"Damn it! That man escaped! He stayed on purpose!"

The other three double-horned bloodfiend roared, and they saw it, Mu Qing stayed on purpose!

In the beginning, they all thought that Mu Qing had been abandoned by his companions, but now they have reacted.

Mu Qing is absolutely deliberate.

Because Mu Qing's escape method is the same as that of his companions, which means that Mu Qing can also escape at first, but he chooses to hide it, and then treats his Someone raided!

"His goal is Mu! Mu was seriously injured by him and taken away!"

The other people roar.

After that, a cold sweat appeared on their faces.

You must know that Mu is Captain's most valued subordinate. Unlike them, Mu is the henchman of Mie Quan, and Mu will soon be transformed into a Royal Family!

Now, with their lower eyelids and Mu was taken away, Mu Qing also escaped.

Waiting for them will be the fierce punishment for extermination!

The three double-horned bloodfiends are worried, they can only wait for the end of the battle between Destruction and the Sword of Flesh, and then go to receive the punishment.

The battle between Destruction and the Sword of Flesh lasted for a long time, and both sides couldn't help their opponents.

"Although I know that I will almost certainly win if I drag it down, there is no need for it, even more how something terrible happened to me, then do it quickly!"

There are a lot of wounds on the body of Extinguish Power, and the powerful life force of the bloodfiend clan allows him to still have a strong strength without being affected.

He looked at the Sword of Flesh and spoke, because he knew that the Sword of Flesh came from the summon by relying on the power of the Purple Dragon Monster King itself.

The energy consumed is also from the Purple Dragon Monster King!

The method of victory is very simple. As long as the destruction of power is delayed, the sword of flesh and blood will consume the life and energy of the purple dragon Monster King, and it will naturally destroy itself.

However, extermination does not want to win in this way.

"After finally meeting an evenly matched opponent, I don't want to win in such a boring way."

Xie Quan's body is located in the realm of divine wind killing.

He stopped and grinned at the Sword of Flesh. On the Divine Sword in his hand, there were wisps of azure divine wind lingering.

I saw Mie Quan slowly lifted the Divine Sword in his hand, and as the blue breeze passed by one after another, the imposing manner suddenly became terrifying!

Mie Quan groaned, and at the same time, in the divine wind Slaughter Domain of azure, all the gusts gathered on him, forming a terrifying storm.

"The liberation of the 2nd stage, the divine wind is invisible!"

This is a power that he is still difficult to grasp at present!

The great Supreme Tree gave everyone an ability when their bloodfiend clan was born.

These abilities may be the same, or similar and different, and each of them will grow as the bloodline improves.

Double-angle bloodfiend can only use the most basic ability itself. Of course, through long-term cultivation, it can barely release the ability of 1st Stage.

But in this case, it consumes a lot of money. After all, the liberation ability of 1st Stage is only possessed by Royal Family bloodfiend.

The original quiz used this ability across borders, which caused a huge consumption of himself, and was annihilated by Mu Qing's destruction Evil God.

Today’s extinction, as Royal Family bloodfiend, he naturally fully mastered the liberation ability of 1st Stage, that is, divide wind killing. This is a realm!

In the huge realm, there are azure divine wind everywhere, he can appear in every place in the realm, and control the azure divine wind to kill.

The complete mastery of the liberation of 1st Stage is also a symbol of the identity of Royal Family bloodfiend.

But now, Xiquan intends to catalyze the liberation ability of the 2nd stage across the stage!

This is his cultivation for a long time. The power he touched can barely be displayed once, and there will be strong repercussions afterwards.

The liberation ability of the 2nd stage is much stronger than that of the 1st stage, because this is the power that can be activated only by the Divine Race on the Royal Family!

Above the Royal Family, named God!

Therefore, he was named the surname of Shenmie!

Every Blood Demon God clan can fully master the liberation of the 2nd stage.

Azure's wind is looking for a roar!

Located in the brutal azure divine wind, Divine Power raised the Divine Sword in his hand, moved towards the sword of flesh and blood from a distant attack, slowly cut down!

In an instant!

The azure storm is gone!

The azure divine wind, which is surrounded by the power of destruction, has disappeared at this moment!

At the moment of extinction, there is no breath in his body. He is more like an ordinary person, raising the sword in his hand and slowly cutting down that's all.

There is no entrainment of any power!

But at this time, in endless void, a crack appeared along with the extinguishment of power.

In the cracks, there is a liquid-like space flowing behind endless void. There is no realm!

This sword, silently, clearly does not have any power in the perception, but it cuts out the endless void.

This means that the sword of extinction has already touched the Supreme Ten Heaven!

"Pu chi!"

The sword of flesh and blood split at this moment and was cut in half!

The same is true for the body of the Purple Dragon Monster King. Starting from the top of the head, it seems to be cut in half by invisible force!

All this seems pretty weird.

Mie Quan just swung the sword in his hand lightly in front of him, without even a trace of power.

As a result, in front of him, endless void was cut!

The Sword of Flesh and the Purple Dragon Monster King were cut in half!

Completely fall!

"cough cough!"

A pale color flashed across Mie Quan's face, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth as he coughed.

Strongs of azure divine wind resurfaced from him, surrounding him and cuddling him.

Forcibly exerting the liberation ability of 2nd stage, he became a lot weaker, and even the injuries he had suffered from the Sword of Flesh recurred again.

"Unfortunately, I don't know when I can truly master this power."

Xie Quan's face was full of longing.

His 2nd stage liberation ability is called divine wind without shadow.

The original azure divine wind will not be able to capture it completely. A sword goes down, silently, but it can cut everything in the world!

Unfortunately, that is the power that he can master only after he transformed from Royal Family to Divine Race.

"The heart of Divine Tree must be mine!"

Mie Quan’s eyes are burning with flames. This is his fourth Divine Tree universe trial. He has changed Very powerful!

Their real opponents are not the powerhouses of the uniforms in each universe, but other squads of the same bloodfiend clan.

In the first three trials, the destruction of power came to the end, but they all lost to others and failed to capture the heart of Divine Tree.

Three times in a row, he watched the other Royal Family, refining the heart of Divine Tree, became Divine Race, and was named Divine Race!

Of course, these three trials have also allowed the extinction of power to grow a lot. After all, the battle between the races is also ruthless, and the mortality rate is extremely high.

He is able to survive, which has shown that his strength is extraordinary, and even his strength has improved a lot!

This time, he is bound to win!

Forcibly enduring the weakness of using the 2nd stage liberation ability, the god of power was unfolding step by step, and he came under the three hands in an instant.

His expression is extremely cold, his eyes full of chills swept across the three of them, without concealing the killing intent in his eyes.

"My most important confidant has encountered a crisis and was forcibly taken away, but did you three wastes stay?"

The tone of Mie Quan is quite plain, but the killing in his eyes The intent is getting stronger and stronger, as if they would kill their three people at any time.

The three double-horned bloodfiend trembles and dare not speak.

After the dull atmosphere lasted for a while, Extinguished Power slowly spoke, and said: "That guy named Mu Qing, what's the specific strength."

In the beginning, Zilong Monster King said. The name of Mu Qing has been published.

However, when Mu Qing suddenly started to deal with Mu, Mie Quanzheng fought fiercely with the Purple Dragon Monster King. He only noticed that there was a problem here, but he didn't know much about it.

"It is very strong, I am afraid it is not inferior to our bloodfiend family. That is called Mu Qing. It should be so far, there are few that can be comparable to our bloodfiend family in Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer."

A double-horned bloodfiend quickly said.

Cultivation breakthrough of the bloodfiend family is not so easy. The double-angle bloodfiend corresponds to Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer.

Royal Family corresponds to Supreme Nine Layers Heaven!

Mu Qing's strength is not weaker than the double-angle bloodfiend.

The other two-horned bloodfiend also hurriedly said, "The most important thing is that Mu Qing's weird means, his own strength is not weaker than ours, and the most special thing is that he suddenly disappeared in Under our eyes."

"No matter what, we couldn't find Mu Qing, and then Mu Qing suddenly appeared, very abrupt!"

"It's just one In an instant, Mu Qing had already used various methods on the wood to make it hurt. We obviously reacted immediately, but it was too late."

"Mu Qing displayed a kind of implication. With a strong means of destruction aura, forcibly inflicted heavy damage on the wood, then threw a scarlet hall, shrouded the wood in it, and escaped with the same means that the group of people fled in the first place."

The process was described by three double-horned bloodfiends one by one.

Hearing this, eyebrows slightly frowned.

He had noticed that Mu Qing's strength was not weak before, but he hadn't put it on him.

After all, Mu Qing only has the strength of Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer.

Even in his eyes, Mu Qing is inferior to double-angle bloodfiend.

He didn't take action against Mu Qing, because Mie Quan wanted Mu Qing to find the group of companions. When the time comes, he killed them together.

Didn't expect this decision, on the contrary, changed the situation, causing one of his henchmen to be severely injured and taken away!

"No, even if I chose to kill Mu Qing at first, that guy would use that weird means to escape!" Mie Quan concluded.

Unless he uses all his strength!

"So, what does he mean by taking the wood away?"

Mie Quan was puzzled again, because Mu Mingming had been hit hard, so he made another move and hit him. Can't it be done?

Why did Mu Qing not do this, but took the wood away?

Because you are curious about their bloodfiend family, do you want to study it?

Just when thinking about the extinction of power, somewhere in the internal space of Divine Tree.

Mu Qing enters the field of non-existence, and after confirming safety, restores his own state.

After he is ready to recover, he will go to the Scarlet Sovereign Hall to kill the seriously injured double-horned bloodfiend, then refining the opponent's corpse and take the Royal Family blood!

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