"This...how is this possible?!" The dísciple was dumbfounded, looking unbelievable.

He is also a Martial Venerable himself, the sword light he cut out is extremely sharp, and he will cut off the head of the witch seat in an instant.

However, this sword light was intercepted by the young man in front of him, and even caught in his hands!

He opened his eyes and looked carefully, and then his scalp became numb, because Mu Qing's palm firmly grasped the sword light, but he did not suffer any injuries.

"Damn! Is his skin harder than the star meteorite iron?" An overseer dísciple exclaimed.

After they became mine vein supervisors, they saw the star meteorite iron. They believed that it was definitely the hardest metal on Earth. They needed to use sword qi to dig, and those coolies had to use their cultivation base without the cultivation base. All one's strength, dig it for a long time before you can dig a piece.

Now, the young man who appeared inexplicably in front of them grabbed the a sword light with one hand, his palm was not hurt at all, it was terrifying!

For someone else, you have to poke a blood hole in your palm!

Several supervisors dísciple felt that Mu Qing was very familiar. Upon closer inspection, they were so scared that they couldn't hold the sword in their hands.

"You...you are...Aoki?!"

Suddenly, a supervisor dísciple screamed. They are the dísciple of the Second Palace Lord faction, so they naturally know the Second Palace before. Lord’s Direct Disciple.

Only more than a month ago, the Second Palace Lord had personally ordered the abolition of Aoki's Direct Disciple status, and also issued an arrest warrant. Anyone who has news of Aoki will receive a heavy reward.

Now Tianyu Palace is in an extraordinary period. The city is closed and the palace is locked. A huge thunder prison has blocked the entire Tianyu Palace. People inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in.

When the Thunder Prison is withdrawn, it means that the battle in the Tianyu Palace will fall into the dust, and the Second Palace Lord will completely control the Tianyu Palace. At that time, he will spread this pair of Aoki's arrest warrants throughout China.

"Why did you appear here?"

The hearts of the supervisors dísciple were beating wildly, and they backed away.

At this time, they would not think of the arrest warrant of the Second Palace Lord. Although the rewards are extremely rich, they still have to live to enjoy it.

They heard that Aoki’s method was the Second Palace Lord Direct Disciple, they killed Elder Bai’s dísciple, and then they killed Elder Bai in the Life and Death Battle, and they even killed him in the end. In the face of the Second Palace Lord, kill Master Zhang!

In Tianyu Palace, if an Outer Circle Disciple died, it would be traced, not to mention Core Disciple and Elder.

Such a fierce person is definitely not something they can resist.

Mu Qing looked at the group of supervisors dísciple in front of him. There were a total of eight people. The cultivation base was around 7th grade Martial Venerable.

He then used spirit strength to explore all around and found that the original star meteorite iron ore vein has been developed, and the original sewer has become a mine mouth. There are hundreds of mines below. Dao, in addition to some specialized excavating machines, there are also many dísciples whose cultivation base has been banned for manual excavation there.

The scale of this star meteorite iron ore vein surprised Mu Qing a little, and he did not expect this vein to be so large.

However, when he noticed the injuries on the body of the coolie dísciple waiting for Wuxi, his eyes suddenly became cold.

These were once the dísciple of Tianyu Palace, but they were all banned from the cultivation base and became coolies. Obviously someone deliberately wanted them to come here to suffer and to torture them.

This means that great changes must have taken place in the Tianyu Palace, and perhaps the plan of the Second Palace Lord has been successful.

Crushing the sword light between his palms with his hand, he came to the side of the witch seat, and the Power of Space between his palms and fingers circulated, tearing the ring on his neck.

He now only has the origin power of stars in his body, but it can inspire the Kunpeng stars in the dantian and give him the Power of Space.

In addition, he has also felt the space avenue in the Hall of Stars, and is very skilled in the use of Power of Space, tearing the ring apart with the sharpness of the space.

After the ring was destroyed, the origin power in the Wuxi body went back, one after another powerful aura surged, regaining the strength of the 9th-order Martial Venerable.

"many thanks." Wuxi's eyes were complicated.

Mu Qing shook his head, and then asked him about the situation of Tianyu Palace. He has been cultivated in the Ten Thousand Regions Star Map for nearly two months, and he has no idea about the outside affairs.

Although Wu Xi didn't know where Mu Qing went after he disappeared during this period of time, and why he suddenly appeared in the mineral vein, he didn't ask much, and knew in his heart that there must be a secret.

"Second Palace Lord led many Elders to rebel and fought for a full month. Now they have temporarily taken control of Tianyu Palace." Wu Xi told Mu Qing what he knew.

Now that the Second Palace Lord has taken control of the sovereignty, most of the members of the Big Palace Lord faction are imprisoned, and the remaining part is still in the blue Formation created by Shui Yuexi.

Although the witch seat belongs to the Second Palace Lord faction, he has a relationship with Mu Qing, so he was caught and became a vein coolie.

Mu Qing's face suddenly became gloomy when he heard that Wu Xi was caught as a mineral vein coolie because of himself.

He had a preliminary understanding of the situation from Wuxi, and understood that his mother Shui Yuexi was in a bad situation. Fortunately, the blue Formation could save his life.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, two dazzling stars came out of his eyes.

He said solemnly: "What originally belonged to me should be returned."

"Hey hey hey! What are you doing?"

At this time, a man swaggered over. It was Master Zhang's dísciple, Zhang You.

Zhang You had a very chic life these days. He helped the Second Palace Lord contact the alchemy organization. Hearing this star meteorite iron ore vein, even the always mysterious alchemy organization was moved. After all, this is a metal material that has never appeared on Earth.

Even the insect race spent a lot of effort to help Mullin make a body made of star and meteorite iron, which shows its preciousness.

As the matchmaker between Tianyu Palace and the alchemy organization, Zhang You's status was suddenly elevated to a higher level than the original Master Zhang.

Even the Second Palace Lord, he was polite to other people at Martial Venerable Level by three points, which gave him a lot of benefits.

As for the alchemy organization, the Chief-In-Charge of the alchemy organization was also a pleasant surprise after seeing the star meteorite veins.

People in the alchemy organization usually despise and despise the outside alchemists, but now, the Chief-In-Charge is in a very good mood. He is in charge of this vein, and it is also in the alchemy organization. Has always been a huge credit.

The Chief-In-Charge received a lot of rewards at once, and it was very pleasing to even look at Zhang You, which gave him a lot of benefits.

This benefit is not important to the alchemists, but it is extremely precious to Zhang You, and even his cultivation base is about to be promoted to the king.

Zhang You is proud, checking the degree of development of this star vein, but then he is attracted by Mu Qing's movement.

He saw that the ring around Wuxi’s neck was missing, he had recovered his strength, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"What are you doing here without digging? And this guy's forbidden ring, who took it down without authorization?" Zhang You became angry and scolded the overseers dísciple.

These supervisors dísciple look at me, I look at you, and finally point to the peaceful Mu Qing not far away.

"He removed the forbidden ring on Wu Xi's neck."

Zhang You hearing this, furiously, stared fiercely at Mu Qing.

"Who are you? You dare to trespass into the mineral vein? Come! Kill him!" Zhang You yelled, this vein is his beloved treasure, he can have such a status, and is by the alchemy organization The kindness of the people is given by this vein.

Now a stranger suddenly appeared in the veins, which naturally touched his nerves and wanted someone to come over and kill Mu Qing.

The supervisor dísciple around did not dare to move. They looked at each other and stepped back.

They are not fools. The person in front of him is Aoki, who was once the second Young Palace Lord. The existence of Elder Bai who can kill Elder Bai is not something they can contend!

"Trash, what are you doing standing there? And who is this guy? How did he get in?" Seeing the all around supervisor dísciple indifferent, Zhang You became even more angry.

Mu Qing looked at Zhang You with interest, and just now Wuxi had sound transmission and told him the identity of the other party.

"Don't you even know the enemy who killed your Master?" Mu Qing faint smiled at him.

Zhang You suddenly shook his whole body, and his face was horrified, looking towards Mu Qing.

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