The whole piece of Heaven and Earth began to vibrate, and the lava silhouette that emerged from the ground was like a god, although it was only an illusory shadow, everyone was trembling.

The aura is stronger than the average Peak King, the surrounding space is twisted, the lava is gushing, and the extremely flaming scarlet glow everywhere all is.

Mu Qing stepped back quickly. This is a Peak King with terrifying strength.

And judging from Hu Hai’s expression, this powerhouse seems to be related to the insect race.

"Master Yan Chong, you are awake."

The mysterious person covered in Power of Darkness made a hoarse old voice.

One after another rays of light rushed out, the illusory shadow disappeared with the giant hammer in hand. What reappeared in front of everyone was a huge insect with four claws underneath the huge body. On the scarlet's carapace, there is a rune that is as fluid as a lava.

This is a fire worm, specializing in absorbing the energy of Fire Attribute to enhance its own strength, this Peak king-level insect is obviously the powerhouse among fire worms.

Mu Qing was wondering before, why there is no powerhouse of the insect race, the two Peak Kings here are both humans.

Now, he finally knows that there are a total of three powerful Peak Kings on the insect race side. This inflammation worm is stronger than Hu Hai and the mysterious person, hiding in the ground.

The huge flame insect suddenly burst into dazzling rays of light, and he transformed into a big human being, two meters tall, his eyes were red, and his skin was radiating heat.

Beside him, there is Mullin, who is only half-length, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He could not accept that he was defeated by Mu Qing with a thunderous method in such a short period of time.

Mu Qing's eyes were sharp, and he moved towards looking over there, only to find that the person who rescued Mulin was the worm in front of him.

He sighed secretly. If he had just performed the divine explosion, he would directly tear the chain of Five Primal Chaos, maybe Mullin had been killed directly by him.

"Starry-Sky Diagram! My Starry-Sky Diagram!!"

Mulin suddenly yelled and said: "Master Yanbug, the Starry-Sky Diagram on me , Was taken away by him!"

He was only half-length, and there were many cracks on it, but he was still alive. It was the fleshy body made from this star and meteorite.

However, Mullin's face was extremely anxious, because he found that his Starry-Sky Diagram was missing.

The reason why I have such a strong strength, everything is given by Starry-Sky Diagram. With Starry-Sky Diagram, the speed of cultivation Power of Stars is extremely fast.

But now, although the blood spirit of the stars behind him is still there, the rays of light are dim, including the big scorpion hidden in it, also weak.

"Starry-Sky Diagram?!"

Mu Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then looked towards Heiyu, only Heiyu opened his mouth and spit out a starlight.

It is a picture scroll of stars more than 20 meters wide. There are a total of 36 stars illusory shadows on it. As soon as it appears, it draws a ray of bright stars, which can be seen as an extraordinary artifact. .

Hei Yu shook his body, opened his mouth again, and spit out a starlight, but it was the corner of the Starry-Sky Diagram that he had swallowed before.

As soon as this piece of debris appeared, it returned to the Starry-Sky Diagram and healed automatically.

"This is a good baby!" Mu Qing smiled with joy, grabbing the Starry-Sky Diagram, and after initial communication, he could feel the profound Power of Stars contained therein.

The thing that was swallowed by the black fish, any traces on it have disappeared. The Starry-Sky Diagram that originally belonged to Mullin has no contact with it at this moment and falls into Mu Qing's hands.

"Good job!" Mu Qing praised the black fish.

In fact, since the black fish blood spirit became an independent entity, it has shown a mysterious side. Not only can it cultivate Water Attribute origin power by itself, but it can also swallow all kinds of things.

Especially some time ago, after swallowing the golden dragon's blood, it became more mysterious, with wings growing, and its speed reached an unimaginable level.

Mu Qing looked at the black fish, and inexplicably thought of the legendary Kunpeng in his mind. According to legend, Kunpeng is a fish when it enters the sea. The body is huge, and it can turn into a big Peng when it jumps up. Clouds hanging down from the sky.

This description is very similar to Mu Qing's black fish, both of which are increasing in speed.

However, Zhou Siyu has long denied Mu Qing's ideas.

In the memory of the cursed god in her mind, although she has not really seen Kunpeng, when she traveled in the universe, she had also heard of it and seen the video footage taken.

Kunpeng's characteristic is that his speed has reached the extreme, and his understanding of space is extremely high, but Heiyu is different.

Heiyu seems to be similar in speed to the description of Kunpeng, but it does not have any Power of Space, and what it contains is Water Attribute origin power.

In particular, the black fish’s unique ability is to swallow, and a black hole appears when it opens its mouth. This is completely different from Kunpeng, but very similar to Divine Beast.

In short, for black fish, Mu Qing and Zhou Siyu have studied for a long time, and they don't know what type it is. It is a bit like a combination of Kunpeng and Taotie.

"Starry-Sky Diagram is very important. Insect King can think of you so that you can continue to carry Starry-Sky Diagram. You lost it?"

At this time, the insect was carrying Mullin to speak, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were filled with a trace of anger.

Before he had time to wait for Mullin to speak, the Insects threw Mullin away directly, hitting it in the distance, and a big hole was blasted out on the ground.

Mulin let out a scream, but he dared not speak.

"Wait for me to solve this kid, and then I will help you, you humans are all low-grade bloodline rubbish, and finally you actually want me to go out." Yan Chong shouted at Hu Hai and the mysterious person , Full of disdain.

He seemed to be very angry. He felt that Hu Hai and the others were too inked to kill Yang Hongan and Zhou Gu for a long time.

Hu Hai gave a wry smile. He originally joined hands with the mysterious person, but he could solve Yang Hongan in a short time. Who would have thought that a curse ancient appeared suddenly, and his strength was terrifying.

If this goes on, let alone killing Yang Hongan, maybe both of them will be killed by Curse Gu.

Yan Chong was coldly snorted. Obviously, he also discovered that Shu Gu was very strong. He noticed something was wrong with Shu Gu, and his body was snorted that made him feel heart palpitations.

He didn't dare to neglect, his gaze suddenly fell on Mu Qing, planning to solve Mu Qing, take away Starry-Sky Diagram, and then help Hu Hai and the others.

Yan Chong’s face gradually turned acrimonious. He couldn’t wait. This action was arranged by the Insect King himself. As long as the group of Peak Kings and the veteran Kings were given blood sacrifices, the energy gained was not only It can improve Insect King's strength by a bit, and it can also leave him with extra energy.

He can't help but expect a little in his heart. As long as he gains part of the blood sacrifice energy, he can break through the shackles of the Peak King and reach the half-step Supreme Being level.

Of course, the top priority is to take back the Starry-Sky Diagram, which matters a lot.

The body of Yan Chong flashed, and it came to the top of Mu Qing's head in an instant, his eyes were cold, and he patted it with a palm.

The billowing lava vented out with black qi flames in it.

Here, the scorched black ground contains special power, and even derives ominous beasts.

And the special power of the black qi flame can be absorbed by the Insect King.

Mu Qing's heart sank, and the lava hand took a photo, the power is too terrifying, the strength of this inflammation insect is stronger than Hu Hai.

Mu Qing originally thought that he and Mullin were almost comparable to the King of Peak, but when the King of Peak was in front of him, he felt that he was insignificant with the trivial ant.

His face is extremely solemn.

At this moment, all the kings in the blood sacrifice array became nervous, and the peak king’s Ke Fei and Loulan ancient city both held their breath.

There are still several kings who feel hopeless again.

When they saw Yang Hongan and Zhou Gu, they thought there was a chance. As long as Yang Hongan and the others defeated Hu Hai, they would be able to help them break through this damn blood sacrifice array.

However, what made everyone desperate was that a Peak King appeared again on the insect race, and it seemed that the strength was much stronger than the average Peak King.

"This insect race, where did so many powerhouses come from?!" a veteran king shouted.

Since the Hangzhou city disaster appeared, the power of the insect race has expanded at an extremely terrifying speed, which makes people feel terrified.

Elder Lin stared at Mu Qing firmly, his pupils were still bloodshot, and his palms were shaking.

Mu Qing's previously demonstrated strength surprised him, and even imagined in his heart that he might be able to lead the Tianyu Palace to sweep the world when Mu Qing will command the Sky Feather Palace in the future.

However, the power of the worm made him tremble even more, and he slowly closed his eyes, as if he had foreseen Mu Qing being photographed to death.

Almost everyone thought that Mu Qing was bound to die, and the power that the inflammation worms erupted was completely beyond comparison by Mullin.

Mu Qing gritted his teeth, the corners of his mouth have overflowed with blood, and the big lava hand on top of his head has not completely crushed it, there is already a terrifying pressure assaults the senses, and his skeleton is creaked. The sound of creak.

"Divine Seal, open!"

He took a deep breath and suddenly burst out.

Suddenly, Mu Qing's body bloomed with unmatched divine light, which was as bright as a sun.

Everyone present changes color. In this world, it seems that the only rays of light are Mu Qing.

The dazzling divine light rushes straight above the sky, exuding a breath that makes everyone's heart palpitating, surging and sacred, and his silhouette at this moment seems to be eternal.

Even the big hand of In the sky that is about to slap the Insect Worm has stopped at this moment.

Yan Chong's face suddenly changed. It was not that he didn't want to take the photo, but found that the lava hand from his condense was blocked by an invisible force.

Mu Qing's eyes danced with thunder and lightning, and the silhouette shrouded in divine light was like a ten thousand zhang mountain, oppressing everyone.

He was full of divine light all over, standing on the spot, without any movement, but it stopped the attack of the worms.

On Mu Qing's body, Chaos Energy is permeated, and the chains of chaos hover like Heavenly Dragon.


A chain of chaos shattered and turned into a chain of Chaos Energy and poured into his body. Then, a continuous and crisp sound sounded, and the four chains of chaos broke apart, forming Chaos Energy into the body.


Mu Qing's eyes gradually reddened, and his mouth uttered an earth-shaking roar, and he saw his body soaring in an instant, turning into Sky Giant.

The body of a full 100 meters appeared in front of everyone, the chaotic chain turned into a Heavenly Dragon hovering, like a chaotic Battle Armor, the whole body was divine light.

The breath on Mu Qing's body escaped and suffocated everyone.

In the blood sacrifice big array, all the kings boiled, staring wide-eyed, unable to believe that Mu Qing actually had such a means to transform into a hundred-meter giant with Supreme power on his body.

"What kind of method is this?"

The Duke of Blood Race, the old man of Loulan Ancient City, Jesse Bishop, etc. Peak kings are not calm, they stood up, that divine light is very dazzling.


Mu Qing put out his hand, one after another terrifying yin and yang Thunder Tribulation condense came, turned into an electric spear, and was thrown directly by him.

There was a boom.

The big lava hand of Yan Chong was pierced by lightning, and a big hole appeared in the palm of his hand.

With a sound of Peng, the lava collapsed. Mu Qing's 100-meter body covered the sky and covered the sun, and came driving the black fish.

When he stretched out his hand, a lightning bolt was condense, fiercely penetrated, and its power even changed the color of the worm.

"How is it possible? How could he be so strong?!"

Yan Worm quickly avoided because he found that Mu Qing's strength had risen to the same level as him, and the attack was enough to hurt To him.

He looked towards Mu Qing incredibly, that divine light is too dazzling.

After he thoroughly saw Mu Qing's 100-meter body, his face suddenly changed.

"Titan Race?! You are not a human, you are a Titan!" He was extremely shocked, shouting over there.

Although the Insects were born on Earth and were cultivated to the Peak King level with the resources of the Earth insect race, they have a very good understanding of the affairs of the major races in the universe.

Insect race bloodline has memory inheritance. This is the same for most cosmic races. As long as the race of God has appeared in the race, there will be more or less memory inheritance in bloodline.

When the worm was born, it also gained a lot of memory inheritance. The insect race wandered through the universe, and it can almost be said that it has been fighting in the universe. I don’t know how many planets have been eaten away. Naturally, the worm has many memories.

As for the famous Titan Race in the universe, the worm naturally knows it.

Insect race looks like invincible in the whole world, where you go to fight wherever you go, but you are afraid of some races in the universe.

Especially Titan Race, they are known as the ancient Divine Race. I don’t know how many gods have appeared before, and the bloodline is terrifying in richness.

It is also because there are too many gods in Titan Race, which causes the divine force to accompany the Titan when it appears. This curse Siyu also told Mu Qing.

Only such a race can be called Divine Race, blessed by heaven as soon as it is born!

"Sure enough, Master Insect King expected, you still appeared. The key to the treasure house was created by Titan Race. You must have more clues!"

Yan Chong drank low, but he did not expect that Titan Race appeared so early.

At the same time, the body of the Insect insect burst into red light, and he showed his body, roaring, to kill Mu Qing.

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