"This ancient bloodfiend tree can grow infinitely!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath.

At this moment, Mu Qing has deep regret in his heart.

He actually refining lost such heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

You should know that the ancient bloodfiend tree is classified into tenth-class heavenly materials and earthly treasures, but its growth is even more terrifying. In the See how 2nd screen, the ancient bloodfiend tree has absorbed even the entire universe!

Of course, Mu Qing also knew at this moment that he didn't think much about encountering the larva of the old bloodfiend tree at that time, and directly refining it, mainly because he was tempted.

The ancient bloodfiend tree is obviously a very terrifying existence, and at the same time, it is very rare in all universes.

Although it is rare, it is not easy to grow up.

During the bloodfiend larval period, there was the temptation of terrifying, even Mu Qing was not spared. The unnoticeable influence let him directly refining the bloodfiend larva.

On the contrary, it is the old bloodfiend tree that has grown up. It is obviously very attractive, but it can be resisted.

It can be seen that this ancient bloodfiend tree is also affected by the existence of Heaven's Jealousy. In its larval state, it exudes an unobvious but more deadly temptation.

An old bloodfiend tree in its larval state is more likely to be refining away!

Even if it has survived the juvenile state, the ancient bloodfiend tree, which is about to have complete spiritual wisdom, has also provoked a group of powerhouses. This is the second catastrophe!

Mu Qing suddenly understood that this is the characteristic of the ancient bloodfiend tree itself, it is extremely difficult to survive, once it appears, it is likely to be taken away by the powerhouse, refining!

Once the larval bloodfiend old tree is discovered, it will never survive!

There is a potential temptation that comes with him. It is estimated that Supreme will not be able to resist it in ten days and will directly refining it.

Once the ancient bloodfiend tree overcomes the disaster and grows up, it is also very terrifying.

At the very least, it is comparable to the powerhouse of Supreme.

Especially the method of crazy creation of bloodworm and bloodfiend, its own battle strength is also terrifying, and it can be compared with the Supreme Ten Heaven of the cultivation Sovereign-level verse Small Accomplishment!

Mu Qing at this moment finally knows why Fate wants to let Niubi Supreme lead the team to capture the ancient bloodfiend tree.

It is not the benefits of the old bloodfiend tree, but the control of the old bloodfiend tree!

He recalled what Nimbling Supreme had said before.

Crush the diamond-shaped crystals in their hands, as long as they are close to the heart of the ancient tree, they can control the other party, which means controlling the entire bloodfiend ancient tree!

The benefits of bloodfiend ancient trees, unimaginable!

On the surface, the fruit of the ancient bloodfiend tree, before it grows up, the emperor can directly achieve Supreme in place!

Then the bloodfiend old tree that has grown up now, how terrifying is the fruit?

Most powerhouses in the Chaos Universe are staring at the fruit. In their eyes, they haven't realized how terrifying the strength of the ancient bloodfiend tree itself is.

Only once located in the long river of time, observing the fate of countless disillusions in the universe, deeply understand the power of the ancient bloodfiend tree.

There is even a way to control bloodfiend ancient trees!

The guys in the Chaos Universe want to capture the ancient bloodfiend trees to cultivate them, and create the Supreme powerhouse for their own forces.

People who know some information about the ancient tree of bloodfiend are trying to seize the heart of the ancient tree and get the benefits of the sky.

However, the idea of ​​fate is above everyone!

Getting the ancient bloodfiend tree and using its fruits to create Supreme is too slow and the benefits are not obvious.

As for capturing the heart of the ancient tree and reaping benefits, it was Tianqing Universe's practice at the time.

Tianqing Universe, when the ancient bloodfiend tree appeared, it had actually reached the flourishing period, and the Supreme powerhouse was everywhere, so no one had the idea of ​​controlling the ancient bloodfiend tree and letting him create the Supreme powerhouse for his own power.

After all, for the complete Tianqing universe, breakthrough Supreme is already very simple.

So, the many powerhouses of Tianqing Universe, headed by Scarlet Sovereign and Tianba Sovereign, shattered the heart of the ancient tree and got quite good benefits.

But by doing so, the benefits are only one-time.

If Mingxuan did not see the situation in the 2nd screen, he would definitely let the Supreme and the others crush the heart of the ancient tree and get the blood of the heart of the ancient tree.

But now, everyone understands the idea of ​​Mingxuan.

Be aware that the growth of this ancient bloodfiend tree is so terrifying that it can swallow the universe!

Once it is successfully controlled, it will be a hole card!

even more how, the old bloodfiend tree after absorbing and devouring the universe, should it be comparable to Sovereign?

Others need Sovereign sacred relic or equivalent existence to assist, and then create Sovereign-level scriptures. I don’t know how many years of cultivation, and after reaching the Great Accomplishment, slowly try breakthrough Sovereign.

As for the ancient bloodfiend tree, you only need to concentrate on swallowing and absorbing it.

A galaxy, a starry sky...

Even the universe!

Mu Qing doesn't know whether the ancient bloodfiend tree has a limit. Perhaps it is the limit to absorb an entire universe, or it may not reach the limit and can continue to absorb other universes.

What kind of strength the ancient bloodfiend tree will reach is unimaginable!

"Next, our goal is to find a small space first. There is a heart of blood in the small space, which is derived from the power of the heart of the ancient tree."

" Inside the ancient bloodfiend tree, there are many hearts of blood, which is not difficult to find, but it needs a special physique to refining."

Supreme said, this was obtained from Mingxuan’s mouth. Another news.

"As long as the heart of blood is refining, it will not be attacked by all bloodworms. Although it cannot affect the bloodfiend, it is enough and can save a lot of trouble."

Annihilation Supreme As he said, he walked forward with everyone.

Mu Qing's heart moved when he heard the special physique. I wonder if his universe Saint Physique counts?

Ora Snake hearing this was stunned and asked: "What special physique is needed?"

Supreme touched the chin and said: "not quite clear, it should be necessary A physique that fits with the ancient bloodfiend tree, right?"

Immediately afterwards, the nirvana Supreme grinned and said: "Don't worry, even if there is no special physique, I have a way to make the blood heart work!"


"Of course, we may need more blood hearts."

After the silence Supreme said, his body suddenly stopped.

In the inner space of this ancient bloodfiend tree, the passages inside such as blood vessels, tangled and complicated, also creep and change direction at any time.

Although there are many blood hearts, whether they can meet them depends on luck.

As for the location of the heart of the ancient tree, as long as you walk down the passage like blood vessels, you will be able to meet it.

The end of all passages leads to the position of the heart of the ancient tree!

Crack, click.

A strange voice suddenly came out.

"It seems to be here!"

Supreme expression congeals are extinct, low shouted.

In an instant, on the blood wall of all around, a beetle-like bloodworm emerged!

bloodworm densely packed, like a wave of blood, swarming!

Every bloodworm exudes a powerful breath, from Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer to Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer!

Don't look at the bloodworm. Divine Ability is not fancy, but its attack power and defensive power are extremely high. The worm's horn is topped, and the void will split, and it can easily break Supreme's defense.

On the side of Nirvana Supreme, they are directly surrounded by the bloodworms of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer. It seems that they also know that Nirvana Supreme is difficult to deal with.

"Is this bloodworm?"

Mu Qing glanced curiously, but quickly withdrew his gaze.

In his eyes, these bloodworms are still too weak.

You don’t even need to use any means. Saint Physique in the universe bursts with power, the surging strength of Starry Sky swept all around, and crushed all the bloodworms around on the spot!

This makes Mu Qing a little confused. The most powerful bloodworm is Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer, and the one who attacked him didn't even have Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer.

Strength of Starry Sky can be smashed with just one blow. Why are these bloodworms such a troublesome thing in the mouth of Supreme?

Immediately afterwards, there was a trace of pain in Mu Qing's arm, which was not too obvious.

Mu Qing looked surprised and found a bloodworm, obviously only palm-size, but relying on the blood-colored worm horn, forcibly wounded his cosmic Saint Physique!

The worm horn penetrates Mu Qing's arm directly!

The strength of Starry Sky erupted on Mu Qing, directly smashing the bloodworm to pieces.

Then the hole in his arm healed at the speed that naked eye could see.

The same situation also appeared in Orochi and the others.

They are all very powerful, especially Muto's Solar Sutra. The Solar Sutra of Small Success Realm almost turned his body into a round of sun, melting all the bloodworms near him!

Gai Linxuan displayed Primal Chaos Scripture, the fleshy body was tyrannical, Chaos Qi Flow flowed, and a large piece of bloodworm was smashed with one punch.

However, some special bloodworms, palm-size, still hurt them!

Although the injury is not serious, it can only be regarded as a minor injury, but the ability of that special bloodworm is amazing.

"Damn it! This kind of insect has no breath!"

The snake cursed angrily.

There was a blood hole in his chest, although he was quickly healed by expending energy.

"Be careful!"

Mu Qing loudly shouts, he also urges the Sun Sutra, incarnate in a round of the sun, and the terrifying sun fire burns all around.

Directly cast an indiscriminate attack, and all nearby bloodworms melted into nothingness!

But soon, a burst of pain came.

Mu Qing glanced at his leg and found that there were two blood holes on it, penetrated by that special palm-size bloodworm!

"What's going on?"

Mu Qing frowned, under his control, the fire of the sun burned these two special bloodworms instantly.

Then, the two blood holes pierced by the worm's horns on the thighs healed within a few breaths.

Even Mu Qing has a little doubt. The ordinary bloodworm has no threat at all, but the special bloodworm does not even know when he approached him!

"Be careful, these special bloodworms are not easy to deal with, the biggest trouble is them!"

At this time, Nirvana Supreme spoke.

He has a sword-shaped Divine Item all over his body, which automatically forms a sword array. There are 36 Divine Swords in total, all of which are ninth-class Divine Items!

In an instant, every Divine Sword can burst out endless sword qi, sweeping all around.

The ten bloodworms of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer were strangled by him a long time ago.

In the face of the bloodworm like a tide, everyone used a range attack, but those bloodworms could not resist at all and died instantly.

Krao is so, everyone is hurt!

Supreme extend the hand, his palm is penetrated by the horns of insects.

He has a dignified face and low shouted: "Ordinary bloodworms are not too threatening, but special bloodworms have a special innate talent, invisible and formless, and they can't feel the breath. They can only attack once in a lifetime, but The formidable power of this time attack will run through everything, even the Supreme Tenth Heaven will be injured!"

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