"You don't have origin power! You only have fleshly body strength!" Mu Lin's eyes lighted like a poisonous snake. Fiercely stabbed him, he also saw through Mu Qing's true situation.

He can feel that there is no original power fluctuation in Mu Qing's body, only fleshly body strength.

However, unlike ordinary physical training, Mu Qing has a runes at the center of his eyebrows. Every time Mu Qing takes a shot, the rune will gush out a terrifying power blessing, which is not available in other physical trainings.

"It seems that something happened to you, and even the origin power disappeared. You are not my opponent at all." Mullin shouted lightly.

Although he said so, Mu Lin was very solemn in his heart, and he was even more aware of Mu Qing's terrifying.

Mu Qing doesn't know what it is because there is no origin power, but it can still cultivate Fleshy body to this level. How terrifying is this?

Everyone in the bloodstained array also heard what Mullin said, all stared wide-eyed.

"Without the origin power, but also cultivation the strength to the old King Realm, is it so simple now?" A king felt a little unbelievable.

The elders of the ancient city of Loulan are also frowns, saying: "Physical training is much more difficult than cultivation origin power. Even if you are a genius, it will take more than ten years or even several decades!"

Everyone asked Elder Lin again. After learning that Mu Qing was indeed practicing, they were not calm at once.

"This is an evildoer, right?" A king called out in shock.

"But you have the origin power and such a powerful fleshy body, but you can't beat me. Are you always ashamed?" Mu Qing taunted.

Mulin hearing this was angry, he rushed out directly, the rays of light on his body were shining, and his punch was blasted. The fist was entangled with bright rays of light, as if a star came from the universe and burst out The boundless brilliance, coming like a galaxy.


Mu Qing shot to resist, Yin-Yang Grindstone ran across the sky, and strands of Power of Yin-Yang evolved Thunder Tribulation, rumbling sound continued, divine light turned into flame light , Can burn the sky.

Mulin's eyes were cold, and the starlight exploded on his fist.

Mu Qing drank softly, relying on his powerful body, he directly supported Yin-Yang Grindstone and rushed into the sky starlight, the terrifying Yin-Yang Thunder Tribulation was brewing, and the Thunder Phoenix electric dragon resurfaced.


He raised high Yin-Yang Grindstone, just like when he held up the thunder pool, with a terrifying imposing manner, let the Yin-Yang Thunder Tribulation pour down, with a bang, The amazing Thunder Tribulation is shrouded all around, and the stars are broken.

In that round of Yin-Yang Grindstone, smashed in the air, but Mullin was not normal, his fist morphed into stars, and a punch passed, Yin-Yang Grindstone was smashed into the air.

Mulin was shocked in the tiger's mouth, and he also stepped back.

The imposing manner on both sides is very terrifying, the aura is very strong, and the violent weather sweeps away and can turn into a tornado.

If this were replaced in a city, just the two confronting each other in midair could destroy the entire city.

Mu Qing's fleshy body glowed with glittering rays of light, he attacked and killed, and the skeleton inside his body heard a fairy drum-like rumbling sound, the whole body bloomed with lightning, and the Yin-Yang Grindstone was in the air.

Mulin is extremely cold, the Starry-Sky Diagram behind him is very mysterious and exudes a deep breath. After his own star is integrated into the Starry-Sky Diagram, it bursts into the sky. of light.

The condense in his hand swept across the starry sky Euphorbia, and even the space was torn a large hole.

Everyone in the blood sacrifice array was awe-inspiring, and one after another moved towards Mullin, the methods he displayed were unusual and amazing.

They are all powerhouses from various forces, and among them there are several Peak Kings with venomous eyes. Naturally, I can see that Mullin's methods are terrifying and far surpasses the general veteran kings.

Elder Lin was very nervous, his fists were clenched, and his palms were sweaty.

He was afraid that Mu Qing would be killed like this.

However, in the battle below, Mu Qing is extremely calm, his eyes are calm and composed, and the whole person is in a large yin and yang Thunder Tribulation, and the Yin-Yang Grindstone above his head can be suppressed. Everything.


Both sides worked hard, Mullin integrated his blood spirit into the Starry-Sky Diagram, in exchange for even greater power, that shot Starry Spear When condense comes, it is filled with boundless evil spirit, as if killing countless people.

Even Mu Qing, when he saw the starry sky spear, there seemed to be a mountain of corpses and sea of ​​bones in front of him, and countless people were killed and wailed there.

Mu Qing hurriedly learned the Guardian Spirit, a divine light burst into his eyebrows, and a strand of Chaos Energy filled the dazzling Divine flame.

Suddenly, the divine light between his eyebrows is so rich that it is terrifying, Chaos Energy is like a True Dragon roaring, and all the energy is gathered at this moment.


A terrifying chaotic divine light pierced Mu Qing’s eyebrows. This blow shook the world and changed the colors of all around the wind and clouds, which had always been dark and charred. In this place, the color became bright and bright at this moment.

Mu Qing's eyebrows are like a sun exploding.

Mulin felt heart palpitations, and felt a fatal threat from Mu Qing's eyebrows, making him unable to stand back, and his eyes narrowed, making it difficult to look directly.

In fact, even the kings in the blood sacrifice array were exclaimed. This blood sacrifice array clearly separated them from the outside.

They can only see outside pictures and hear outside sounds, but they cannot feel any fluctuations.

However, the divine light on Mu Qing's eyebrows came through the blood sacrifice array.

The Duke of Blood Race stood up quickly, Jesse Bishop and the old man of Loulan Ancient City also frowned, Ke Fei also fixed his eyes on Mu Qing.

What is the power in his brow? It can be introduced here through the blood sacrifice array!

Everyone's minds are alive. Maybe, the trace of power in Mu Qing's eyebrows can destroy the structure of the blood sacrifice array.

hong long!

This world seems to have been detonated. There are bright divine lights everywhere, secluded stars, and Space Rule all around. Distorted one after another.

Even the void storm in the depths of space seems to be triggered.

This shows that the fighting between the two sides is too intense.

"This...is it still a veteran king-level battle?" Elder Lin was surprised.

The fighting between the two is like two gods fighting, there are bright light and energy everywhere, and every impact can trigger a violent energy explosion.

Mu Qing's chaotic divine light and Mullin's starry sky spurge are all exerting their power to the extreme, and they can easily blast out a space channel.

Mulin flew out a thousand meters away, his face was slightly gloomy, his arm was painful, and he couldn't help but tremble, and a ray of silver blood flowed down his arm.


The starry sky spurge in his hand also appeared one after another crack like a spider web. The next moment burst into pieces and turned into stars and disappeared.

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