"What are you talking about! You who don't even understand alchemy, what right do you have to comment on me!" Master Zhang, flustered and exasperated, seems to be in pain by Mu Qing .

At the beginning, he had also joined the alchemy organization, and he naturally understood how terrifying and mysterious there is. It can be said to be the Holy Land of all alchemists on Earth, with the inheritance of orthodox alchemists.

Unfortunately, he had not yet learnt the orthodox alchemy, so he was brushed down by the final round of assessment.

The people who can enter the alchemy organization are basically alchemy geniuses. Master Zhang was able to enter the alchemy organization assessment and insisted on being eliminated until the last round, which shows that he has a good talent in alchemy. .

He is indeed a powerful Master Alchemist, but he is basically impossible compared to the monstruous talent genius of the alchemy organization, because he has no cultivation to orthodox alchemy!

"I'm not qualified?" Mu Qing sneered.

He spread his hand, the divine light in his eyebrows flickered, one after another spirit strength gushed out, and one in midair evolved. Clusters of light blue flames.

An extremely terrifying temperature rushed away, and the entire Law Enforcement Group's prison was like a stove. Law Enforcement Elder pursed his mouth and found that his lips were chapped.

However, he looked at Mu Qing with a puzzled expression, and he didn't know exactly what Mu Qing was going to do.

Although the light blue flame is very hot, it seems that even the king may not be able to resist it, but for the old king, he is not afraid.

"Does he want to kill Master Zhang?!" Suddenly, Law Enforcement Elder was startled, and immediately looked towards Mu Qing with a vigilant look.

He was really afraid that Mu Qing would become angry, so he killed Master Zhang. After all, Master Zhang was just an ordinary king, not Mu Qing’s opponent at all. If you know Mu Qing’s current strength, even Anyone who is a veteran king can easily be defeated!

Law Enforcement Elder is a little nervous. He doesn't know whether he can withstand Mu Qing with his own strength. If a master is killed by Mu Qing, there will definitely be people in the Second Palace Lord faction who will start to be dissatisfied.

"Second Palace Lord! What dísciple is this you got!" Law Enforcement Elder cried secretly.

What is he secretly thought? Since this Aoki became the Direct Disciple of the Second Palace Lord, he has not helped their faction do a good thing, and killed one of the veteran kings in his faction.

Now, the Second Palace Lord faction wants to win over Master Zhang, but they don't want this Aoki to clashed with Master Zhang again, trying to kill.

"Aoki! What are you doing? Put down the flame!" Law Enforcement Elder brace oneself, standing in front of Master Zhang, shouted loudly.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he staggered and was forcibly dragged behind by Master Zhang.


Law Enforcement Elder is almost scolding his mother at this moment, and he intends to fight his life to block the green wood in front of him. It's good for you to even pull me away!

He turned his head to look, but he was very surprised. He saw Master Zhang's pupil shrink, his body trembled crazily, and he was extremely shocked!

His eyes are almost staring out.

"Spirit fire! How can you have spirit fire? Impossible! How could you be an alchemist!" Master Zhang roared, staring at the pale blue flame in Mu Qing's hand.

His words made Law Enforcement Elder even more stunned. Mu Qing seems to be an alchemist as well, and he is also very difficult to deal with, which makes Master Zhang so excited.

"No! You have to entrust me to refining artifacts, how could you be an alchemist? Your spirit strength is also very weak." Master Zhang shook his head frantically.

Others don't know what spirit fire means, but he does.

Once, Master Zhang had the honor to go to the alchemy organization for an assessment, but was eventually eliminated by the final round of assessment because his spirit strength was only more than forty times that of ordinary people, and he was required to enter the alchemy organization. But it needs spirit strength to be fifty times stronger than ordinary people!

Of course, during the time when Master Zhang passed the assessment, he also saw how powerful the alchemists in the alchemy organization were. He saw a Master Alchemist refining a mecha have the words at hand. Several alchemists worked together to build a flying ship in just a few days.

That scene was absolutely terrifying, and he knew that the alchemy organization was completely different from outside alchemists, almost two worlds.

In the outside world, any Great Influence who wants to refine high-tech combat equipment such as flying ships or mechas will have many alchemists involved, and it will cost a lot of money to let each technology factory build parts. Resources can almost be said to be flying ships and mechas that were forcibly smashed out with money.

Master Zhang knows that although the spirit strength of the average alchemist is irritating, the quality is mixed, including him, and the members of the alchemy organization will learn a tempering technique of spirit strength and specialize in tempering spirit. The quality of strength, the flame is derived from spirit strength. After the quality is high, it is even stronger than some Formation martial skills.

His spirit strength is more than forty times that of ordinary people, but in terms of quality, it is not as good as Mu Qing. Mu Qing learns the liquid energy extraction technique, including the method of spirit strength tempering.

"Where did your spiritual tempering method come from? Give it to me! Hurry up and tell me!" Master Zhang, with red eyes, moved towards Mu Qing and yelled.

He is in a state of madness, and this spiritual method is too attractive to him.

Master Zhang once personally saw people in the alchemy organization directly refine a piece of special metal material into the prototype of mecha with mental fire!

"Hurry up and let him give me the method! Do you know what this means? Just give me a period of time, and I can let your Second Palace Lord faction have countless battleships and mechas!" Zhang The master was anxious, grabbed Law Enforcement Elder by the collar, and snarled frantically at him.

Mu Qing is like watching a show throughout the whole process, he naturally knows how much temptation the outside alchemists are in the alchemy organization.

Of course, what Master Zhang said is not true, because this spirit fire method only improves the quality of spirit strength. If you want to refine those powerful battleships and mechas, you need to be in the alchemy organization. Some of the alchemy secrets.

Law Enforcement Elder was also confused, he couldn't believe that the crazy old man in front of him was the usual master Zhang.

Mu Qing received the spirit fire and carried the stone sword behind him, and Master Zhang saw the pale blue flame disappear, as if he had lost his beloved baby, he was extremely disappointed.

"The tempering method of spiritual fire, you have the ability to go to the alchemy organization to ask for it, but I heard that you can't even pass the assessment of the alchemy organization?" Mu Qing faint smiled at him.

These are no secrets in the Tianyu Palace. Of course, no one will underestimate or despise Master Zhang. He can stick to the final assessment of the alchemy organization before being eliminated. It is already very difficult to deal with.

Outside alchemists, their spirit strength is almost several times or ten times stronger than ordinary people. Like Master Zhang, who has more than 40 times the spirit strength of ordinary people, they are indeed Peak alchemists in the outside world. .

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