Mu Qing rushed forward, his fleshy body was surrounded by thunder and lightning, his power was terrifying, punched out, like a big bell roaring, ripples appeared in the entire space.

The rune between his eyebrows burst into bright rays of light, and the power blessed on Mu Qing's body, making him even more terrifying.


The voice of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering came out, and Mullin was not afraid at all. He relied on his own fleshy body made of star meteorite iron, and he drew with Mu Qing. , The two fleshy bodies fight, every punch and every palm can set off a boundless wave of breath.

Mu Qing felt refreshed in the fierce battle. It was the first time that he burst out with the full power of his fleshy body. The skeletons in his body screamed, and the fleshy body was divine light. Entangled.

He still has some regrets in his heart. If he hadn’t absorbed the divine ability of divine explosion before, after displaying the body of the Titan, the Strength of Fleshly Body would be stronger, that’s the real thing. fleshy body king.

However, now, Mu Qing cannot easily display the body of Titan, otherwise he will fall into a period of weakness, which is extremely detrimental to the following actions.

"Your fleshy body did not come from cultivation. Even though it is hard, you can't use it flexibly, but it lacks spirituality!" Mu Qing coldly shouted, he could see it after a short fight. The weakness of Mullin's fleshy body.

Mulin complexion sank is indeed the same as Mu Qing said. His fleshy body is cast from stars and meteorites, not even made by himself. Until now, he has not been able to control it perfectly. This body.

However, it can also be seen from this how powerful the fleshy body made of star meteorite iron is. Mullin can't exert his full power, but can already compete with Mu Qing.

"So what? Your fleshy body is also impossible from your own cultivation! Earth is basically impossible, someone can cultivate such a powerful fleshy body." Mullin yelled.

He believes that Mu Qing’s powerful fleshy body, like him, uses foreign object.

"even more how, fleshy body is just one of my abilities. After the cultivation Starry-Sky Diagram, my strength is far beyond your imagination!" Mullin roared, with killing intent in his eyes , His face is cold, looked towards Mu Qing.

On his body, one after another dazzling starlight is entwined, and the aura is surging, and the Starry-Sky Diagram behind him emerges, it is very terrifying, as if some killer move is brewing.

At this time, there was a rumbling sound from the sky, and a roar and fighting sound came from a distance, attracting Mu Qing's attention.

He turned his head to look, and the energy fluctuations that came from there were terrifying, and it was a Peak King-level battle.

The terrifying power, just the aftermath, spreads far away, dispersing the gray and black haze that obstructs the vision.

"Yang Hongan!"

Mu Qing was surprised and found that the person fighting in the distance was Yang Hongan. However, he seemed to have encountered some difficulties. The military uniform on his body was tattered. There are many injuries on his body.

Yang Hongan roared again and again, he took out blood spirit, a machete that entangled terrifying aura, against two figures.

One of them is entangled by Dark Aura and cannot be seen, and the other Mu Qing is very familiar. It is the Great Elder of the Yanhuang organization, Hu Hai!

"Yang Hongan fought with the two of them?!" Mu Qing felt that the battle over there was extremely fierce, with constant roars, and seemed to have moved towards them.

Yang Hongan had a red eye. He dealt with two enemies alone. Needless to say, Hu Hai was the King of Peak, who originally formed the Yanhuang Organization together with Yang Hongan.

The other person who entangled Dark Aura all over seemed to be the king who appeared in Hangzhou at the time.

Mu Qing originally thought that the opponent was just an ordinary king, but now it seems that the person clearly possesses the strength of the Peak King, and he is on par with Yang Hongan.

Yang Hongan's strength is similar to Hu Hai's, and even more powerful, but Hu Hai has a helper, and the two Peak Kings join forces. The formidable power is extremely terrifying. I am afraid that it will not be long before Yang Hongan will lose his life.

Especially Hu Hai, the blood spirit behind it turned out to be a big bloody insect. He also sacrificed his original blood spirit and gained a more terrifying power, which was entangled with blood light all over his body.

"It seems that you are also here to save those kings, right?" The corner of Mullin's mouth was slightly tilted, with disdain.

I saw not far away, where the void was distorted, and one after another silhouette emerged, most of them were old kings, or several Peak kings.

Among them, Ke Fei, who has the strength of the Peak King, is among them, as well as the two Elders of Tianyu Palace, Loulan Ancient City, Sun Moon Group and other all influence kings.

They are all the cultivation bases above the veteran king. There is also an elder in the ancient city of Loulan who is also the cultivation base of the Peak King.

However, at this time, they are trapped by one after another blood light. All around in the sky are blood-colored lines, and there are various bloody symbols, branded on the side.

Every once in a while, a ray of Qi and blood gushes out of everyone's body, which is absorbed by the blood-colored lines and symbols all around.

Mu Qing eyes slightly shrink, that is the big array of blood sacrifice, I once saw it in Hangzhou city.

However, the blood sacrifice array this time is obviously more terrifying. Even the Peak King can be trapped and forcibly robbed of vitality.

All the people trapped in the blood sacrifice array are slightly pale. They are very weak and seem to be imprisoned, unable to display their power.

A prototypical blood curtain envelops them, suspended in midair, and they can also see the situation outside.

"Yang Hongan?! cough cough..."

The old man in the ancient city of Loulan coughed up blood. He saw Yang Hongan fighting outside Formation, his eyes flashed suddenly.

Everyone originally thought that the two leaders of the Yanhuang organization, Hu Hai and Yang Hongan, could take refuge in the insect race, but now it seems that only Hu Hai is colluding with the insect race, and Yang Hongan is fighting him. Want to rescue everyone.

Others couldn't help but feel moved after seeing Yang Hongan's silhouette. All of them are united and they are very strong, and they are completely worthy of the forces of Hu Hai and the insect race.

But they fell into the blood sacrifice array because of a carelessness. This formation was arranged by the blood-sucking Insect King himself. After leaving Hangzhou City, the strength of the Insect King has quickly recovered and surpassed the king. level.

It concealed the bloodstain on Hu Hai's body, which other people couldn't think of and was directly trapped.

Everyone tried breaking the formation many times in Formation, only to find that their power could not be displayed.

Even the old man of the ominous beast clan and the cultivation base of the half-step Supreme Being can only leave with two young men from the ominous beast clan.

As for the others, even the King of Peak can do nothing.

Suddenly seeing Yang Hongan at this moment, everyone became active. As long as they can slightly destroy part of the blood sacrifice array and restore their strength, after everyone is united, they can break the array and go out. !

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