Recalling the words circulating in the King of Life, Qingtong took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He dispelled the idea of ​​looking for Mu Qing, it is better not to have a relationship with the power of time.

As for Thunder Punishment, although he said that Thunder Punishment's life has another effect, it is actually unnecessary.

His plan is not the heart of Divine Tree, but he intends to stay in the final appearance, sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.

Here, Qingtong is thinking about avoiding contact with Mu Qing, and on the other hand, Mu Qing is also worried about colliding with Qingtong.

Along the way, Mu Qing patronized three large spaces one after another, and harvested some blood hearts, so that the Starry Sky Book successfully condense a golden light cluster.

Now there are eight golden light clusters in the starry sky book.

Mu Qing once again entered the non-existent realm and began to travel a long distance, looking for the next large space.

Unfortunately, I rushed to the air this time, and there was no blood heart inside.

There are even traces of fighting inside, and the entire large space is in a mess.

Mu Qing is also keenly aware that the nearby space has only recently slowly healed!

"It's mostly a battle between bloodfiend squad."

Mu Qing guessed at random, and didn't have the thought of trying to figure it out, because all this had nothing to do with him.

It's just a pity that the heart of blood is gone.

sighed, Mu Qing heads to the last large space.

In his perception, that is the last large space, and after searching over there, it means that all the large spaces in the entire Divine Tree space have been found by Mu Qing.

The harvest is actually not bad, but Mu Qing feels a bit regretful.

In a large space, there are at most five blood hearts. At best, the starry sky book condense a golden light cluster.

This also means that all the large spaces have been searched, and Mu Qing has not collected ten golden light groups.

"It seems that you can't just search for the heart of blood, but also some corpses of Blood Demon Race."

Mu Qing frowned.

If he can, he doesn't want to refining the corpse to absorb Royal Family blood, but in order to gather the golden light ball, he can only be forced to do so.

To be honest, refining other people's corpses is a bit disgusting, but Mu Qing has thoroughly searched all the large spaces, and the blood heart is probably nowhere to be found.

At present, there are only eight golden light groups on him, which is two short of ten.

Mu Qing is very eager to gather ten golden light groups, because that can improve Primal Chaos Scripture or Evil God.

In addition to the enhancement of the ability of the Star Book, when the time comes three Great Success Realm's Sovereign-level collection of scriptures in one body, Mu Qing has enough strength to contend with Royal Family bloodfiend.

After a while, Mu Qing came to the fifth large space, but he did not rush to leave the non-existent realm.

Because he noticed the strangeness of the outside world!

There are a lot of powerhouses fighting outside!

"Several bloodfiend squad, wait, there are also descendants of Sovereign!"

Mu Qing's face was startled.

The large space here is almost completely destroyed, and the battlefield is in endless void.

Under Mu Qing's perception, he saw five bloodfiend squads, and at the same time, across from them, was the entire group of descendants of Sovereign.

Sovereign descendants of the entire group, Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer has a large number of powerhouses, and most of them are powerhouses of Sovereign-level scripture Small Success Realm.

Headed by the three Sovereign descendants of Zhouqing, Fengling, and Mangu.

There is also White Wolf who has reached the top ten of Supreme!

It's just that White Wolf has not been exposed to Sovereign-level scriptures before, and has only recently started cultivation, and has not yet reached the Small Success Realm.

But even so, White Wolf's strength is still better than Royal Family bloodfiend.

Of course, Qingtong has not yet crushed Royal Family bloodfiend. After all, Qingtong’s strength is at least the Supreme Ten Heaven of Sovereign-level verse Small Accomplishment!

The gap is still quite large.

On the bloodfiend squad side, it is not to be underestimated. There are five bloodfiend squads, but the Royal Family bloodfiend has six battle strengths!

Mu Qing is located in the realm of non-existence. Observing secretly, he found some familiar faces.

Destroy the power, the constant and the shang!

There are two Royal Family bloodfiends beside them, one of them is holding a three-person tall fan with cold eyes.

There is also a Royal Family bloodfiend who turned out to be a female, dressed exposed, with dark skin, carrying a big knife on his shoulder, and full of wild aura.

The reason why there are six Royal Family bloodfiends is because Mu Qing discovered that behind Mie Shang, there is a triangular bloodfiend holding a giant stick!

That person was obviously also Royal Family bloodfiend, but he was standing behind Mie Shang.

Mu Qing quickly recognized the other party, who was the double-horned bloodfiend next to Mie Shang!

He has got enough blood heart, has transformed into triangle bloodfiend, and becomes Royal Family!

Mu Qing secretly senses that there are some double-angle bloodfiends on the bloodfiend side.

However, it is obvious that when we come to this step, every bloodfiend squad loses a certain amount of double-angle bloodfiend.

Mie Heng and Mie Quan originally had a double-horned bloodfiend damaged in Mu Qing’s hands, but now, there are only three double-horned bloodfiends standing behind them, apparently after another battle and fall. Some.

Behind Mishang, there is a Royal Family bloodfiend with a giant stick. There are no more bloodfiend players.

But a member of Royal Family bloodfiend is better than ten double-angle bloodfiend!

Behind the two remaining Royal Family bloodfiends, there are also some people standing.

The Royal Family bloodfiend with a huge fan has three double-horned bloodfiends on the back.

The Royal Family bloodfiend of a wild woman has two double-horned bloodfiend standing behind it.

A total of eleven double-angle bloodfiend!

In contrast, the descendants of Sovereign have fifteen powerhouses of Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, and all of them belong to the Sovereign-level verse Small Success Realm.

However, facing the current situation, those people headed by the descendants of Sovereign, Tianqing and the others looked ugly.

They are already thinking about how to retreat!

Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer does not have an advantage in terms of number. For this level of battle, we always look at the number of top battle strengths!

The four Royal Family bloodfiend battle strengths of the descendants of Sovereign, the White Wolf of Supreme Tenth Heaven may be better than Royal Family bloodfiend, but the degree of power is also limited.

On the bloodfiend squad side, the five bloodfiend squad are combined, and the battle strength of Royal Family bloodfiend has six.

Complete judgment!

"I thought I would only meet you when I was in the heart of Divine Tree, but didn't expect that the news of the traitor among you turned out to be true. Let us intercept you in advance."


A playful smile appeared on Mie Shang's face.

The faces of the other Royal Family bloodfiends are all faintly discernable sneers.

Among Royal Family bloodfiend, there is also a connection, but if there are no strong foreign enemies, then there is only competition between them.

After the group of descendants of Sovereign appeared, the news was immediately spread within the bloodfiend clan.

Located in the Divine Tree space, every bloodfiend squad undergoing trial has basically heard the news.

There is a group of powerful guys led by four Royal Family bloodfiend battle strength!

Originally, Mie Shang and the others united, in order to finally fight for the heart of Divine Tree, first join forces to deal with the descendants of Sovereign and the others, and then fight within their own clan.

The heart of Divine Tree is the Supreme thing that gives them the great benefits of Royal Family and transforms into Divine Race!

How can such things fall into the hands of outsiders?

So these bloodfiend squad are united decisively.

Only a small accident occurred in the middle. A Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer who claimed to be a descendant of Sovereign informed them of the specific whereabouts of the entire group of descendants of Sovereign.

You should know that in this chaotic Divine Tree space, it is quite difficult to find the target, but with the report of this traitor, Mie Shang and the others united and intercepted here in advance.

"Traitor? Who is it?!"

Zhouqing’s pretty face as cold as ice and frost, she is obviously the daughter of the sun, but she has a coldness on her body chill.

Not only him, Man Gu and Feng Ling both looked shocked, and then looked towards the people behind him with a gaze full of killing intent.

They didn't doubt Mie Shang's words too much, because in the Divine Tree space, if they want to prepare everything in advance and intercept them, I am afraid that only someone from their side will reveal their whereabouts!


Suddenly, a silhouette broke away from the entire group of Sovereign descendants at an extremely fast speed, and came to Mie Shang.

This is a Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, descended from the Sovereign faction of the storm.

There is a little storm Sovereign bloodline on the body, cultivated storm experience, and reached Small Success Realm!

This kind of strength can be regarded as a powerhouse wherever it is placed.

But at this moment, he humbled to his knees, crawling in front of Mie Shang, his body trembling.

He bears the endless anger and murderous aura gaze behind him and the others, and he tremblingly comes to Mie Shang.

"I have brought the correct news to you adults, and I hope to be protected by adults!"

He lowered his head and made a flattering voice.

In fact, he also knows that there is a powerful bloodfiend family in the Divine Tree space, and although the strength of their entire group of Sovereign descendants is good, it is definitely not as good as these bloodfiends.

At this moment, when the five bloodfiend squad united and intercepted them, this man was delighted in his heart and knew that he was right.

The bloodfiend family is definitely much better than their entire group!

And he, with foresight, turned back in advance, and brought very useful news to the other party.

Next, just wait for these bloodfiends to kill the descendants of Sovereign and the others, and he can have the shelter of extinction and survive!

However, what he faces next is the sword of Mie Shang!

Mie Shang's face was cold, and the long sword in his hand had penetrated through this person's chest pain, only to see wisps of black mist escaping above the sword.

The ability to destroy Shang, the mist of erosion!

These black mists are highly toxic!

The man couldn't believe it, and then, under countless sarcasm eyes, he died completely!

Mieshang seems to have done an unremarkable little thing.

He said indifferently: "Well, the disgusting guy is dead, and it's time for us to decide a victory or defeat."

Mie Shang Jian pointed straight. Refers to the day and the others, and said loudly: "The heart of the Divine Tree, in the end, I should wait for the bloodfiend clan to compete. You External Race people do not have this qualification yet!"

"And now, the Divine Tree space Inside, obviously only you are left. After solving you, only our bloodfiend clan is left."

"It's time to understand!"

With the words of Mie Shang, Mu Qing, who was hiding in the realm of nonexistence, came to understand.

It turns out that the bloodfiend clan has not yet discovered the existence of Qingtong!

Mu Qing's face was surprised, but soon, the expression on his face changed suddenly, moved towards and looked aside.

A short and incomparably short silhouette was fleeting, and immediately disappeared, seeming to be fleeing in a hurry.

Mu Qing stared wide-eyed, he feels that he can't read it wrong!

The silhouette is Qingtong!

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