"As a subordinate of Scarlet Sovereign, the evil-eyed giant and the sword of flesh and blood, I am afraid that Evil God has arriveds at perfection realm through cultivation!"

Mu Qing touched the chin, thinking.

The Small Success Realm of Evil God Sutra is able to use Imperius Curse and Desire Mind.

At the same time, the Evil God illusory shadow of Small Success Realm is quite vague and has limited power.

When it comes to Great Success Realm, Evil God is solid, and can already use the power of Evil God to fight, and at the same time there will be a new Divine Ability method.

Death curse!

The reason why Mu Qing has determined that both of Scarlet Sovereign's men have reached Perfection Realm is because both of them have become Evil God.

The characteristic of Evil God through Perfection Realm is to become an Evil God!

The Scarlet Sovereign includes two of his own confidants. It should be that Evil God was cultivated to Perfection Realm and gradually assimilated into Evil God. Even the daily bewitched and whispered by Evil God, the whole person went crazy.

"Could it be said that Perfection Realm's Evil God scriptures can be resurrected continuously as long as there are believers?" Mu Qing frowns, he has not seen similar methods from the Evil God scriptures, it seems It should be Perfection Realm.

In this way, it will be difficult. If the two confidants of Scarlet Sovereign are resurrected, it will be much more difficult to deal with.

The two are not only the Supreme Ten Heaven, but also the existence of Evil God arrives at perfection realm through cultivation!

Although Evil God was not created by themselves and cannot break through to Sovereign, the strength is definitely much stronger than Kenshin Supreme!

At the very least, Jianxin Supreme has not even reached the Sovereign-level verse Small Accomplishment.

Without the blessing increase of Sovereign-level scriptures, there is a huge gap in strength!

"Maybe I should stop Evil God after cultivation to Great Success Realm."

Mu Qing touched the chin, although my Evil God does not look like an evil eye giant It's as disgusting as the sword of flesh and blood, but it's definitely hard to see where it goes.

He doesn't want to be that way!

Of course, both the Universe Saint Physique and Xingkong Shu have significant resistance to Evil God Sutra. At least when you cultivation Evil God Sutra, you will not be bewitched by the whispers of Evil God and will not go crazy.

Maybe his body will not be assimilated into Evil God!

"You told me earlier that the extra Sovereign-level scripture that came out is this Evil God scripture?" Jieli Supreme glanced at the fallen demonic cultivator corpse, then looked towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing nodded, but looking at the nirvana Supreme looks quite interested, he quickly said: "It鈥檚 better not to go to the cultivation. This Evil God is very special. After deep cultivation, it will be the same. Turn into an Evil God, the guy you saw just now!"

Supreme hearing this, his body shivered, and then opened the mouth and said: "Don鈥檛 worry, I won鈥檛 go to cultivation, after all I can I don't want to have eyeballs all over my body, it's disgusting!"

He glanced at Mu Qing, he knew that Mu Qing was cultivated Evil God, but there didn't seem to be anything unusual.

Supreme understands that Mu Qing has a lot of secrets in him, just like the other party can and Blood Demon Race, refining the heart of blood.

He didn't mention this, and then he looked angry and said: "This group of Monster Race bastards must be not far in front, go! We killed them for Ying Xuantian Revenge!"

The demonic cultivator just now deliberately approached him, obviously deliberately targeting him.

Don鈥檛 even think about it. If Mu Qing hadn鈥檛 killed the demonic cultivator, he was entangled by the Evil God illusory shadow at close range. I鈥檓 afraid something bad would happen. !

Under the leadership of Niubi Supreme, everyone moved forward quickly and soon met a group of Monster Race powerhouses.

The leader is the Purple Dragon Monster King!

"Oh? Didn't expect you to catch up so quickly, everyone in the black world."

"It's just that the gift I gave you, it seems you I didn't accept it, Nirvana Supreme."

The Purple Dragon Monster King looked at Niubi Supreme in surprise, and found that the opponent was safe and sound.

The Purple Dragon Monster King is quite clear about the identity of the Supreme!

This is what he saw from the memory of Ying Xuantian, who was dying, using the mind of Shen Shen.

Niubi Supreme is the Old Antique of the universe. It has been dormant for a long time, and few people know it. Even if you know the name of Niubi Supreme, you probably don鈥檛 remember what he looks like.

Prior to this, the Purple Dragon Monster King had no idea about Nirvana Supreme, but in Ying Xuantian鈥檚 memory, he received the news of Nirvana Supreme.

"Do you only use that kind of mischievous means?"

"But it doesn鈥檛 matter. Although I confiscated your gift, I immediately have a gift for me. Give it to you!"

There is a killing intent in the eyes of the Supreme Nine. He looked towards Supreme. Behind him, there is no other Supreme Nine Layers Heaven. Then a Monster Race powerhouse, Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer has enough. Four, the rest are Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer and 6 Heavenly Layer.

Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer and below, there are many too!

Supreme is relieved, sneaked out, suddenly punched out.

The space was broken, revealing the void, and then Nirvana Supreme punched again, the void shattered, and everyone came to endless void!

The bloody passage just now was too narrow, and their fighting there was much more restricted, so the Venerable Lord moved to open the endless void and put the battlefield here.


The Purple Dragon Monster King was a little surprised by the determination of Nirvana Supreme, he also looked towards behind the Nirvana Supreme.

"Four Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, and one Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer, are you sure they are my opponents?"

Supreme Nine Layers Heaven and Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, The numbers on both sides are the same.

But the Purple Dragon Monster King didn't care at all, because he and the group of men behind him all achieved the Sovereign-level scriptures to the Small Success Realm!

They are also Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, but they are much better than the usual Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer.

He doesn't believe that people in the black world can cultivation all the Sovereign-level scriptures to the Small Success Realm.

"That's hard to say." Supreme sneered extinguished, and then the black gold hammer in his hand emerged, slamming the purple dragon Monster King violently.

At the same time, the silence Supreme sound transmission to Mu Qing, saying: "Quickly solve a Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, and then help Xian Mu Ran and Ponton!"

Mu Qing before I have already told the Supreme that, by means of Scarlet Sovereign, it is possible to give his followers directly the Evil God Sutra of Small Success Realm and even the Evil God Sutra of Great Success Realm!

Mu Qing immediately perceives when he encounters the Purple Dragon Monster King entire group, these guys are all the Evil God of Small Success Realm.

If it is from Great Success Realm, Mu Qing will directly inform the Supreme.

Supreme is more worried about Xian Muran and Ponton.

Xian Muran and Ponton are both cultivating the Destiny Sutra, but the more regrettable point is that they are both normal cultivations and have not yet entered the Small Success Realm.

Xian Muran is Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer, she may be able to compete with one or two Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer, but obviously there are a lot of powerhouses on Monster Race.

Ponton is Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, but his destiny has not yet reached the Small Success Realm, not the opponent of Monster Race Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer!

The group of Monster Races in front of them are all carrying Small Success Realm's Sovereign-level scriptures. Obviously they did not rely on their own cultivation to go up, but were given by Scarlet Sovereign.

Even if it is relatively unfamiliar to fight, it is definitely better than Ponton and Xian Muran.

Mutuo and Gai Linxuan are not within the worrying range of the Supreme, because these two people rely on their own strength to cultivate the Sovereign-level scriptures to the Small Success Realm!

"Finally let us let go of our hands and feet, and fight a fight!"

Mu Tuo laughed, and his body rose for a while.

Gai Linxuan flashed chaotic light on his body, grinned, and took the lead to find a Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer Monster Race powerhouse.

They were previously crushed and beaten by the double-horned bloodfiend, and they were suffocated in their hearts. Now they encounter the powerhouse of Monster Race, but they plan to vent it!

Mu Qing moved towards Ponton and Xian Muran nodded, and then did not use the power of the Sovereign-level scriptures, and directly moved towards one of Monster Race's Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer to kill.

"Be careful! The one called Mu Qing is carrying three Sovereign-level scriptures, and there is even some way to burst out Great Success Realm's Sovereign-level scriptures!"

The Zilong Monster King had already learned some news about Mu Qing from Ying Xuantian's memory.

Although it is outdated news, it is enough for the Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer Monster Race to understand that Mu Qing is quite terrifying.

Mu Qing is frowned. Since the Purple Dragon Monster King knows part of his true strength, why should he let this Monster Race come to fight against him?

No matter how you look at it, the opponent is not your opponent.

At the next moment, on the face of Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer Monster Race in front of Mu Qing, a hideous color appeared.

His breath rose instantly, reaching Supreme Nine Layers Heaven!

Behind, a vaguely illusory shadow of the sword of flesh and blood appeared, and the evil eyes on the sword of flesh and blood were staring at Mu Qing.

"Cut off the vitality and give God's Force to the evil!"

A whisper came out, and then I saw the sword of flesh pierce the top of the Monster Race Supreme's head with a wave The violent power erupts from the opponent!

This Monster Race Supreme actually sacrificed a lot of vitality to the Sword of Flesh in exchange for enough power!

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