The strength of the veteran king is terrifying, and the original power is pouring down. The big hand is full of sapphire color and can have a hundred meters.

Mu Qing coughed, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He looked very weak now, and he looked weak in front of in midair's big blue jade hand.

But he looked towards Elder Bai with a look of disdain and contempt, which actually made Elder Bai even more angry.

The boy in front of him, who killed his own son, looked arrogant and disdainful. This is something no one can bear.

At this time, a word of sword light suddenly appeared from the side, condensing into an Immortal Crane, the sword intent is vertical and horizontal, directly piercing the big hand of turquoise color.

"What do you mean?" Elder Bai gloomy face, looked towards Elder Lin.

Elder Lin shook his head and said; "Second Palace Lord said that if you find Aoki's trouble, it is Life and Death Battle, and he will personally supervise it."

Elder Bai gnashing teeth, finally coldly snorted, turned and left.

Of course, he will not give up like this, and will inevitably challenge Mu Qing to life and death.

The enemy of killing children is absolutely irreconcilable, even if he carries a name that bullies dísciple, he will kill Mu Qing.

Elder Lin wiped the sweat from his forehead, secretly thought a bad sound, watching Elder Bai's death and Mu Qing Life and Death Battle, the corners of his mouth twitched, he thought very much Tell Elder Bai that Mu Qing's strength is not something that ordinary veteran kings can deal with.

If the two of them have a life and death battle, Elder Lin thinks that Mu Qing should be the winner.

Now what bothers Elder Lin is, how should he convince Elder Bai that Mu Qing is strong?

"I hope when the time comes, you can still live." Mu Qing said flatly.

Elder Bai body trembled who has not left in the distance, he endured the urge to turn around and beat Mu Qing to death, moving towards the distance and flew away.

2nd day, news spread in Tianyu Palace that Elder Bai, the veteran king, was about to start a Life and Death Battle against the Direct Disciple of the Second Palace Lord.

Almost all the dísciples of Tianyu Palace have exploded. They are not very familiar with the Direct Disciple of the Second Palace Lord, but most of Elder Bai's dísciples know it.

The dísciple of the Great Palace Lord faction is a taking pleasure in other people's misfortune. Elder Bai is the Elder of the Second Palace Lord faction. He conflicts with the Direct Disciple of the Second Palace Lord, which naturally makes the Great Palace Lord. The factions are happy, all of them are ready to watch Life and Death Battle.

Elder Bai and Mu Qing’s Life and Death Battle was three days later, of course, Mu Qing doesn’t know yet.

At this moment, Mu Qing was stopped by Elder Lin.

"Second Palace Lord wants to see you." Elder Lin asked Mu Qing to see the Second Palace Lord, and then he left.

Mu Qing frowned. He knew that there was absolutely nothing good for the Second Palace Lord to find himself.

This time his trip to the West Lake Secret Realm was too dazzling. The cultivation base skyrocketed and he rescued the Peak Kings of Great Influence. This news is obviously already known to the Second Palace Lord.

Although the Second Palace Lord has long used measures against Mu Qing to make it the soul flew away and scattered after a year, but Mu Qing suddenly possesses such a strength, but it is the Second Palace Lord that came into being Suspicious.

Elder Lin did not have any reservations when he reported this trip to the West Lake Secret Realm. He told the Second Palace Lord what had happened, and told the Second Palace Lord with a surprised look, all Great Influence All owe Mu Qing a favor.

Second Palace Lord noticed something wrong and wanted to summon Mu Qing to investigate clearly.

"Mouse third." Mu Qing drank lightly.

The third mouse was puzzled, and walked in front of Mu Qing, not understanding what Mu Qing suddenly told him to do.

Before it could react, Shu Siyu suddenly appeared, glanced at it with a playful expression, and then wisps of black lines spread on the body of the third mouse.


"You are here."

At the top of a building, Mu Qing looked at the handsome man in front of him, his face was plain, his expression was not ups and downs .

The man turned around, as if thunderstorm was brewing in his eyes, and there was a terrifying flash of strength of Thunder between his hair, condensed into a small sharp sword.

Mu Qing was slightly surprised. When facing the Second Palace Lord, he was like facing a thunder giant sword. The other party’s body was filled with terrifying lightning sword intent every moment. The look in your eyes makes your heart tremble.

"I heard that when you were in West Lake Secret Realm, you burst out with power beyond the Peak King?" The Second Palace Lord suddenly laughed, but in midair, densely packed lightning emerged, forming A thunder prison enveloped Mu Qing.

Behind the Second Palace Lord, a huge silver flood dragon appeared, one after another thick thunder and lightning entangled, very terrifying.

That is his blood spirit, the silver thunder and lightning!

"Not bad." Mu Qing nodded, many people know about his affairs in West Lake Secret Realm, and the Second Palace Lord can find out by asking casually.

Generally speaking, Mu Qing possesses such strength at such a young age, and will inevitably be watched by countless people, but the Duke of Blood Race, Jesse bishop and the others think that Mu Qing is an alien race, so I think Mu Qing should have such strength. After all, there has never been a martial skill or blood spirit among human beings, which can make a person's body soar above 100 meters.

Second Palace Lord's eyes are sharp, and the whole body is covered with wisps of blue golden thunder and lightning, which contains the Power of Yin-Yang.

This lightning Mu Qing is also very familiar with it, it is the strength of Thunder Tribulation!

Suddenly, the Second Palace Lord shot at the speed of thunder, the silver flood dragon behind it sent out a dragon roar, the thunder prison completely enveloped Mu Qing, and then he took out a pitch-black bead and attached it to Mu Qing’s eyebrows Mind.

The whole process took place in a flash, and Mu Qing did not resist any action.

The black beads submerged into Mu Qing's eyebrows, but the next moment saw Mu Qing's face gradually numb, his eyes were hollow, as if he had lost consciousness.

Second Palace Lord nodded with a smile, that black bead is not an ordinary item, but he has spent a great price in exchange for something from the alchemy organization, which can control people in a short time. Let the other party become a puppet at their mercy within a certain period of time.

"What opportunity did you get in West Lake Secret Realm? Give you such strength?" Second Palace Lord shouted.

The numb Mu Qing looked dull. After hearing the question from the Second Palace Lord, he replied: "There is a Formation in Secret Realm, and there is a daoist sect in the Formation. It’s a great breakthrough.”

Second Palace Lord frowned, is it possible that Mu Qing really entered the West Lake Secret Realm and got a fortuitous encounter to have such strength?

He has always suspected that Mu Qing concealed his true strength, and his previous actions against Mu Qing were also seen through by the other party.

"I secretly calculated on you at the time, and wanted your soul to disintegrate in a year, do you know?" Second Palace Lord asked again.

Mu Qing shook his head and said decisively: "I don't know."

Second Palace Lord suddenly sighed in relief, he quickly loosened Mu Qing's restraint, a black bead The eyebrows of Mu Qing drilled out again and returned to the hands of the Second Palace Lord.

Because the inquiry was not long, the black beads were only a small circle, but they were still usable. They were stored cautiously by the Second Palace Lord.

He was very satisfied with nodded, and confirmed that Mu Qing was still under his control. With such strength, he also got a fortuitous encounter in Secret Realm.

"Go down! Three days later, in the Life and Death Battle, no matter you win or lose, I will protect you from death!" Second Palace Lord is in a good mood, and naturally he will not easily let Mu Qing be hit by Elder Bai Kill, if you know that Mu Qing still has a stone sword in his hand, that can be said to be the greatest secret of the Second Palace Lord.

Mu Qing returned to his residence, and then one after another black lines appeared on his body, the rays of light flashed, and he turned into a rat man who was as tall as a person.

The third mouse looked confused, scratched his head, not sure what happened, only saw Mu Qing and Zhou Siyu looking at it with a smile.

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