black light on Mu Qing's right eye trembled, and a black hole swept him away.

This trip to the giant dragon cemetery has greatly improved him, and he has reached the late God Emperor from Heavenly God Peak all at once.

In a short period of time, obviously unable to increase cultivation base, he decided to return to Black Tortoise Star Domain.

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