One month later, in the Hall of Stars.

Mu Qing's eyes opened and closed, the starlight was dazzling, and the divine glow was dazzling.

I saw him casually wave it, and it was a condense space blade sweeping past.

Very spatial blade formidable power is terrifying, up to a hundred meters long, contains extremely strange and fierce power, and can definitely tear the veteran king.

However, this is the Hall of Attraction, no matter how powerful his space blade is, it can't make the slightest ripple.

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth slightly lifted, running the Kunpeng bloodline method, and a Golden Peng appeared behind him, controlling the Power of Space, and then the Golden Peng entered the ocean and turned into a dragon, setting off a heaven overflowing giant wave and controlling the Power of Water.

In order to cultivation this Kunpeng bloodline method, Mu Qing felt the space avenue and the avenue of water in the Hall of Yinxing, and it took almost a month to cultivation success.

After the cultivation is completed, Mu Qing's ability is also greatly improved, and he has initially controlled some Kunpeng secret techniques.

"Each bloodline method must require talents of its own race to be able to cultivation, but the starry sky bloodline method does not have this restriction. As long as the starry sky bloodline method is introduced, you can break through the racial boundaries and cultivation the bloodline method of all major races. !" Mu Qing was amazed, feeling that the god who created this starry sky bloodline method is too against the sky.

Mu Qing did the same, and ran the starry sky bloodline method again to condense the Kunpeng bloodline method into a star.

At this moment.

In Mu Qing’s starry sky dantian, two huge stars echo each other, twinkling divine glow, one entwines Chaos Energy with a giant sitting in it, and the other is a half-gold and half-black star. Contains two powers of space and water.

In his body, there is a Kunpeng star and a Titan star.

This is equivalent to him cultivated the bloodline method of the two Peak races at the same time, and the surging power poured into his body.

Mu Qing's face is slightly happy, the power in his body is extremely violent, stronger than before, I don't know how much.

Now Mu Qing has only star attribute origin power left in his body. The whole body flickers one after another, but he can mobilize the power of those two stars in dantian at any time, and the burst of formidable power is amazing. .

After that, Mu Qing spent another three days to condense a star in Dantian again.

This star is very small, even less than one-tenth of the two stars of Titan and Kunpeng, and its aura is relatively weak.

Vaguely above, the roar of a giant elephant came out, ear-splitting.

This is the giant elephant transport technique. A bloodline method developed by humans is not Peak’s on Earth. It was originally given to Mu Qing by Ke Fei. Later, Mu Qing came from the curse to think of rain. After obtaining the Titan bloodline method, it is no longer cultivated.

But now, Mu Qing cultivation starry sky bloodline method requires a lot of bloodline method to improve its own strength. Although this giant elephant transporting technique is very low, it is better than nothing. It slightly improves Mu Qing's power.

Compared with this little giant star, Kunpeng Star and Titan Star are more terrifying, almost provided to Mu Qing's continuously Power of Stars.

He stood up abruptly, his eyes flashed, and only the origin power of stars remained on his body, but he could perform the secret techniques of thunder and lightning, space, and water.

He believes that as he collects more and more bloodline methods, when the time comes, his own means can almost be countless changes.

"It's time to leave." Mu Qing reluctantly left the Hall of Yinxing.

Here is definitely the cultivation Holy Land, which has greatly improved him, coupled with his cultivation's starry sky bloodline method, now although he is still the old cultivation base, he is already comparable to the Peak King!

If he meets Mullin again, he believes that as long as he mobilizes three Power of Stars in his body, he can definitely blow the opponent out with one punch!

When Mu Qing walked out of Yingxing Palace, the long-awaited Shu Siyu and Tu Lao hurried forward.

"How? Did you find the bloodline method of the starry sky?" Tu's expression was very nervous, more concerned than Mu Qing.

Mu Qing just wanted to speak, but Tu Lao came to him in an instant and grabbed him.

The pair of horns on the top of Tu Lao’s head flickered blood light, a horrible spirit strength swept into Mu Qing’s body and pierced into the dantian. After detecting that Mu Qing dantian had turned into a star, his face suddenly turned into a star. Yixi.

"hahaha! It turned out to be, I'm afraid no one would have thought that the Lord God's Inheritor turned out to be a Little Brat of a low-level race with no bloodline!" Tu Lao laughed, and the laughter was just Like a rolling thunder, it spread throughout the Desert planet.

Mu Qing looked at him, slightly surprised.

After his cultivation of the starry sky bloodline method, he merged three bloodline methods, of which two bloodline methods are the bloodline methods of the Peak race. The Power of Stars is extremely terrifying, but he is easily controlled by the elder Tu. Let his spirit strength explore.

"Okay! Very good! Come on cultivation, help Lord God avenge!" Tu laughed.

"Are you not afraid that I will go back on one's word, will you not avenge me?" Mu Qing asked curiously.

Tu Lao laughed, with a hint of sly in his eyes, and said: "From the moment you start cultivation the Starry Sky Bloodline Method, you have been branded with the name of our Starry Sky Dynasty, that mysterious Once the people of the forces know your cultivation starry sky bloodline method, they will definitely come to chase you."

Mu Qing hearing this, corner of mouth twitching, doesn’t that mean that whether he wants revenge or not, he will eventually have to Walk on the opposite of that mysterious force?

Lao Tu patted his shoulder, comforted: "Don’t worry! I didn’t expect you to avenge the Lord of God right away. In contrast, I am more optimistic about your potential. I am a God Lord, and the starting point is not as high as you!” He told Mu Qing that at least he needs to surpass the realm of Lord God if he wants revenge. I don’t know how many years will be left. , Even more how that mysterious strength was also hit hard by the starry sky god, and it takes a very long time to recover.

"The starting point is not as high as I am? What does it mean?" Knowing that the mysterious forces will not find him in a short time, Mu Qing greatly sighed in relief, and then some doubts.

What a terrifying character that can control the existence of the emperor must be a powerhouse from the Peak race. The starting point is probably higher than most people in the universe, right?

Tu Lao shook the head, with a trace of admiration and admiration in his tone, and said: "Once the Starry Sky Dynasty was a huge monster in the universe, everyone thought that the bloodline of Lord God was stronger than the Peak race. , But in fact, he was only born in a medium race."

"The starlight race is only a medium race in the universe. Later, it ushered in disaster, and only a few clansman were scattered in the universe, and the gods He was one of them. He was amazingly talented and created the Starry Sky Bloodline Method, which was cultivated to the Venerable Realm above the Great Emperor with the medium bloodline!"

"When he first cultivation the Starry Sky Bloodline Method, there was only one The medium bloodline method and several low-level bloodline methods are completely incomparable to you!"

Tu Lao said, also looked towards Mu Qing with envy.

Being able to find the real starry sky bloodline method in the Hall of Yinxing, which means that he passed the test of Lord God.

Mu Qing just entered the starry sky bloodline method. The starry sky dantian in the body contains two Peak bloodline method stars. This starting point is many times higher than the original god.

"Before you, there are eight dísciples of Lord God. You are the ninth. According to your identity, I should call you Ninth Young Lord." Tu Lao is slightly respectful, his strength is terrifying. But he bowed his head to Mu Qing extremely sincerely.

He knows the potential of Mu Qing. I don't know how many people have entered the Hall of Attraction, including Tu Lao himself, but there are only nine people who have really found the bloodline method of the starry sky, plus Mu Qing.

"Tu Lao, are you also one of the 108 emperors under the command of the gods?" Mu Qing felt flattered when he saw Tu Lao's respect for him.

Tu Lao hearing this, but laughed and did not answer.

Mu Qing had the answer in his mind when he saw it.

"Tu Lao, can you step out of the Starry-Sky Diagram and help me?" Mu Qing asked, Tu Lao's strength is definitely stronger than Demi-God, if he is willing to help himself, it can definitely be swept away The whole Earth, when the time comes, no matter what race comes, there will always be back and forth!

Tu Lao sighed, with a sad tone, and said: "The battle was too tragic, and I don’t know how many emperors died. The real name of Starry-Sky Diagram is Wanyu Star Diagram, which is a Supreme Treasure. , Artifact Spirit was annihilated in that battle. In the end, I was also traumatized that could not be recovered. When I was dying, I used secret technique to transform my soul into the Artifact Spirit of the star map of the universe."

He meant it very clearly that he was just an Artifact Spirit now, even the powerful Supreme Treasure Artifact Spirit of Ten Thousand Regions Star Chart, it was impossible to directly help Mu Qing to deal with people.

The Ten Thousand Domain Star Chart has long been damaged in the wars of countless years ago. The current Ten Thousand Domain Star Chart contains 36 stars, which can only be regarded as a general Divine Item.

Tu Lao told Mu Qing that if he wants to borrow his power, he must spend a lot of energy to activate the ten thousand domain star map. Ordinarily, the ten thousand domain star map will be activated. Mu Qing’s current origin power is strong. The level is enough, but if you want Tu Lao Artifact Spirit to take action, it definitely needs to burn a huge amount of energy to be possible.

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