one after another rays of light penetrated through it, and everyone around took action. The half-step Supreme Being and Luo Han even displayed terrifying power and terrifying power all at once. Swept Mu Qing and killed him!

Everyone comes from various races in the universe, and they are very terrifying existences of the same level of strength, but they coincidentally attack Mu Qing, the human king.

This power is absolutely extreme terror.

At this time, two figures landed at a far distance, and a huge imposing manner swept out in an instant.

these two people, one of them used powerful means, one of them is comparable to the half-step Supreme Being, punched out, shaking the earth, the half-step Supreme Being of the insect race is complexion changed.

The other person was Ke Fei, and he saw the storm condensed all over him, creating a scene of doomsday and intercepting Luo Han.

The two men most threatening to Mu Qing were stopped in an instant!

Mu Qing saw that the person who stopped the insect race half-step Supreme Being was the Speaker of the Federal Headquarters, Cheng Zhiguo!

Once, Mu Qing and Mu Qing met once, knew each other's strength, and reached the Peak King.

Now it seems that Cheng Zhiguo’s cultivation base has reached the half-step Supreme Being, which can compete against the people of the insect race.

Ke Fei's methods are also amazing. His appearance is just a Little Old Man, but his body contains the power of a terrifying storm.

Mu Qing sighed in relief, Ke Fei and Cheng Zhiguo may not be the opponents of the insect race and Luo Han, but they will not lose easily, at least it is okay to resist for a while.

He roared angrily, turned around and punched, behind which a Titan giant appeared, entwined with chains of chaos, and also punched out.

After cultivated the Starry Sky Return to Origin, Mu Qing incorporated the bloodline method of Titan Race and the barbaric Spirit Art into it, turning it into a Titan star.

In this way, Mu Qing can directly use the power of the Titan's body, which is equally powerful, a bit similar to the Dharma in the ancient legends of Earth.

The first to attack him were the people of the Juli clan. They had four arms, strong as an ox, and wanted to tear Mu Qing's body and take away the Bible.

But Mu Qing's power is even more violent. The Titan giant emerges behind him, reaching a height of three hundred meters. The simple ordinary punch is a vision of Azure Dragon and roars away.

The two of the Juli clan were shocked by the terrifying force, and there was a trace of jealousy in their eyes.


Suddenly, Mu Qing's body shook and coughed up blood suddenly. This was not a poisonous attack in his body, but a force hit his mind. Collapsed.

He gritted his teeth, strange lines appeared in his eyes, two lightning-like gazes fiercely stared away, and there was a graceful silhouette in the distance, staring at him coldly at this moment.

The person who shot is Ling Yin!

As a Spirit Race, Ling Yin is good at Soul Power, mysterious and weird, even if Mu Qing's hole pupil can restrain her, but even if she is careless, she is also traumatized.

A trace of murderous intention flashed in Mu Qing's eyes.

The existence of Lingyin makes him feel very troublesome, because the other party is possessed by Lin Xin.

He had a good friendship with Wu Xi, and then Wu Xi was beaten into the vein because of him by the Second Palace Lord, which made Mu Qing feel a little guilty.

In the end, the witch seat was made into a puppet by the insect race person, and his soul was completely disintegrated.

Lin Xin and Wuxi have a close relationship. The two have developed into a couple. Now that the Wuxi is dead, Mu Qing is impossible to attack Lin Xin, even if Lin Xin has been possessed by Ling Yin at this moment. Body control.

Obviously, Ling Yin also saw this, and she shot Mu Qing unscrupulously.

"Since you have become the successor of Lord God, you should be decisive! Don't hesitate!" Tu Lao's voice suddenly came.

"The people of Spirit Race have no entity. She said that she was just possessing a body, but in fact the girl's soul had already been wiped out!" He scolded Mu Qing.

A trace of firmness flashed in Mu Qing's eyes, next moment, the divine light bloomed all over his body, and the space around him was turbulent.


He seems to have turned into an Azure Dragon, behind which the silhouette of the Titan giant emerges, and the chain of chaos on it bursts.

"Do you really dare to take a shot at my body?!" Ling Yin's expression suddenly changed. She looked at Mu Qing like a sinister Azure Dragon, rushing towards her, and her heart suddenly panicked.

After coming to Earth, she and the people from Spirit Race have explored the news of humans and know that some humans are very affectionate.

But Mu Qing looks like this, it is clear that she wants to forcibly blow up her body, this look is too fierce, Ling Yin's heart is anxious, his body soul unexpectedly rushed out of Lin Xin.

This actually allowed Mu Qing to find the opportunity, the eyes of Dongxu pupil swept away, and the soul of Lingyin's body appeared.

Lingyin's body is also a beauty, with a curvaceous figure, long hair to waist, and an illusory body.

"Stop him!" The two of the Juli clan shouted, and Cody also shot.

But Mu Qing's power is too powerful, a huge force vented out of him, and everyone was jealous and did not dare to resist.

"What do you want to do?!" Ling Yin's face was shocked, she immediately displayed the secret technique of Spirit Race, moved towards the distance and quickly avoided.

As a Spirit Race, her body is also condensed by Soul Power. It is very special, and ordinary attacks cannot harm her at all.

But Mu Qing is different.

Mu Qing has the pupil of the hole, directly revealing her body, not only Mu Qing at this moment, other people can also hurt her.

Spirit Race's greatest advantage is completely gone in front of Mu Qing.

Ling Yin dodges very quickly. It displays the Spirit Race secret technique, and it is still in a state of soul.

But Mu Qing's speed was even faster. The Kunpeng Race's mysterious space recording in his body started to run, and his figure appeared directly behind Lingyin.


Azure Dragon roared, Mu Qing punched Lingyin fiercely with a fist, with terrifying power in his fist, forcibly bursting his chest.

On speed, who in the universe can compare with Kunpeng? As for power, who in the universe can compare with Titan Race?

Mu Qing vividly and thoroughly used the advantages of the two Peak races, Kunpeng and Titan.

Ling Yin was traumatized, she gritted her teeth and gathered her body again.

"What kind of pupil technique is that!" Lingyin gloomy face, it was the first time she had seen the power that could restrain their Spirit Race in this way.

"courting death!" in the sky, the half-step Supreme Being of the insect race roared, he turned into a body, a terrifying centipede hovering in the sky, black energy swept out, trying to kill Mu Qing .

But in front of him, a half-step Supreme Being from the Federation was sneered, with the origin power in his body rushing to the sky, and the blood spirit behind him. It was a big sword, fiercely cut down.

Cheng Zhiguo's strength is no better than the centipede of the insect race, the opponent's Bloodline Strength is extremely strong, and there are various insect race secret techniques.

But he never thought that he was going to kill this centipede dragon. His goal was to stop the opponent from the very beginning.

On the other side, Ke Fei spurred the power of the storm with a flat expression. He and Cheng Zhiguo intercepted the half-step Supreme Being and Luo Han of the insect race.

The two of them know that each other is a powerhouse from a cosmic race, and their strength is definitely much stronger than that of the same level. They are definitely not opponents.

"courting death! You believing or not I kill all of you humans!!" The centipede roared, he wanted to kill Mu Qing, but was blocked all the time.

Cheng Zhiguo is hearing this, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said: "With your little power, you want to kill all of us humans? Your wormholes are all blocked, what can you kill us?"

Foreign races who want to come to Earth will be hindered. Although I don’t know how the ominous beasts and cursed gods came to Earth, but for the insect race and even the major races, they want to come. Earth requires some price.

Insect race tried his best to get the blood-sucking Insect King to Earth, and let him build an insect race, just to ignore the restrictions and directly let a large number of insect races descend on Earth.

However, the Federal Headquarters discovered the wormhole early, and sent a large number of powerhouses to guard the wormhole connected to the fire star.

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