"The creatures here have hatred between each other?"

Mu Qing watched the two giant dragons fight and clashed fiercely in the peripheral zone. Every time there will be a terrifying aftermath.

"Wait! What is that?"

Mu Qing suddenly discovered that these two terrifying giant dragons are actually snatching something, a stone!

I saw the colorful brilliance of that stone blooming, rushing to and fro in midair.

It also speaks human's words, "Two Old Guys! Have the ability to kill me! Simply not hurt!"


The bone spurs on the miasma giant dragon erupted, pierced through the hole, knocked the stone flying, and made a crack.

Then, along with the angry roar, the bone spurs on the miasma giant dragon grew back.

The speed of the giant dragon of resentment is very fast. It has three pairs of dragon wings.


There was a sound of metal clashing. The stone was indeed hard, but it was still injured.

Mu Qing was surprised, and then was delighted. The stone was a colorful jade stone. At the beginning, the opponent followed the bone skeleton, but now it appears here, then the bone skeleton is really here!


In the extreme distance, another roar came out, and a huge black shadow rushed out of the sea of ​​corpses.

Mu Qing and the giant dragon’s attention was attracted, and they found that a huge Bone Dragon in the sea of ​​corpses had come ashore, lingering Corpse Qi all over, terrifying, but the dragon wing behind it was one less only.

"It's the Bone Dragon where Shihainei and Gufeng the Great! It's here too!" Mu Qing was shocked.

He quickly realized that these three giant dragons corresponded to the three negative energies in the giant dragon's grave: resentment, miasma, and Corpse Qi!

"Oh! Run away!"

At the first glance, another big guy appeared in the stone. The secretly thought was bad, turned into a colorful light, and quickly escaped.

Mu Qing pays attention to it all the time, and rushes towards it when he sees it.

The stone and the bone skeleton are one piece. As long as you follow it, you will be able to find the bone skeleton!

Unexpectedly, the three giant dragons did not follow, as if giving up the stone.

At the same time, boats landed on the sea of ​​corpses.

People from Celestial Court and Technology Alliance. At the moment, each of them has a very ugly expression on their faces.

The Great Emperor Gufeng chased into the sea of ​​corpses and tried to kill Bone Dragon, but he didn't succeed. He even angered Bone Dragon completely.

Bone Dragon has the advantage of being blessed by heaven in this sea of ​​corpses. It shakes the sea of ​​corpses, countless Corpse Qi waves surge, Celestial Court and the Technology Alliance have paid a heavy price.

Even Gufeng the Great, his face is no longer flat and frowns, their loss is too serious.

According to the plan, people from the Science and Technology Alliance should take the lead as cannon fodder. Their Celestial Court will not suffer much loss, when the time comes invades the Ancient Immortal world in one fell swoop.

But now, their Celestial Court's one hundred thousand god emperor Peak army has been half dead, and the clones of one hundred thousand ancient peaks are almost completely annihilated!

In other words, the Celestial Court now only has 50,000 God Emperor Peak. Even the great emperors who are Peak battle strength consumed a large amount of Immortal Qi while in the sea of ​​corpses. When I finally came to the Central Zone, I had to stop and swallow some Immortal Pill to restore Immortal Qi.

As for the science and technology alliance, it is even worse, millions of Heavenly God cannon fodder.

"That Mu Qing is still alive!"

The head of the joint was a little surprised. The map he gave to Mu Qing could also be used as a link. He found that Mu Qing was already in front of them , Entered the most central area.

He secretly thought that he did not misunderstand the wrong person. Although Mu Qing is Heavenly God Peak, in this giant dragon graveyard, the speed is faster than Celestial Court, and he arrives one step earlier.

The director of the joint plans in his heart that he must not offend him. He has been removed from the wanted for Mu Qing. If he can go back alive this time, their science and technology alliance will have to deal with Mu Qing.

For some secrets of Celestial Court, the joint director knows a little. It is rumored that Celestial Court itself is terrifying and powerful. Later, when divided into two, half of the immortals split out and became Ancient Immortal.

Ancient Immortal and Celestial Court are actually Immortal Clan. When the co-director saw Mu Qing earlier, he had a lot of speculation in his mind, because Mu Qing and the Celestial Court powerhouse look very similar, they seem to be One race, but Mu Qing is also targeting Celestial Court, he naturally thinks Mu Qing belongs to Ancient Immortal.

"Ancient Immortal is very mysterious, but after all it was separated from the original Celestial Court. Its strength It shouldn't be weaker than Celestial Court." The co-director secretly said in one's heart, and their science and technology alliance is very important to Celestial. Court was full of resentment, thinking that if he could take refuge in Ancient Immortal, it would be a good choice.

"We have lost a lot, do we want to continue?" the evil race patriarch worriedly said.

The Great Emperor Zifeng glanced at him and said: "We are all here, how can we return here?"

The Great Emperor nodded, giant dragon, has come to this step. It's too late to look back.

"We are just a pioneer force. This war will be ignited by us. Even if I am the only one left, we must rush into the Ancient Immortal world!" The Great Emperor Gufeng opened the mouth and said.

The Celestial Court and the people of the Technology Alliance took a break, and then they continued to move towards the depths.

This is already regarded as the most Central Zone, which means that they will meet their goals immediately.


The Emperor Anwu of Demon Race was taken aback, and he heard some noises.

The surrounding emperors also stopped and looked towards the distance.

"It's the previous Bone Dragon." The Great Emperor Gu Feng's face was solemn, and he felt a familiar Corpse Qi.

But now, Emperor Gu Feng is sure to kill the Bone Dragon. The opponent is at most the level of the upper emperor, but when he was in the sea of ​​corpses, the environment was so bad that he couldn't help him.

"Go and take a look." Gu Feng the Great said, leading the Celestial Court and the high-level officials of the Science and Technology Alliance looked at each other and followed closely from behind.


In a certain part of the most Central Zone of the giant dragon cemetery, a stone rushed into a cave, dark and faint, and I couldn't see what was inside.

It suddenly shouted, and said, "Which kid is following me? Come out!"

A dark figure came from behind. When the stone looked at it, it was shocked and said: "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to look for you on a special trip, I want to enter the Ancient Immortal world!" Mu Qing looked anxious, and there was a hint of joy in his expression.

How long is it? In order to enter the Ancient Immortal realm and find the murderer who took away his parents' Divine Soul, he traveled all the way from Black Tortoise Star Domain to Earth, and then to Taining Realm. For such a long time, now the entrance to the Ancient Immortal realm is right in front of him!

"Quick! Looking for the bone skeleton, I want to enter the Ancient Immortal world!" Mu Qing was very excited.

"Uh, don't worry, I'll take you to see him." The stone was frightened, didn't expect Mu Qing to be so anxious, it didn't stop him, turned and brought Mu Qing forward go with.

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