"Strange, he didn't even intend to kill me?"

Mu Qing came back to his senses and found that the injuries on his body were not serious, even only Can be considered a minor injury!

This makes Mu Qing greatly unexpected.

Even if Mu Qing's current strength has improved again, the gap with Qingtong is still very different.

Can't compete at all!

Once Mu Qing appears in a weak spot, Qing Tong can easily kill him instantly!

Just like before!

But Qingtong did not.

This makes Mu Qing very surprised.

Since the first contact, Qingtong seems to want to kill him directly, and then Qingtong has no interest in him.

He doesn't know why this is, but there is no doubt that he escaped this time.

"Attracted by the heart of Divine Tree, I completely forgot that there is such a existence as Qingtong!"

Mu Qing was secretly grateful.

I almost died!

Even if you don’t die, you have to be hit hard!

At the same time, there is no realm.

Qingtong complexion ashen, his arms are trembling, and there is a trace of shock on his childish face.

He shot!

Just now, he started working on Mu Qing!

"No, no! I'm still too impulsive!"

Qing Tong is also full of fear, he is more afraid than Mu Qing.

His goal is not the Divine Tree heart, but a Divine Race bloodfiend!

How to find Divine Race bloodfiend? The easiest and easy way is to come to this trial to deal with the guy who just transformed into Divine Race bloodfiend.

Therefore, Qingtong cannot let Mu Qing take Divine Tree's heart away. He must ensure that the bloodfiend clan gets the Divine Tree's heart, and then he will make another move and transform into a Divine Race bloodfiend person. Defeated, captured alive!

This is the plan!

But Mu Qing also stared at the heart of Divine Tree, and Qing Tong worried that he would be involved in the curse of time when he tried to fight Mu Qing, so he didn't dare to kill Mu Qing.

"Don’t be impulsive, those guys at Royal Family bloodfiend will definitely not sit back and watch, I'd better not take action."

Qingtong calmed himself down, he didn’t plan to do it again. Mu Qing started, but it can help Royal Family bloodfiend and the others deal with those few days.

At the same time, he kept muttering in his heart, but he pushed Mu Qing away with a very small amount of strength, it should be fine.

After that, Qingtong continued to observe the outside situation in the realm of non-existence.

He has planned not to touch Mu Qing, and accordingly, he can help Royal Family bloodfiend and the others, and do something with the descendants of Sovereign.

In this way, Royal Family bloodfiend and the others will have enough opportunities to stop Mu Qing.

"Well, leave the task of stopping Mu Qing to these Royal Family bloodfiends, so the curse of time won't involve me."

Qing Tong said secretly, he was quite Pamper your life.

The main taboo rumors about Power of Time are too terrifying, and even Sovereign will die because of this. Qingtong must be careful!


At this time, in the battlefield, the extinction of power and the others were stunned. They didn’t know what had happened, because the moment Qingtong shot, they used The power is extremely small, and there is almost no energy fluctuation.

Except for Mu Qing, no one else knows that there is such a existence as Qingtong.

"hmph! The heart of Divine Tree contains incomparable power. Only the tenacious life force of our bloodfiend clan can hold it. If he, an External Race people, comes close, he will definitely be the heart of Divine Tree. The power is knocked into the air!"

Mieheng is sneaked.

He saw that Mu Qing was fine, but he couldn't get close to the heart of Divine Tree, so he immediately made up some guesses.

Others hearing this also feel very reasonable.

Because the heart of Divine Tree is an extremely large energy complex, and there is also rich and pure Divine Race bloodfiend blood in it!

Their Royal Family bloodfiend is close, they are cautiously, and they rely on the bloodline of the bloodfiend family to resonate.

If outsiders approached brazenly, they would definitely be knocked into the air. No injury means that Mu Qing is quite powerful.

Mu Qing has no idea what Royal Family bloodfiend and the others are thinking at this moment, but he finds that his current situation is a bit awkward.

He can be sure that there is no such thing as Qingtong hidden in the realm!

Then he enters the realm of non-existence, 80% is to meet Qingtong, or be secretly watched by Qingtong.

And if you don't go in, these Royal Family bloodfiends are not fools, and they certainly won't leave them alone.

"MieShang! Have you forgotten what you said before!"

At this time, Xie Quan yelled at MieShang.

At the same time, Meishang saw that the situation changed, and he no longer fish in troubled waters, joined the ranks of dealing with Zhouqing.

Zhiqing suddenly felt a lot of pressure. In addition to dealing with Mie Heng, she also had to deal with Mie Shang and his Royal Family bloodfiend.

Although Mie Shang and his subordinates have suffered certain injuries, they are not minor, and their strength will be affected to a certain extent.

But these two can be regarded as two Royal Family bloodfiend battle strength at any rate, and Zhou Qing can't ignore them.

Zhouqing's pretty face is solemn, and her expression is a bit ugly.

At this time, Miao injured slightly smiled. He originally worked together to deal with White Wolf, but as previously said, if Mu Qing appears, he will help everyone stop Mu Qing.

Mie Shang used the magic step, the speed was extremely fast, and a flash appeared in front of Mu Qing.

Seeing this scene, the other Royal Family bloodfiends were a little surprised. Didn't expect to kill the injury so simply, it seems that the other party really gave up grabbing Divine Tree's heart.

"My friend, let's have a chat in another place."

Mie Shang gave a faint smile, then he flicked the paper fan in his hand, and the wind rose suddenly.

"2nd stage liberation ability, prison in the painting!"

With a soft voice, a landscape painting suddenly appeared on the paper fan, and at the same time a strange rays of The light crossed out and hit Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's face changed slightly, he felt that the secret Formation mark in his mind was blocked.

In a decisive manner, he wanted to use the power of the world snake to escape into the realm of non-existence.

However, Mu Qing discovered that even his world snake ability was affected to a certain extent.

"The ability of this guy is the same as that of the crystal ball!"

Mu Qing's heart sank.

Didn't expect, this ability to destroy injuries is the same as the crystal ball, and can affect his ability to escape.

The ability of the secret Formation is directly blocked, but the ability of the world snake is the same as before, and it's just a little affected that's all.

Give Mu Qing half a minute, you can directly use the world snake ability to get out of trouble!

Therefore, Mu Qing is not too worried, even he is a little curious.

He felt that this Mutilated Injury didn't seem to have the intention of fighting him. From the sentence we met just now, I could tell that the other party was not hostile!

"Let’s have a chat? Okay, I’ll be waiting for you inside!"

Mu Qing glanced at his eyes with a weird expression, and then in the strange rays of light, his body It shrinks and turns into a pool of ink, and it condenses into a vague little figure in the landscape painting on the paper fan.

For Mu Qing, there is nothing to be afraid of.

At the beginning of the fight against Miechen, Mu Qing was not strong enough and was not an opponent of Royal Family bloodfiend, so he could only use Perfection Realm's Sun Sutra to deal with it exaggeratedly.

But now, Mu Qing has the capital to fight Royal Family bloodfiend. Even if he can't defeat the wound, he can use the world's snake ability to escape without threatening him as long as he fights for half a minute. .

Mieshang saw this, a touch of joy appeared on his face, and then the body flashed, which also turned into a pool of ink, and fell on the huge paper fan high in the sky, condensing into a second fuzzy villain!

"So this is the ability to kill injuries?"

Several other Royal Family bloodfiends are all paying attention here.

If you say which enemy is most concerned about them, then it is naturally Mu Qing.

Not to mention Mu Qing's weird strength, plus the identity suspected of being possessed by the Sovereign body, just the ability to escape into the field of nonexistence at any time made them feel extremely headache.

Mutual damage can solve the Mu Qing factor, even if it is just stopped, it is the best result for other Royal Family bloodfiends.

On the one hand, they can have one less competitor. On the other hand, they are fortunate that they are not against Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's strength was also shown before, and they didn't know that Mu Qing's starry sky book ability was used for a limited number of times. They thought that Mu Qing could burst out Perfection Realm's Sovereign-level scripture at any time.

So other Royal Family bloodfiend would rather fight White Wolf than Mu Qing.

"It's a bit similar to the ability of the crystal ball, but the ability of destroying injury is more inclined to trap the opponent."

Several Royal Family bloodfiend looked at the paper a few more times. fan.

It was the first time they saw Mie Shang display their 2nd stage ability, and didn't expect directly locked Mu Qing in.

This is a solution to their scourge, and now we can deal with this group of Sovereign descendants!

At the same time, in the non-existent field, there is another person who feels extremely grateful, that is Qingtong.

Qing Tong let out a long sigh of relief, at this moment, he only feels extremely pleasing to the eye.

Even he is willing to let go of his life afterwards!

"Didn't expect! I'm lamenting that Mu Qing is tricky and I don't know how to deal with it. Didn't expect this is called the Royal Family bloodfiend, who took the initiative to help me solve this trouble! "

Qing Tong sighed.

What a nice person!

A good guy!

He doesn't need to be afraid of anything now. What Qingtong has to do now is to secretly dispose of the descendants of Sovereign without letting other Royal Family bloodfiends notice.

Let Royal Family bloodfiend a few more quick civil wars, decide the final winner, and accept the full power of Divine Tree's heart, transformed into Divine Race bloodfiend!

In the final stage, Qing Tong shouldn't be so anxious, but he is still a little worried. After all, Mu Qing can freely shuttle through the non-existent realm. How long can this broken fan of slaying trap him? , Is still an unknown.

Therefore, Qingtong intends to secretly take action to speed up the progress.

The first thing he stared at was White Wolf, his eyes were fierce, and his hand was a finger.

The endless gathering of azure light turns into a huge Azure Ox.

Qing Tong came to Azure Ox, put his hands together, condense runes.


In an instant, Azure Ox made a roaring sound, and at the same time, under Qingtong’s control, all the azure rune enveloped that sound wave, Hide it and pass it through the non-existent realm to White Wolf's ears!

"ao wu!"

White Wolf, who was fighting Royal Family bloodfiend, suddenly exploded and let out a scream.

Its eyes are splitting, and a lot of blood spatters from its ears!

The face looks sinister is distorted.

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