Among this group of powerhouses in the Ancient Immortal world, only the powerhouses of the individual God Emperor Peak are okay. Divine Soul is still there, and there is still a glimmer of hope to be saved.

But among these dozen people, Mu Qing is a Heavenly God Peak, but still retains Divine Soul.

"Then the question is here, how should we rescue them?" Zhenjun Ning Feng frowned.

Clearly knowing that these dozen people are saved, but they don't know how to save them.

The dream of the Moon God is a very peculiar force, even Zhenjun Ning Feng and heavenly punishment do not know how to resolve it.

"We can only look at their good fortune." The astrological emperor sighed.

As for the stone, he has been looking at Mu Qing.

"You said, we rely on this kid's blood, can we also create a large group of Demon Race bloodline?"

It has an amazing mouth and reached Mu Qing's idea. Body.

Stone thought, since Celestial Court can rely on Mu Qing's clone to perfectly create the bloodline of Demon Race, then they have the Mu Qing body, wouldn't they be more able to do it?

"You think too much. Celestial Court created the evil race many years ago. They have very rich experience in this. Obtaining a clone of Mu Qing is just an opportunity. Even if it doesn’t, take time. , They will also create the bloodline of Demon Race."

Ning Fengzheng shook his head. They don't have a Demon Race existence. As for the technology alliance, the direction of specialization is different.

Furthermore, even if the Technology Alliance has this method, it is impossible to create the bloodline of Demon Race in a short time. You must know that it took Celestial Court how many years to get the breakthrough.

"In fact, if the people of the Science and Technology Alliance are still alive, with their abilities, we may also be able to create a bloodline of Demon Race to compete with Celestial Court."

Ning Feng Zhenjun's gaze was swept away, and there was a large corpse in the distance, all of which were the powerhouse of the Science and Technology Alliance.

Even if the Moon God is a corpse, its power is reduced a lot, but the Moon God dream released by the God Emperor Peak can hardly resist it.

The powerhouse of the Science and Technology Alliance, relying on the power of the mecha armor, allows itself to exert extraordinary power, and some can reach the Great Emperor level, but the Moon God Dreamland just restrains them.

Ordinary devices that can defend against Spirit Attack and Divine Soul attacks have no effect on the Supreme level Divine Ability of Lunar Dreamland.

As a result, the Science and Technology Alliance was almost completely wiped out, and Divine Soul disappeared.

The only one who survived was the joint director.

Don't look at him with short green skin, but he is extraordinary. He is the only person in the entire science and technology alliance who has transformed his body and reached the Great Emperor level.

This allowed him to keep his name, and Divine Soul was not immediately erased.

But the joint director is still in a dream, and it is still unknown whether he can wake up.


At this moment, Mu Qing feels like he has come to another world.

He looked at the scene in front of him, and he couldn't help being shocked. Isn't this the Taiyue Palace?

Familiar picture, but now there is a broken moon hanging above my head.

"I should have been caught in the Moon God Dream? Why am I still so clear?"

Mu Qing frowned, feeling very confused.

Theoretically, after being hit by the Moon God Dream, you will always sink into a dream until Divine Soul is wiped out a little bit.

But he can be quite sure that his Divine Soul has not died yet, and he is sober.

"Finally I saw you again..."

A whisper came.

Mu Qing's pupils suddenly contracted, and he suddenly looked towards the top of his head.

It was a shattered waning moon, full of desolate and sad breath, exuding a faint moonlight.

That voice just came from the waning moon.

"Moon God?!"

Mu Qing was shocked, he realized who the voice came from.

"It's me... to be precise, I am just a consciousness of the ontology, which has always existed in the dream territory, and being able to meet with you means that my ontology is completely destroyed."

The voice of the Moon God's consciousness came slowly, and if he was weak, it was obvious that he was very weak.

"Your body was resurrected by Celestial Court." Mu Qing said solemnly.

"I almost guessed it, Celestial Court wanted to get my foresight, but if I was decisively killed, it must have a back hand." The Moon God consciousness sighed.

After that, he said with a heavy tone, "This is what I left behind. When I saw you, I knew that there is a trace of fairy bloodline in your bloodline, which is similar to Ancient Immortal. Yuanyuan, that’s why I instructed Yueya to pass on your Moon God Dream."

The Moon God consciousness told Mu Qing that this was his last hole card.

At the beginning, Yueya taught Mu Qing the divine ability of the Moon God Dreamland, which included a seed of divine ability.

In fact, that seed of divine ability is a back hand that the Moon God personally gathered strength and left behind.

Mu Qing refining the seeds of divine ability and thoroughly mastered the Moon God dream state, and it was exactly the same. When he was dragged into the dream state, he entered a special dream state.

This dream is the back hand left by the Moon God, because Mu Qing has also cultivated the Moon God Dream, so he can see the remaining consciousness of the Moon God here.

"The reason why my ontology can be resurrected is that Celestial Court forcibly stuffed a consciousness in. I don't know what methods they used, but that consciousness has not completely mastered the power of the ontology, and it is very Fragile."

"I will enhance the power of the divine ability of your Moon God Dream. When you encounter the main body again, you can use the Moon God Dream to destroy that consciousness!"

The voice of the Moon God consciousness is getting weaker and weaker, like a candle in the wind.

Mu Qing was shocked. He didn't expect Lunar God to plan to go so far. Even if he died, he still had some back-ups.

Perhaps, the Moon God has already passed the Heaven Defying Divine Ability, which can predict the future through the moon mirror, clearly understood everything, knowing that he will be resurrected by the Celestial Court after death, so he left this queen. hand.

"There is no... time..."

The voice of the Moon God consciousness intermittently.

In an instant, the broken waning moon was completely shattered, and the soft moonlight over the sky washed over Mu Qing's body like rainstorms over the sky.

one after another The vigorous force spreads through Mu Qing's body at a speed visible to naked eye.

"A dozen people, did you wake up four in the end?"

Outside, Zhenjun Ning Feng and the others looked a little ugly.

A dozen people who had hoped to wake up, now only four people wake up.

Others, Divine Soul began to slowly dissipate until it disappeared completely.

"This kid's Divine Soul hasn't completely disappeared yet, and it hasn't even disappeared at all!"

A green-skinned dwarf exclaimed, it was the Joint Chief.

He can be said to be the only surviving person in the Science and Technology Alliance, and he is also the one among more than a dozen people who has successfully awakened from his dream.

For the Moon God dream, he instinctively felt scared because it was too terrifying.

However, the joint director discovered that Mu Qing's Divine Soul has always been stable, and there is no tendency to collapse at all.


Zhenjun Ning Feng rushed forward, followed by stones and heavenly punishment.

The faces of their three people were shocked, and they found that Mu Qing was lying on the ground, breathing smoothly, but the cultivation realm was soaring at a terrifying speed.


A powerful breath soared into the sky, and then the dark clouds filled the sky, and the thunder emerged.

Mu Qing, who is in the dream of the Moon God, has reached the breakthrough point, about to be Transcending Tribulation? !

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