"Second Palace Lord!"

Law Enforcement Elder wiped off the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes lit up when he saw the person coming.

He was greatly sighed in relief, and the Second Palace Lord was really powerful. As soon as he passed the news to him, he came over in the blink of an eye.

Mu Qing looked up towards Second Palace Lord, his expression was flat and there was no change.

"Master Zhang is the Master Alchemist of the previous generation Palace Lord who personally invited to sit in Tianyu Palace. Can you move?" The blue golden thunder flashes in the eyes of Second Palace Lord, which contains Power of Yin- Yang, with a silver flood dragon hovering behind him, demonstrates the terrifying majesty.

"Pass the spirit fire method to Master Zhang, this time I think it has never happened." Second Palace Lord shouted coldly.

Although he has secretly used a means to Mu Qing, and the time when Mu Qing's soul collapses is not far away, he cannot allow Mu Qing to act so recklessly.

Moreover, from Mu Qing's actions, he feels that Mu Qing may have discovered something wrong, so it seems that they are hindering the development of their faction recently.

Second Palace Lord feels that there are too many secrets in Mu Qing's body. Various methods are extremely mysterious, and now he possesses the spiritual fire method that Master Zhang desires.

His tone is biased towards commands, the blue golden thunder and lightning flashes crazily in his eyes, staring at Mu Qing, the pressure on his body is like a stormy sea, swept away in waves.

However, Mu Qing stood there, unmoved, his eyes were deep, and his body was also flashing with blue golden thunder and lightning, looking at Second Palace Lord.

Both of them are both cultivation yin and yang Thunder Tribulation Sword Art, in midair one after another yin and yang strength of Thunder Tribulation in a violent impact.

They are all pregnant with ghosts, and the Second Palace Lord has long used methods on Mu Qing to turn him into his own puppet, a puppet to help him control the stone sword, but Mu Qing concealed his own True identity, as an undercover by the Second Palace Lord, to help his mother faction.

However, Mu Qing is still the brilliant method of Mu Qing, because he is surrounded by cursed thinking rain, this little elf-like girl, but has the memory of cursing God in her mind, helping Mu Qing resolve one A troublesome question made his plan extremely smooth.


In the sky, the dragon roar came out, a silver flood dragon hovered, and the blue golden Thunder Tribulation fell down, condensed into a thunder pupil, and the gaze swept away to the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation.

The yin and yang Thunder Tribulation condense grinding disc on Mu Qing's side, but it was pierced by Thunder pupil's gaze, and it was broken.


Mu Qing groaned, his figure retreated a few steps, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

His perception of yin and yang Thunder Tribulation is still inferior to the Second Palace Lord. The other party's cultivation strength of Thunder Tribulation for many years, his insight is quite deep, which is not comparable to him.

"My good dísciple, Sword Art is not very good, but Lei Fa is deeply behind, almost surpassing me." Second Palace Lord's eyes condensed, and he felt it from Mu Qing for the first time A hint of crisis.

The yin and yang Thunder Tribulation cultivation deepens, Thunder Tribulation transforms the artifacts, and controls them like a thunder decree, and the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation can be summoned in an instant.

Second Palace Lord has cultivated to this realm, deriving a yin and yang thunder pupil, staring at him, accompanied by nine Heavenly Lightning Tribulation.

Just now he saw Mu Qing's grinding disc derived from Thunder Tribulation, which is also extremely subtle, obviously a realm with him.

However, he does not know that Mu Qing has been able to use the Yin-Yang Grindstone summon to produce a thunder and lightning vision, and the realm of thunder is still above him!

"My good Master, dísciple is wronged and naturally wants to kill. You should stand on my side." Mu Qing said serene.

Elder Lin also came right now. He also had a headache when he saw Mu Qing. He could only stand by and watch with Law Enforcement Elder.

"I said Lao Lin, do you think the relationship between Aoki and the Second Palace Lord is a bit weird." Law Enforcement Elder touched the chin, he felt that these two people in front of him were not like master and disciple, and did not speak Including any feelings, the current situation is even more like a fight at any time.

Elder Lin gave a wry smile. He knew that the Second Palace Lord received dísciple for a certain plan. He didn't know much about it, but he knew that Mu Qing could have such strength so quickly. Perhaps it was related to the plan of Second Palace Lord. .

However, he also felt that Mu Qing did not seem to be under the control of the Second Palace Lord. It was likely that there were some problems with the Second Palace Lord's plan.

He shook his head and sighed. If these two people work with a common purpose in front of him, why worry about his faction not unifying Tianyu Palace?

"Second Palace Lord, the spirit fire method is very helpful for the improvement of spirit strength. Once I get it, it can help you refine battleship and mecha!" Master Zhang saw the Second Palace Lord and came over to help. Looking at him, his eyes lit up, and eagerly ran behind him.

Second Palace Lord hearing this, his mind couldn't help but move. He had seen the mecha on Mu Qing's body. He was obviously in a weak state, but he was able to explode with strength not weaker than the old king.

If their faction can obtain a batch of mecha, the overall strength will definitely rise.

Second Palace Lord looked towards Mu Qing, but it was frowned. Judging from Mu Qing's expression, he didn't seem to intend to hand over the spirit fire method.

Sure enough, Mu Qing's answer was decisive, even full of killing intents.

"I just want to kill people now."

Master Zhang shrank his neck and felt a bitter chill.

Second Palace Lord’s face even more angrily smiled, and said: "Good, good! I will see today, can you kill Master Zhang in front of me with your ability?"

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth is slightly tilted, but with a trace of disdain.

After contacting the alchemy in the alchemy organization, he already understands what real alchemy looks like, which is not comparable to the master in front of him.

What battleship, what mecha, Mu Qing disdain, even if the opponent gets the spirit fire method, they can't refine it at all.

"Try it and you will know."

Mu Qing suddenly splashed out a trace of murderous intention in his eyes.

He held a stone sword, thunder shot in an instant, Yin-Yang Grindstone entangled, and the sword glow was shocking.

Second Palace Lord's face shook, he didn't expect Mu Qing would really make a move, and he did not shy away from the identity of the Second Palace Lord.

He implied anger, the silver flood dragon turned into a Spirit Sword, and the yin and yang Thunder Tribulation was all over the sky in an instant, moving towards Mu Qing cut away.

This is a trick of the Peak King. It's terrifying.

But he still kept his hands a bit, if he missed Mu Qing and killed Mu Qing, it would not be worth the gain.

Mu Qing holds a stone sword, and also thunder strikes, one after another violent strength of Thunder rushes out, Yin-Yang Grindstone appears in midair, evolving into Heavenly Lightning Tribulation.

However, the result is the same as before. Mu Qing's perception of Lei Fa is not inferior to the Second Palace Lord, but the cultivation base is a realm short of it.


Mu Qing coughed up blood and backed away, the stone sword in his hand vibrated violently, blood floated all over his body, and the strength of Thunder displayed on his body also collapsed.

Second Palace Lord stared at him, he wanted Mu Qing to know that his majesty was not something he could offend.

However, Mu Qing slightly lifted the corner of his mouth. This expression made Second Palace Lord's heart tremble.

Before the Second Palace Lord could react, Mu Qing opened his palm, and a lightning rushed out in an instant.


This thunder and lightning pierced through, the speed is amazing, too fast, even the Second Palace Lord, the Peak King, just felt that something flashed in front of him.

Only Master Zhang saw it. A golden-bright and dazzling thunder and lightning fell on him. In the blink of an eye, unparalleled rays of light bloomed, and the terrifying energy was vented in an instant, just like the same The bright sun burst.


Master Zhang shouted unwillingly, but it had no effect. The golden rays of light enveloped him, with no ashes left, completely Annihilation!

Law Enforcement Elder and Elder Lin were dumbfounded, looking at the big pit in the jail of Law Enforcement Group, swallowed saliva and said.


A wave of air swept away, and the aftermath of energy swept all around like a storm. Only a loud noise was heard, and most of the prison shattered and collapsed.

The two Elder Lin glanced at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes. At this moment, they even doubted whether Mu Qing had broken through to the Peak King. How could the formidable power of beckoned be stronger than the old King. some.

Even more how, the speed of that lightning bolt cannot be avoided even by the veteran king.


Endless terrifying pressure erupted from the body of the Second Palace Lord, where the ground shattered and began to vibrate like a volcanic eruption.

He is gnashing teeth, looking at Mu Qing who is all black and embarrassed in front of him, he is already angry.


The blue golden Thunder Tribulation fell, forming a thunder pupil in midair, staring closely at Mu Qing, as if he was about to forcibly chop it to death!

Master Zhang, as the Master Alchemist, was almost like an ancestor in the Tianyu Palace, and just now, Mu Qing forcibly killed him in front of the Second Palace Lord!

Second Palace Lord expressions are all red at this moment, and his hands are trembling, as if he will make a move at any time to kill Mu Qing.

He really couldn't stand it anymore.

He can endure Mu Qing doing other things, even killing his confidant Elder Bai, there is not much fluctuation in his heart.

However, Master Zhang is the Master Alchemist, and Mu Qing killed him in front of him as the Second Palace Lord. Who will believe him as the Second Palace Lord after this?

He even foresaw that the Elders of his faction began to turn to the Grand Palace Lord faction. Before, he favored Mu Qing and did not help Elder Bai, which made many Elders feel chilled. Now this thing is happening and it affects It will definitely be more serious!

"Ahhh! I'm going to kill you!" Second Palace Lord's eyes were red, he urged the thunder pupil, a terrible electric light went through Heaven and Earth, and the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation appeared, Power of Yin-Yang Accompany.


Mu Qing was hit, he didn't even go to avoid him, he opened his mouth and vomited a lot of blood, his body was in severe pain, that one after another yin and yang thunder and lightning was still on his body It burst, one after another, the wound was burnt all over.

In the face of a Peak King like Second Palace Lord, he is not an opponent at all.

However, he did not die, Mu Qing lifts the head, his body was in severe pain, but he didn't even suffer serious injuries.

Because the Second Palace Lord did not give his best!

The corners of Mu Qing's mouth curled slightly. His guess was correct, and the Second Palace Lord finally stopped.

At a critical moment, he used his connection with the thunder pool to make the thunder pool change. After the Second Palace Lord has cultivated the thunder pool for such a long time, he can naturally feel the strangeness happening in the thunder pool. .

Second Palace Lord's face is gloomy at the moment, he finally established a connection with the thunder pool, he did not want to take the thunder pool, but to refine the thunder pool and the Purple Lightning Bamboo into two pieces Supreme Treasure.

This is also the reason why he cares about Master Zhang so much. In addition to the alchemy organization, the other party can be said to be one of the very best Master Alchemist from the outside world. With his help, he refines two Supreme Treasures by himself. It can definitely be easy.

He even wants to refine Purple Lightning Bamboo into a lightning bamboo sword. When the time comes with Supreme Treasure, his strength will be greatly improved.

Unfortunately, before the Second Palace Lord had time to find the master Zhang, the opponent had already been bombarded and killed by Mu Qing.

He is staring at Mu Qing with red eyes at the moment, but Mu Qing has no expression, looking at him plainly.

Mu Qing secretly aroused the thunder pool and caused it to change. Second Palace Lord can naturally feel it. Now it depends on whether the opponent insists on killing himself or going back to check the thunder pool.

When Mu Qing planned to kill Master Zhang, he knew that he would tear his face with the Second Palace Lord.

"Fortunately for you!" The Second Palace Lord gritted his teeth and shouted furiously, a thunder and lightning appeared, and once again blasted Mu Qing away.

He turned and left, sensing an unexpected vibration on the side of the thunder pool, as if he was about to break through the air.


Mu Qing flew out, smashed a wall, coughed up a mouthful of blood, his chest was scorched, and the pain was terrible, even his ribs were broken.

But this injury is nothing to him. The physique obtained by his cultivation Titan bloodline method, he recovered after a while.

He sneered, Second Palace Lord really still cares about the thunder pool. He wants to refining the thunder pool and Purple Lightning Bamboo into the Supreme Treasure, and even has a preliminary connection.

Unfortunately, the thunder pool is still Mu Qing's after all, no matter how much he plays, it will be futile!

"Witch's seat, take Lin Xin, let's go!" Mu Qing stood up, clutched his chest and left.

Wu Xi was nodded, and he picked up Lin Xin and followed closely.

Elder Lin opened his mouth, trying to say something, but still didn't say it, and finally sighed.

He didn't expect things to happen like this, obviously these two people are united, their faction will be surprisingly strong!

On the other side, Mu Qing returned to his residence with the witch seat and the unconscious Lin Xin.

"Mu Qing, if you turn your face with the Second Palace Lord like this, he will never spare you lightly." Wu Xi looked at Mu Qing's injury and felt very guilty in his heart.

He apologized to Mu Qing, and felt that he was involved in Mu Qing, which led to the breakdown of his relationship with the Second Palace Lord.

Mu Qing shook the head, even if nothing happened today, sooner or later he and the Second Palace Lord would turn their faces.

He didn't put his injuries in the heart. In fact, he was in a good mood at the moment.

Because he has studied the use of liquid energy for a long time, he finally has a breakthrough development!

Before, he thought that liquid energy could not be thrown too far in the bottle. Although the explosive power was available, the speed was not enough. The veteran king could easily hide the liquid energy bottle.

And now, he uses special materials combined with some techniques of alchemy, plus his own strength of Thunder, condense a gentle lightning, which will not cause any damage to the enemy, but it can be stored Liquid energy.

The speed of this lightning is amazing. It will penetrate through lightly, just like real lightning, and Mu Qing uses the technique of Thunder Palm to make this golden lightning speed to the extreme. Even the King of Peak couldn't see clearly.

"Since I researched this thing, I should give it a name. What should I call it?" Mu Qing touched the chin thinking.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, he slapped his knees, and shouted: "Let’s call annihilation Divine Lightning!"

The formidable power bursting out of the liquid energy is terrifying, and it is enough to kill people. Completely annihilated and become nothingness.

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