"That is?! Impossible! How could the breath of Sovereign appear on this woman?"

Qing Tong was full of amazement, at this moment, he Zhou Qing felt a deadly threat on her body.

That breath was born and swept all around.

At the same time, terrifying pressure that far surpassed Supreme's tenth heaven emerged, and everyone present was suppressed!

"There can be no mistake, it is definitely the breath of Sovereign!"

Qing Tong suck in a breath of cold air.

He absolutely didn't expect, there will be so many unexpected tasks this time.

Mu Qing, who is involved in Power of Time, first appeared, and now there is an aura of Sovereign inexplicably.

Qing Tong can be sure that it is definitely the breath of Sovereign!

"It's definitely not a pure power of Sovereign, but a Sovereign hidden in this woman's body!"

Qing Tong said solemnly.

There are many Sovereigns in the Palace of Life. He has been in contact with them, and he knows this very well!

For Mu Qing, Qingtong didn't even think that the other party was the reincarnation of Sovereign, because he noticed it.

But now... he even suspects that a Sovereign will be born from the body of Tianqing!


Outside the outside world, Zhouqing is embarrassed. On her fair skin, there is one after another wound, her hair is scattered and shawl, and she gasps for breath.

Facing three Royal Family bloodfiends at the same time is really no match!

Even White Wolf is a bit dangerous!

Not to mention the 2nd stage liberation ability displayed by Mie Heng, the sacred killing array.

In this Killing Formation, all directions are all killing and cutting aura, one after another divine spear penetrates through, and can't resist it.

Not to mention that Zhouqing had to take time to deal with Mie Shang and his men. After a short period of time, he was already seriously injured.

One after another crack appeared in the ancient zither in her hand, and she was about to collapse.

However, just when Mie Heng raised his hand with a shot, he planned to completely solve the problem of Zhou Qing!


The dazzling golden light of the sun bloomed, and a supreme strength of yang equivalent to Mu Qing at the beginning turned into a heat wave and swept all around.

Even this power is far more terrifying than when Mu Qing used the Perfection Realm Sun Sutra!

Mie Shang and Mie Heng were the first to bear the brunt, most of their bodies melted, and the fire of the sun invaded their bodies, scorching their souls.

The two of them kept coughing up blood, their faces were shocked, and they retreated madly behind them.

That Killing Formation was also engulfed by the Yang Fire like a vast ocean, and it collapsed in an instant!


Mie Heng and Mie Shang's pupils shrank severely. The ancient bloodfiend tree they came from was a great influence of multiple universe levels. There are also many Sovereign powerhouses.

At this moment, they can clearly feel that there is a Sovereign about to rush out in Tianqing's body in front of them!

As for the Royal Family bloodfiend who can turn everything into a Flood Dragon, it has been directly swallowed by the fire of the sun and died on the spot!

On the Royal Family bloodfiend side, two Royal Family bloodfiend battle strengths were lost at once.

Now, there are only Mie Shang, Mie Quan, Mie Heng and Mie Wound that trapped Mu Qing.

"This is...father?"

Zhouqing stared at everything that all around changed, and at the same time felt the terrifying aura escaping from the body.

At the same time, countless insights emerged in her mind, like enlightenment, forcibly elevating her realm from the Great Accomplishment Sun Sutra to Perfection Realm!

Even the injuries from the battle just disappeared, only feeling warm, like bathing in the sun.

Such an astonishing mutation shocked everyone.

However, as the mutation center, the breath is constantly rising, and even the Sovereign-level scriptures have reached Perfection Realm's daytime without a hint of joy on his face.

Above the pretty face of Zhouqing, there are stunned, shocked, and disappointed colors.

Only Zhouqing knew what was going on in her body!

"so that's how it is, when faced with the catastrophe of the universe, you sealed me in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, not to save my life, but to save your own!"

His face gradually became cold.

She did not expect that the result would be like this, she would rather be killed by Royal Family bloodfiend!

The former Sun Sovereign, loved her so much and taught her the Sun Sutra personally, but when faced with the disaster of the universe, he hit her with his idea and used her as a pawn for resurrection!

"body possession..."

Zhouqing whispered, she guessed what was happening to her.

The supreme strength of yang in the body is getting more and more surging, and the perception of the Sun Sutra is also getting stronger and stronger, but her own soul begins to collapse under the warm supreme strength of yang!

She is being possessed by the Sun Sovereign body!

Zhou Qing didn’t understand. She thought that Mu Qing was the target of her father body possession, but she didn’t expect herself!

"Daughter! Give up resistance, and be a father will use your body to reproduce the prestige of the Sun Sovereign!"

A thick male voice sounded in the depth of one's soul in the daytime .

It was a miniature sun, obviously exuding a terrifying breath, but weirdly revealing a sense of weakness.

Zhou Qing understands that that is just a trace of Remnant Soul of her father Sun Sovereign!

Sun Sovereign did not really die!

But with the help of her daughter Zhouqing's body, she fell asleep, waiting for one day to wake up!

And completely body possession of the daughter's body!

After all, Tianqing is the descendant of the Sun Sovereign, and it is also the most suitable for the Remnant Soul of the Sun Sovereign.

All these arrangements are before facing the catastrophe of the universe!

Because the Sun Sovereign has long been aware that when faced with the catastrophe of the universe, even Sovereign is impossible to survive.

So the Sun Sovereign forcibly tore off a strand of his own soul, buried it in his daughter, and sealed the day Qing in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign.

The sun is Sovereign impossible to win the past. The biggest goal of the catastrophe of the universe is their Sovereign!

The catastrophe of the universe was caused by the consciousness of the universe. At that time, the universe was in a period of exhaustion. I deeply understand that if the powers of these sovereigns and even those of the Supreme are not recovered, then the universe will be destroyed in a short time!

And if all the sovereigns and many Supremes are killed in the catastrophe of the universe, after the power is recovered, the universe can still survive for an extremely long period of time.

The Sovereign of the Sun must not be too obvious, so only a small part of Remnant Soul is left, but it is enough for him to be resurrected after death.

"Everything is arranged for today, but unfortunately I wanted to rest in your body for a while, which can be considered as giving you enough freedom."

"But next , I'm sorry, I will take over everything!"

The voice of the sun Sovereign echoed in the mind of Day Qing.

At the same time, the wound on Zhou Qing's body was completely recovered completely. She wore a golden dress with a graceful body.

Her delicate and beautiful face has undergone a little change, becoming more neutral.

"The bloodfiend family?"

At this time, Zhou Qing set his eyes on the two of Mie Shang and Mie Heng, and looked at them with interest.

But what he said was a thick male voice!

There is a majesty in the tone!

Now the day is clear, it has become the sun Sovereign!

Taoyang Sovereign glanced at the two, a little surprise appeared in his eyes.

"This is the first time I have seen such a powerful race. There is clearly no cultivation Sovereign level scripture, but it is comparable to the Supreme Nine Layers Heaven of the Sovereign level scripture Great Success Realm."

Sun Sovereign quickly saw through the strength of Royal Family bloodfiend.

At this time, both Mie Shang and Mie Heng were hit hard by the force when the Sun Sovereign first appeared, and they were not opponents at all.

Sun Sovereign ignored the two. He moved his body each minding their own business, and then frowned.

The female body is still slightly twisted.

But he didn't change anything to this body, he still kept the beautiful face and graceful body of his daughter Zhouqing.

Sun Sovereign first glanced at the heart of Divine Tree, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes, and then suddenly noticed something, and suddenly moved towards the void next to him.

There is nothing there, but the sun Sovereign feels it!

Hidden in the non-existent realm, there is a Supreme Tenth Heaven powerhouse comparable to the Sovereign-level scripture Great Success Realm!

"It's better to go first."

The Sun Sovereign showed a beautiful suffocating smile, surrounded by the sun's light, melting the space, and stepping away from here.

The sun Sovereign, who has just body possession of the clear day and completely resurrected, has not reached the Sovereign realm in strength, and can only be comparable to the Supreme Ten Heaven of the Sovereign-level verse Small Success Realm.

Therefore, after sensing the existence of Qingtong, Taiyang Sovereign did not intend to come into contact with him, but to leave.

Divine Tree's space limitations are useless for Sun Sovereign. Even if his strength has not recovered, he still has Sovereign's understanding and perception.

As for the heart of Divine Tree, Sun Sovereign is not interested.

If there is no Qingtong, he is naturally willing to take it away so that he can recover his strength faster.

But after perceiving the existence of Qingtong, he naturally believed that Qingtong's goal was also the heart of Divine Tree.

I just resurrected from my body possession, so I shouldn't fight in battle. It's better to go first!

Before leaving, Taiyang Sovereign waved his hand, and a force pulled Fengling and took him away.

Golden's stalwart silhouette split open space, leaving this place, the terrifying coercion also disappeared at the same time.

As the fire wave faded away, the three Royal Family bloodfiend gasped for breath, a little afraid.

They looked at each other and were surprised at the result.

The appearance of Sovereign was unexpected!

"That guy is the so-called Sun Sovereign, what about Mu Qing?"

Miequan couldn't help but question Mu Qing's identity.

Perfection Realm's Sovereign-level verses usually only have one, and that is the Sovereign that created this Sovereign-level verse!

They witnessed the process of clearing the sun in the Sovereign body possession, and reacted at this time.

Since the sun Sovereign is in the body of the day clear, and the body is possession, then what is Mu Qing?

is it possible that there are two suns in this universe Sovereign?

The three Royal Family bloodfiends cannot understand.

But soon, their eyes fell on the heart of the Divine Tree in the distance.

There is nothing more attractive to them than the heart of Divine Tree!

At the moment, although accidents happen frequently, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the External Race people are gone!

Mu Qing was also dragged by the wound!

Then the candidate for Divine Tree's heart is one of the three of them!

Almost at the same time, Mie Shang and Mie Heng attacked Xie Quan!

Because the two of them were hit hard by the power of the Sun Sovereign, and they were in a better state of extinction, they joined forces very tacitly.

"Black Skeleton Sword!"

"Holy Destruction Array!"

The two roared, forcefully activate the 2nd stage with the severely wounded body to liberate ability!

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