one after another shining stars surging out of Mu Qing’s body, Mu Qing feels as if he is about to fly up at this moment, and one after another in his mind understands Power of Stars pop up.

Even, silver lines appeared on his body, which is the Great Dao's runes road derived from the rules of stars.

Mu Qing's eyes became silver, he felt as if he had become the Lord of the stars, and even had a strong connection with Earth under his feet.

He now has a feeling that he can make the moon fly away, burst the sun, and even burn the Earth under his feet for his own reasons!

Although he absorbs only part of the Great Dao of Stars, he still has great formidable power. He seems to be the son of the stars, and can control all the stars next to him.

"Let me go? Am I invincible?" Mu Qing felt the power of the Great Dao of Stars, even if it was incomplete, it still possessed endless terrifying power.

His feeling is not an illusion, now he is branded with the star Dao Mark, thoughts move, so that the power of Earth can be blessed on him.

What Peak King, what power, can be blown by one punch!

Obviously possessing such terrifying power in an instant, Mu Qing frowned at this time.

Because this power is too unfamiliar, so unfamiliar that it scares him, as if he is no longer himself, and the power in his body is not his own at all.

"Is there really nothing wrong with my refining energy?" Mu Qing looked at the terrifyingly powerful Power of Stars on his body. This power made him feel heart palpitations.

Cursed Siyu tilted his head for a while, and said with some uncertainty: "It shouldn't be something. According to the memory of the cursed god, the patriarch of Titan Race was originally just an ordinary clansman, but later swallowed The fruit of the Great Dao, master the Great Dao of Eternal overnight, and leap from a god step to the level of the eternal!"

Titan Race patriarch, the eternal emperor’s name has been reverberated throughout the universe for many years, neither Seems to be something wrong.

Including some other great emperors in the universe, and some of them became the emperor after swallowing the fruit of the great road, and their reputation spread across several Star Domains.

Almost all races in the universe know that the Fruit of the Dao is the most magical Supreme Treasure in the universe, allowing people to obtain the power of the Great Emperor level in a short time.

Someone once suspected that after all, the fruit of swallowing the great road possesses such terrifying strength. Some are too weird. Can't imagine that there is such a Supreme Treasure in this universe?

"It's too weird, I feel that this power came too suddenly and too unfamiliar." Mu Qing frowned, and acquired such a huge strength at once. At this moment, his body almost evolved into a star with Dao Mark above it. Densely covered, twinkling divine light.

his realm, it seems to have reached the Demi-God Realm world above the power!

However, Mu Qing always feels that this power is too unfamiliar and should not be something he can possess.

"It shouldn't be a problem. There are many great emperors in the universe who swallowed the fruit of the great road. Only a few of them have fallen. The way of death is normal, while the other great emperors are alive." Cursing Siyu flipped through the memory of cursing the gods, thinking that it shouldn't be something about the fruit of the great dao, at least the fruit of the great dao has existed for so many years, no one has ever had an accident because of swallowing the fruit of the great dao fruit.


At this time, a ray of light suddenly burst out, and a starry sky illusory shadow appeared. There were thirty-six stars on it. Starry-Sky Diagram!

This scroll of stars is imprinted in the sky, evolving into a celestial sky vision, even if the spinning burst out with a force of suction, it enveloped Mu Qing's body.

Mu Qing's complexion changed suddenly, he suddenly found that the surging Power of Stars he had after swallowing the big dao fruit was absorbed at this moment!

I saw the star Dao Mark on his body burst out dazzling rays of light, which was swallowed by the Starry-Sky Diagram, and the power in his body was taken away in large chunks, and all of them poured into Starry- Inside the Sky Diagram.


Heiyu appeared at this time, opened his mouth and let out a long whistle, a black hole appeared, and even started to swallow the Power of Stars on Mu Qing.

"This." Mu Qing gave a wry smile. The devouring strength of these two guys was too terrifying, and they also imprisoned him. Their bodies were impossible to move, and they were in the center of the two devouring storms.

Starry-Sky Diagram trembled slightly, it seemed to feel that a big guy was taking Power of Stars with itself, and quickly increased the swallowing effort. The starlight in Mu Qing's body was almost like a mountain torrent erupting, turning into one The huge beam of light rushed into the Starry-Sky Diagram.

The black fish did not show weakness either, mouth opened wide, and the black hole turned wildly in midair, absorbing all the Power of Stars from Mu Qing.

Mu Qing was surprised by the performance of Starry-Sky Diagram and Heiyu, but did not stop it, because he felt that the star Dao Mark on his body had come too smoothly and his power was too unfamiliar. He instinctively felt the crisis.

If this Power of Stars can make Heiyu stronger, then he is willing to give up all the power of these stars to Heiyu.

The black fish that has absorbed Power of Stars has indeed undergone some changes. On the huge black body, one after another golden lines appear. As it continues to absorb the power of the stars, there are some changes on its body. The golden lines are more and more obvious.

Mu Qing looked at the black fish that used to be his blood spirit. He is connected with the black fish and can still feel the changes that have taken place in the black fish.

He can clearly feel that Hei Yu's strength is rapidly increasing, and at the same time, there is a terrifying bloodline power in Hei Yu's recovery.

hong long!

Suddenly, the black fish loudly roared, in the sky, actually evolves into one after another Thunder Tribulation and fell down, hitting its body.

In the sky one after another Thunder Tribulation strikes, the powerful power swept away in an instant, and the surrounding stars and meteorites shattered one after another, in the sky one after another Thunder Tribulation strikes.

Mu Qing looked over and found that this Thunder Tribulation had the Five Elements Thunder Tribulation he knew, Yin and Yang Thunder Tribulation, and even some more terrifying Thunder Tribulation, evolving into a blazing white light, almost suddenly Pierce the body of the black fish.

"What's going on?!" Mu Qing was extremely shocked.

"It is undergoing transformation! According to rumors, some powerful blood spirits will attract Thunder Tribulation when they advance." Shusiyu was also surprised.

Mu Qing's body was shocked. Since Heiyu left, he has no Water Attribute origin power. He originally thought that Heiyu had become an Avatar-like existence, but he did not expect to perform blood spirit. Advanced.

Actually, during the breakthrough King Realm, blood spirit will be advanced once, and Mu Qing did not have blood spirit at that time, so naturally he will not advance.

He originally thought that Heiyu's wings were considered an advanced level, but now it seems that it is a real advanced level at this moment, devouring the Power of Stars on his body, and even leading to Thunder Tribulation.

The Thunder Tribulation of in the sky is terrifying, stronger than Mu Qing's shot, completely surpassing the old king, and the black fish has been seriously injured in the blink of an eye.

However, Heiyu continuously absorbed the Power of Stars from Mu Qing's body, and obtained huge energy at once, allowing it to quickly recover from its injuries.

Mu Qing is now like a huge energy source. The Power of Stars on his body is endless. After being swallowed by a black fish, he has the confidence to compete with Thunder Tribulation.

hong long long!

In the sky, a dark thunder and lightning fell and evolved into a sharp blade, as if to penetrate the body of a black fish.

However, the black fish roared, with golden lines all over his body, and his wings vibrated, which directly triggered the Power of Space, forming a silver crescent, and swept away.

With a loud bang, the blade derived from black Thunder Tribulation shattered, and Thunder Tribulation was completely gone.

On the black fish's body, the golden lines became more dazzling, and it swallowed the Power of Stars on Mu Qing's body, even faster than Starry-Sky Diagram.

Finally, when Heiyu and Starry-Sky Diagram stopped swallowing, Mu Qing sighed in relief.

He doesn't have much Power of Stars at the moment, and he is absorbed by these two guys in front of him.

Starry-Sky Diagram has not changed much, it just wraps around the starlight and floats in midair.

On the other side, the black fish has changed a lot. Its wings disappeared, and its golden lines are also hidden in the body, transforming into a huge black fish, wandering in the sky.

Mu Qing can feel that Heiyu's strength is much stronger than before, and he is very happy.

Suddenly, the black fish body trembled, one after another brilliant golden light bloomed, and the golden lines appeared again, turning into pieces of golden feathers!

Mu Qing was stunned, his eyes widened, and he saw that the black fish's body had undergone a huge change, and the wings grew again, and at the same time there were a pair of claws, covered with golden feathers, and transformed into a Golden Peng!

Golden Peng Spread The Wings, wrapped around Power of Space, the speed is extremely fast!

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