"Having two Sovereign-level verses of Great Success Realm at the same time, maybe even the descendants of Sovereign can't do it?"

"By then, my The strength will be greatly improved."

Mu Qing touched the chin, thinking.

When the time comes together with the ability of the Star Book, that is the three Sovereign-level scriptures in one.

And he also has sufficient conditions. The strength of Starry Sky in his body is fully capable of supporting Mu Qing and at the same time urging three Sovereign-level scriptures of Great Success Realm.

It's just that what makes Mu Qing feel a little headache at the moment is that the ten golden light balls don't know how long it will take to get together.

Previously, it took a long time to gather five golden light groups.

This time we gathered ten golden light groups, and I don’t know how long it will take.

"In fact, the ability of the world snake has been improved mainly because the Remnant Soul of the world snake directly stored the essence of the ability in my body."

Mu Qing said in a low voice. , It is not so much advanced, it is the Star Book to help him to completely release the world snake ability hidden in the body.

This is the case, before the world snake ability advanced only five golden light groups.

The main reason is that the essence of the world snake's ability is hidden in Mu Qing's body!

The next step is the real advancement. Mu Qing needs a full 10,000 golden light clusters to use the Star Book to advance the world's snake ability.

But excluding the world snake ability, other Sovereign-level scriptures, it is not so easy to improve.

Ten golden light groups can upgrade Primal Chaos Scripture or Evil God Sutra!

Mu Qing can't produce so many golden light balls.

"And that Qingtong, what is the identity of the other party?"

There was a trace of suspicion on Mu Qing's face. A mysterious Supreme Powerhouse, undoubtedly made people care. .

This means that a new force is likely to disrupt the situation.

Today’s chaotic universe is messy enough, the powerhouse of the Tianqing universe, the evil god of the Holy Spirit universe, the hidden Celestial Emperor, plus the Divine Tree space trial made by the ancient bloodfiend tree .

Various powerhouses gathered in the chaotic universe, and I don't know whether it was a coincidence or an invisible big hand was pushing behind it.

"Thunder Punishment should know the identity of Qingtong."

Mu Qing returned to the Scarlet Sovereign Hall, and each independent small space appeared in front of him.

He quickly found the small independent space where Thunder Punishment was located and strode in.


When Thunder Punishment saw Mu Qing, his eyes lit up and he wanted to say something, but at the moment his mouth was sealed by Qing Tong's power, and he couldn't speak.

"Don't get excited, let's be fine for the time being, that guy will not catch up."

Mu Qing quickly appeased Thunder Punishment, and then looked at the seal on the opponent's mouth.

The symbols flashed with azure light, revealing an old and mysterious aura.

Mu Qing frowned, the seal Qing Tong laid down is a bit tricky!

Fortunately, Qing Tong just put a seal on him, just wanting to shut up Thunder Punishment, and did not use other power.

Mu Qing is relaxed. Fortunately, if Qing Tong really uses his strength to seal, Mu Qing has no way at all, and can only hope to find Mingxuan in the end and help unblock it.

But right now, at best, Qingtong’s power quality is too strong. After a period of time, undo seal is not a problem.

Furthermore, even if there is no way to unblock it, it will only make Thunder Punishment unable to speak that's all, not a major event.

In the next seven days, Mu Qing cooperated with Thunder Punishment's own power to finally break the seal on his mouth.

The wisps of azure light are scattered in midair.

"Unbelievable, didn't expect you to be here, and you even escaped from that Qingtong's hands!"

Thunder Punishment stared wide-eyed, immediately speak , It is really uncomfortable to be sealed all the time.

But at this moment, he has a lot of questions, but he knows very well that those are Mu Qing's secrets, so he didn't ask too much.

"Are you sure that Qingtong won't catch up with us? That guy doesn't look like an ordinary Supreme Tenth Heaven." Thunder Punishment was a little worried.

Mu Qing shook the head, "Don’t worry, there are restrictions in this Divine Tree space. The first layer of space, that is, the free shuttle in the non-existent realm, only to get rid of the Qing Tong."

Thunder Punishment heard a general idea from Mu Qing, but he knew very well that there is absolutely nothing Mu Qing said. Qing's verbal description is so simple.

It is extremely difficult to escape from the powerhouse of a Supreme tenth heaven!

"By the way, what is the origin of Qingtong?"

Mu Qing suddenly looked towards Thunder Punishment and asked curiously.

To be honest, at first he thought Qing Tong was a hidden hole card tool in the Ancient Immortal world. Who knew it was only later that Qing Tong had to kill even Thunder Punishment.

"Qing Tong is a Pill Child of Supreme Taoist."

Thunder Punishment fell into a deep memory, and sighed after a moment.

He opened the mouth and said: "In addition to Qingtong, there are actually many practicing Pill Child, but the special thing about Qingtong is that he is a Monster Race."


"Even if Qingtong had quite an innate talent in Pill Recipe, as a Monster Race, in Celestial Court at the time, he was not very popular and was squeezed everywhere."

Mu Qing hearing this, noticed one thing, what Thunder Punishment said, seems to be what happened in the first time in Ancient Celestial Court!

Thunder Punishment continued: "At that time, I, as the lord of Thunder Palace, just made friends with Supreme Taoist. I knew there was such a person as Qingtong, but I didn't pay attention.

Even if Qingtong is under Supreme Taoist, life is not so easy. Due to the majesty of Supreme Taoist, others can't target Qingtong too much. Basically, they are secretly excluded.

But on a certain day, Qingtong was constantly squeezed out, and the long-awaited grievances finally vented. It was also during that time that I, as the lord of the thunder palace at the time, heard the name Qingtong.

Qing Tong refined a kind of poison pill, which was crushed and turned into invisible air, which eroded other Pill Child refining sons and those in Celestial Court who had targeted Qing Tong, even if it was extremely Imperial Capital couldn't resist this invisible air. For a while, there were countless casualties!"

Thunder Punishment At this point, a look of dreading appeared in his eyes.

You must know that at that time, when the ancient Celestial Court was still in charge of the old Celestial Emperor, the Supreme Emperor was considered a high-level emperor, and there were not many Supreme.

As a result, the invisible poison qi produced by such a trifling refining Pill Child by Qingtong can make the extremely large Imperial Capital fall, which shows the degree of danger!

Thunder Punishment paused and continued: "This incident even aroused the attention of the old Celestial Emperor. In the end, the old Celestial Emperor personally took action and wiped out all the invisible poison qi lingering in the Celestial Court.

The end of Qingtong is naturally the old man's move to clear the door."

Mu Qing eyebrows slightly frowned, said: "In other words, as early as the ancient Celestial Court period When the old Celestial Emperor was still in power, this Qingtong was already dead?"

Thunder Punishment's face was nodded solemnly, "Yes! Because the invisible poison qi spread to the entire Celestial Court, causing countless Casualties, so this Qingtong was executed by the old man himself in front of one's eyes of many of our Celestial Court high-levels, even the old Celestial Emperor!"

At this moment, even Thunder Punishment feels extremely incomparable. He was puzzled, his face was weird, "How did that guy survive? And how can Qingtong have such a powerful force?"

Although it has been a long time in the past, Thunder Punishment can still recall stand up.

At that time, Qingtong only had God Sovereign Realm's cultivation base, and he relied on the medicine pill he refined to provide forcibly.

Thunder Punishment can't figure out how, just God Sovereign Realm, how did the old Celestial Emperor's in front of one's eyes avoid himself being executed?

Thunder Punishment was extremely shocked that Qingtong was alive.

Even if it hadn't been for the tragedy that shocked the whole Celestial Court, Thunder Punishment would not remember Qingtong.

How did such an unremarkable little Lian Pill Child become the Supreme Ten Heaven?

Thunder Punishment really can't figure it out.

Mu Qing glanced at Thunder Punishment in surprise. He thought that Thunder Punishment would be very familiar with Qingtong's affairs, but now it seems that the other party also has a little understanding.

"Wait, you said that Qingtong killed the old man, what happened?"

Mu Qing asked quickly.

Thunder Punishment complexion sank, explained: "Before we entered the Divine Tree space, the old man had already informed us about it, such as the existence of special bloodworm and the real bloodfiend ancient The tree, and the heart of Divine Tree, which is great after being captured.

He seems to be very familiar with the Divine Tree space, and he gave me a horn, saying that it is a trump card that can be used in danger.

However, Laojun alone did not tell us about the bloodfiend family!

After using the horns, summon came to Qingtong deity!"

Thunder Punishment took a deep breath, and he kept recalling everything that happened in the Ancient Immortal world at this moment.

"Although there is no evidence for this, I think that Lao Jun has been murdered by Qing Tong, and Qing Tong pretends to be Lao Jun!

In fact, since After the Laojun breakthrough arrived at Supreme for ten days, he seemed to have changed himself, and his behavior and behavior have changed dramatically."

Thunder Punishment said solemnly.

This is just his guess, there is no evidence yet, but he is very sure.

Before, Lao Jun suddenly reached the news of Supreme Ten Heaven. In fact, Mu Qing had also heard of it, but he didn't take it seriously.

After all, Lao Jun himself is Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, and it seems normal to reach the Supreme Nine Layers Heaven now.

Only in the Thunder Punishment of the Ancient Immortal world, I vaguely noticed that since the old man’s breakthrough, the number of appearances has decreased and various behaviors have changed dramatically.

Especially the old man after that, he never discussed with the seniors of the Ancient Immortal world, and some things were directly issued in the form of orders.

Until Qingtong appeared, a terrifying idea emerged in Thunder Punishment's mind.

That is the old gentleman is pretending, the real old gentleman, I am afraid bode ill rather than well!

"According to you so much, this Qingtong is indeed terrifying."

Mu Qing also pondered, browsing tightly knit.

Na Qingtong, undoubtedly, is very knowledgeable about the ancient bloodfiend tree. Even this place is the Divine Tree space, which is a trial ground for the bloodfiend squad, including the bloodfiend family. He is also clear.

The reason why we don’t tell Thunder Punishment and the others is that we don’t want Thunder Punishment and the others to be prepared, so that when Thunder Punishment and the others are in crisis, they can use the so-called trump card, bullhorn!

By then, Qingtong will enter the Divine Tree space!

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