Mu Qing followed his father to the federal headquarters.

It is rumored that the Federal Headquarters is located over the Pacific Ocean, always fighting against the ominous beast clan, but when Mu Qing came here, he found something different.

The old nest of the ominous beasts was originally located in the Pacific Ocean, but when Mu Qing came here, the ominous beasts didn't even see it.

Mu Yu smiled indifferently, telling him that once the ominous beast clan invaded, it was almost impossible for humans to resist, but then the beast god found the top of the federation and made an agreement that although the battle between humans and ominous beasts continued, true powerhouse, but will not make a move.

"Yuexi how is she doing?" Mu Yu suddenly said, a trace of tenderness appeared in his eyes.

Mu Qing shook his head and said: "It's not bad. I have encountered crises before, but there is no danger."

Mu Yu nodded, said: "I will give her The Formation bracelet is enough to withstand the half-step Supreme Being, but it didn’t expect that the Second Palace Lord can find someone from our alchemy organization."

"However, you are not worried about this. Master Gavin also knew that he would not target you. In fact, they didn't notify Master Gavin at all about the star meteorite ore veins in Tianyu Palace, but planned to swallow it alone." He said with a smile.

Mu Qing was surprised, this was something he hadn't thought of. It turned out that there was a hidden story. From this point of view, even without Mu Yu, the alchemy organization would not necessarily trouble him.

"By the way, can that piece of star meteorite iron ore vein be given to the alchemy organization, Master Gavin will definitely give you rich revenge." Mu Yu seemed to think of something.

Mu Qing is shook the head, and that piece of star meteorite iron ore vein is still useful for him.

"I can surrender part of the mineral veins, but there is a requirement, that is, let the alchemy organization help me refine some weapons, and use the star meteorite iron!" Mu Qing still thought about the starry sky spurge.

Tu Lao said that Mu Qing must establish his own power. The bloodline method is not a problem. There is a Starry-Sky Diagram adapted from the Starry Sky Return to Origin scripture. However, in terms of weapons, Need the help of alchemy organizations.

"No problem." Master Gavin readily agreed.


Mu Qing followed everyone into the Federal Headquarters. This is almost a huge spaceship, extremely large, among which are the Federal Powerhouses with strong strength.

"Didn't expect, you are better than me now." Ke Fei looked at Mu Qing and shook the head with a smile, with some emotion.

Mu Qing was a little curious, and asked: "Are you entering the Federal Headquarters now?"

Ke Fei nodded, he told Mu Qing that at the Federal Branch, a quack has become As the president of parliament, he joined the headquarters and got a powerful bloodline method.

At this moment, Mu Yu greeted Mu Qing and went to a secret room. He handed Mu Qing two chips.

"The three most precious treasures in the Federal Headquarters, Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, you have already obtained, and I have two other things that I am qualified to obtain. I don’t know what the bloodline method of your cultivation is like. But these two bloodline methods are the most powerful I have ever seen. You can choose a cultivation." Mu Yu looked serious and handed the two chips to Mu Qing cautiously.

He obviously thinks that the bloodline method of Mu Qing cultivation is not very good, so he brought two of the most precious bloodline methods in the Federation and let him choose.

The three treasures of the Federation, the two bloodline methods, and the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, Mu Qing has already got it!

Mu Qing was surprised. From the previous two of Cheng Zhiguo and Ke Fei, he knew how terrifying the bloodline method was. It might be comparable to the advanced bloodline method. If he was Incorporating the two bloodline methods into the Starry Sky Return to Origin scripture, one's own strength can definitely be improved a lot!

"Wuji 81 Hua!"

"One Qi Becomes Three Purities!"

Mu Qing's face is moved. From these two bloodline methods, he understands At this point, these two bloodline techniques are adapted from the Immortal Technique of the legendary Supreme Taoist. They are powerful and contain various secret techniques. They are powerful.

Cheng Zhiguo and Ke Fei are cultivated Promise 81ization, capable of performing 81 changes, strictly speaking, containing 81 secret techniques.

Another bloodline method, One Qi Becomes Three Purities, is even more magical. It is rumored that it was originally an Immortal Technique. After being adapted into a bloodline method, the original power merged into an Immortal Qi, splitting into three Avatars. , The strength is almost equal!

Mu Qing's expression is excited, and he can't wait. The dragon leaping technique on his body is also an Immortal technique according to Zhenjun Ning Feng. After being displayed, it will be terrifying.

Suddenly got such a precious bloodline method, plus the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation given to him by Mo Cheng before, Mu Qing immediately chose to retreat, found a secret room in the federal headquarters, and then entered Wan Domain stars in the map.

He awakened Curse Siyu, and under his aggrieved eyes, he entered the Hall of Attraction.

"What is Mu Qing doing in such a hurry?" Cursing Siyu curled her lips. She had just felt the power of the curse in the Hall of Yinxing, but she was dragged out by Mu Qing.

Tu Lao was next to her, touched his chin, and said, "He has got some good things. When he leaves the customs, even if the cultivation base does not have a breakthrough, his strength is comparable to the half-step Supreme Being. , It’s even possible to contend with the mighty power!"

The curse of thinking rain startled, some can’t believe it.

Tu Lao shook the head, he frowned, a trace of doubt also appeared in his eyes, and he whispered: "Weird, weird, how can there be such a high-level bloodline method and secret technique on Earth? The Earth people and the ancient humans are of the same race? But the Bloodline Strength of the Earth people is so weak..."

At this moment, Mu Qing has been transformed into a cultivation Wuji 81, and an illusory shadow behind it does not know when it will appear, showing each Kind of change.

Occasionally, he condensed all the origin power of the stars on his body into an Immortal Qi, which immediately split into three selves.

3 months later ……

Mu Qing walked out of the Hall of Yinxing. He wore a suit of Tsing Yi. His eyes were as deep as the starry sky, and his whole temperament became more ethereal. meaning.

His body shook, and behind him, stars appeared, a star full of soaring sword intents across the sky, dominating more than 20 stars, but above it, there were several stars.

A blood red, full of slaughter, is a star of Shura, and its power is comparable to the Peak bloodline method.

In addition to the Kunpeng stars and the Titan stars, there are two more stars at the level of cream of the crop. One of them contains 81 variations, with various colors and brilliance, with a strange breath, the other one is There are three faint silhouettes emerging.

Two more stars have doubled his strength!

Lao Tu was shocked when he saw this. The two bloodline methods that Mu Qing obtained were actually comparable to the Peak bloodline method!

You must know that even the Starry Sky God did not have such terrifying in the cultivation of the Starry Sky Return to Origin. Most of the fusion bloodline methods are low-level or intermediate-level, and a few are high-level. It wasn't until later that he was very powerful and reached the Great Emperor Realm, that he got a Peak bloodline method.

"Your starting point is too much higher than Lord God!" Tu Lao sighed.

Mu Qing slightly smiled, and then a beam of light soared into the sky behind him. It was a huge black fish, roar towards the sky, and turned into a sword embryo. The whole body was pitch black, containing a frightening atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light rushed out. It was a big Peng, spreading its wings and hitting the sky, rushing into the sword embryo, turning into one after another golden pattern, wrapped around the sword embryo.

Kunpeng blood spirit is concrete!

This is a terrifying sword. The Kunpeng sword is black and golden, and contains unimaginable power!

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