"This group of Celestial Court guys, why didn't they make an early move?"

Many powerhouses of the science and technology alliance complained over there.

There are still many people who are kept in the dark, not knowing that they are being used as cannon fodder.

"Didn't you find that there is no Heaven and Earth energy to absorb in this giant dragon cemetery? Those Celestial Court emperors must save their strength until the last moment!"

Someone who understands speaks.

As soon as these words came out, many people complexion changed, and only then discovered that the giant dragon graveyard is full of Corpse Qi, resentment, and miasma. Apart from these three powers, there is no other energy between Heaven and Earth. Up.

They will not absorb these three kinds of negative energy to supplement their divine force, right?

The people in the Science and Technology Alliance are pretty good, because they rely on the power of science and technology to exert their strength, either mecha or armor, plus four cosmic battleships, which contain a large number of Divine Stone mineral veins as supplies. .

The Celestial Court side is subject to more restrictions. The Immortal Qi in their bodies is limited. Even if they have supplies, they cannot be used unscrupulously.

The great emperor Gufeng and the others at first did not take action, just to save enough Immortal Qi, even if they are the great emperor, the energy in the body is surging, but in this special environment, there will be a moment of exhaustion .

Not to mention those Resentful Souls continuously, not only can they not be killed, but they are here to consume their energy.

Don't look at the actions of Emperor Gufeng and the others. Everyone successfully rushed out of the mad grievance zone, but part of the energy in their bodies has already been consumed.

Even if they are the emperor, they can't make big moves. The more energy they consume, the more risks and accidents are likely to occur afterwards.

"Everyone cuts down trees and makes wooden boats!" The great emperor Gufeng's voice immediately gave the order.

This is still the suggestion of the Science and Technology Alliance. After the violent grievance, he finally finally got the opinion of the Science and Technology Alliance and intends to spread everyone out. Hundreds of thousands of people form a team. Go to the depths.

"You adults, don’t worry, the only danger of this soulless belt is this sea of ​​corpses. As long as you rely on the trees unique to the soulless belt, you can ignore the Corpse Qi invasion. If you are more cautious, this area The damage caused will be minimal!"

A high-level opening of the Science and Technology Alliance is affirmed.

The sea of ​​corpses is full of Corpse Qi. They will be invaded by Corpse Qi if they approach at will, even if they hide in the cosmic battleship, Corpse Qi will ignore the energy barrier and erode in.

So the Science and Technology Alliance can only temporarily abandon the four cosmic battleships and temporarily store them on this shore.

Relying on the unique trees on the shore, they can ignore the general Corpse Qi erosion. The only thing that needs attention is the Corpse Qi wave that will appear from time to time.

Same as before, the more people there are, the bigger and more terrifying the Corpse Qi wave that appears.

As long as the Celestial Court and the technology alliance all need to be dispersed, even in the case of the Corpse Qi wave, the probability of successfully coping with it will be higher.

If all of them are together, once the Corpse Qi wave is encountered by then, it may be difficult for the big Imperial Capital to resist.

But spread out, basically God Sovereign Realm's powerhouse, with a little bit of strength, can still survive.

Celestial Court and the people from the Science and Technology Alliance cut down special trees on the shore and built ships. There are about a thousand people in a team.

In just three days, the huge number of Celestial Court and powerhouse of the science and technology alliance began to cross the sea.

The sea of ​​corpses is almost invisible, and when I look away, it is vast.

Early they were not far away, and they could see the silhouettes of each other, row after row of ships, but after a period of time, the fog formed by Corpse Qi obscured the sight.

Soon, Celestial Court and everyone in the Science and Technology Alliance were dispersed, and the silhouettes of others were invisible, and even any means of contact had no effect.

The people at Celestial Court disagree, think this is the environment of the sea of ​​corpses, and continue moving towards the depths. After all, in this situation, they have only one way to go down. If they move towards other directions, go blindly, Determined to get lost.

Compared with the people at Celestial Court, the powerhouse of the Science and Technology Alliance is a bit horrified. The high-level pupil shrink whispers inconceivable.

The people at Celestial Court didn't know it, but several high-level members of their science and technology alliance escaped alive from the giant dragon graveyard, and they were deeply impressed by this place.

However, when they were crossing the sea of ​​corpses at that time, they had never encountered such a situation. Corpse Qi turned into a haze, covering everyone's sight.

This kind of environment gives people a sense of depression and makes people involuntarily scared and terrified.

Unknown, usually the most terrifying.

Now everyone’s situation is the same, and the area that can be seen is very small. Soon after the unfathomable mystery blew, the sea of ​​corpses began to change, and the seawater that Corpse Qi transformed into splashed. The waves are rough.


On a ship of the Science and Technology Alliance, someone screamed. A powerhouse was wearing a mecha. His power broke out to have the Emperor Peak, but he was killed. The corpse splashed by the sea touched.

Those Corpse Water is not real sea water, but Corpse Qi derived from it. When it touches that person, it suddenly turns into strands of Corpse Qi and erodes into the opponent's body.

Once, the Technology Alliance broke in once. At that time, even the cosmic battleship operation energy barrier could not completely resist, let alone mecha.

Along with the screams, the three powerhouses of the Science and Technology Alliance turned into corpses. The mecha on them was intact, but when I opened the mecha, there was no hair, the skin was gray and black and wrinkled, and the flesh and blood became dust. Up.

This is the horror of Corpse Qi!

No matter what level of powerhouse, Corpse Qi touched too much, this is the end, Divine Soul, vitality, flesh and blood, all disappeared in an instant.

"Isn't it said that these special trees can withstand Corpse Qi?" Someone shouted, backing frantically to avoid being touched by Corpse Water.

A high-level technology alliance frowned, opened the mouth and said: "The trees on the shore of the soulless belt can indeed resist Corpse Qi, otherwise we will be entangled by Corpse Qi as soon as we enter the sea of ​​corpses. The situation..."

He took a deep breath and his eyes were full of solemnity.

"Corpse Qi wave is coming!"

The same situation, appeared in the Celestial Court and the various ships of the Technology Alliance, accompanied by the strong wind, the sea of ​​corpses surged. The splash of Corpse Water can take a lot of lives.

The senior executives of the Science and Technology Alliance felt weird. They had a bad feeling that the Corpse Qi wave appeared earlier than expected, and there were also fog and strong winds, which were unprecedented.

"Attention! The Corpse Qi wave is coming! Be prepared to resist!"

Such a voice came from every ship.

The people at Celestial Court are also ready. The Corpse Qi wave cannot be avoided, only the powerful force can break the Corpse Qi wave.

About half an hour, the corpse sea was surging in a violent wind, and a wave was set off, like a 10,000-ton heavy hammer, one after another moved towards a science and technology alliance ship.


A silhouette of the ship rushed out, and it was the joint chief who turned into a Hulk. There were also many powerhouses behind him, roaring and displaying powerful methods.

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