"In the Science and Technology Alliance, there are two races that secretly trade with our Ancient Immortal world. When the time comes, the Science and Technology Alliance will have about half of the battle strength to rebel at a critical moment!" Quietly tell Mu Qing that this is a secret in the Ancient Immortal world.

Mu Qing is very surprised, the name of Ancient Immortal world can be heard from the outside world, but didn't expect Ancient Immortal world to use so many methods secretly.

The Technology Alliance is composed of four Peak technology races. I am afraid no one knows. There are two races that will be related to the Ancient Immortal world.

"The director of the joint came to me on purpose. It should not be one of these two races. It seems that the entire science and technology alliance is very disgusted with Celestial Court. Perhaps when the time comes, the number of rebellions may be even higher. It's definitely more than half!" Mu Qing guessed in his mind, he thought Celestial Court was going to be flat this time.

Celestial Court has become accustomed to domineering and came to Taining, naturally thinking that the science and technology alliance should serve them, but didn't expect the science and technology alliance to have the capital to resist.

"Celestial Court came to an extreme emperor this time, can you cope with it?" Mu Qing looked towards Shishi, which is what he worries the most. Gufeng the Great until now is invincible Strength.

The stone squinted at Mu Qing and said with contempt: "Don't you know? Heavenly punishment was Supreme at the beginning, even if it became a ghost like a skeleton, but it was enough to resist the great emperor. "

The strength of heavenly punishment is terrifying. After all, as an old Supreme, even if its strength is now weakened, it can easily deal with the extreme emperor.

The stone brought Mu Qing to the depths of the cave. In front of the two of them, there was a portal. Immortal Qi lingered, misty, and it was the Immortal Sect!

Mu Qing was very excited. He finally saw this portal. In order to enter the Ancient Immortal world, he did not know how much work he had spent.

He and Stone stepped into the Immortal Sect, the space shifted, and the vast sea of ​​clouds came into view.

Mu Qing looked towards In the distance, I saw islands floating above the sea of ​​clouds.

On the sea of ​​clouds, you can see Immortal Crane spreading its wings, Golden Dragon dormant, Qilin crying and Rui beast roaring.

Here, there is indeed a smell of fairy. The energy between Heaven and Earth is also pure Immortal Qi. It does not even need to deliberately refining, and it can be absorbed directly to replenish the Immortal Qi in the body.

Although Mu Qing possesses demonic energy, it is the fusion of Immortal Qi and divine force after all. Immortal Qi can also supplement his demonic energy.

"This place brings a kind of tranquility." Mu Qing said, if he can, he even wants to cultivation here all the time.

"Everything has two sides. The beauty you see may hide the evil behind it." Stone said some strange words at this time.

Mu Qing is a little confused and doesn't understand what the stone means.

The stone's gaze looked towards under the sea of ​​clouds, said solemnly: "The Ancient Immortal realm, in fact, was not created by our Ancient Immortal. When we came here, it was already a realm of its own. The environment is excellent, comparable to Heavenly Paradise, and the clouds are extremely dangerous and can be called an abyssal black hole!"

"Under the sea of ​​clouds." Mu Qing opened his mouth and followed the stone's gaze, but All you can see is the vast sea of ​​clouds.

"What is the danger under this sea of ​​clouds?"

"It is very dangerous. It is rumored that there is a monster in the second universe under the sea of ​​clouds. Don't touch and understand it easily."

Stone didn't seem to want to answer too much. It took Mu Qing to a nearby island.

It told Mu Qing that the skeleton, which is heavenly punishment, is on that island at the moment.

Mu Qing is still in doubt, thinking about the meaning of the second universe that the stone just said.

"Old Guy, see who I brought here?" The stone rushed to the island and shouted.


A bone skeleton came over. He was different from before. There was one after another flashing the mark of thunder on his body, and he was wearing a golden daoist. Robe, it looks very unusual.

"He asked how you came." Stone translated the words of heavenly punishment.

Since the heavenly punishment was dissolving the flesh and blood by the power of the dead branches, he couldn't even speak, even if he tried to communicate with the immortal consciousness, spirit strength, and Divine Soul, only the stone could understand him. the meaning of.

"Heavenly punishment senior, I want to ask the horoscope for one thing!"

Mu Qing told the story of his parents Divine Soul being taken away, and looked towards nervously at the same time other side.

After all, I am just a Heavenly God Peak. Although I can be regarded as an Immortal Clan of the Ancient Immortal realm, I want the astrological emperor to make predictions and divinations for him. The probability is not big.

From the Ancient Immortal realm, arranging everything and preparing to pit Celestial Court this time, it can be seen that the astrological emperor can really predict the future and know the actions of Celestial Court.

For such a powerful character, it may be difficult for him, Heavenly God Peak, to meet each other.

"haha! heavenly punishment! I'm here to find you for a drink!"

At this time, a cloud in the distance came with a fat belly carrying a big belly, and the other party was naked Feet, ears and face are red, while belching, while holding a bottle gourd into his mouth.

"Hiccup! I remember now, you seem to have no way to drink now...hehe...it's a pity, it's really a pity."

fatty came to the side of heavenly punishment and beat After a few alcoholic hiccups, the whole person was drunk, fiercely patted that bone shoulder.


Heavenly punishment is an unusual name. Before he achieved Supreme, he had been cultivating Lei Fa. Now he has reached the pinnacle of Lei Fa. When I met him, thunder and lightning appeared one after another.

Big Fatty called out pitifully, his palms were scorched black by lightning, and white smoke appeared as if they were cooked.

He woke up from alcohol and took a breath into his palm. The brilliance flickered, the jasper ripples appeared, and the charred palm returned to its original shape.

"Your temper is still as big as before." Fatty grinned, and when he mentioned the bottle gourd, he poured it into his mouth.

The bottle gourd seems to contain endless drinks, almost turned into a long river, rushing into his mouth.

And his stomach also seems to be a black hole. After drinking so many drinks, there is no ups and downs.

"Gaba." Heavenly punishment, a bone skeleton, opened and closed his mouth, as if to say something.

Fatty is very disgusted, and said: "When will you get rid of this look? It's exhausting to talk, I don't know what you are talking about."

"He said , The person you are looking for has arrived?” Shishi translated the words of heavenly punishment at this time.

"The person I'm looking for?" Fatty pointed to herself.

Stone said: "This is what I said to Little Brat beside me."

Mu Qing was taken aback, and then reacted suddenly, looking towards the red ear face in front of me The fatty.

Is this the astrological emperor?

"Hehe, how do I feel that heavenly punishment was meant to me?" Fatty grinned, and then took out a crystal ball.

On top of this crystal ball, there was a picture. It is the island where they are now. There are Mu Qing, stones, bones and skeletons, heavenly punishment and fatty on it!

"You really are the astrological emperor!?" Mu Qing cry out in surprise.

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