"The blood-colored ancient tree?"

Mu Qing hearing this heart shook, is it possible that it is the scarlet towering ancient tree that he got before ?

"What exactly?"

Mu Qing asked quickly.

"From the news from the Tianchen Realm, it is rumored that a lot of Supreme has only been close to the bloody ancient tree cultivation for a period of time, and then successfully broke through to Supreme."

"And, that bloody The ancient tree is not yet mature, and today Chenjie has gathered a lot of great characters, and the powerhouse of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer also has it, just to wait for the moment when the blood-colored ancient tree fully matures, and grab it!"

"I went to Tianchen Realm to see the blood-colored ancient tree before, and it did exude a very mysterious aura, especially for people above Supreme, it is full of temptation!"

The King of Chaos said. .

He is frowned and seems to be reminiscing about that feeling.

After a while, he continued: "A very terrifying temptation, the bloody old tree gives me a feeling, as if as long as it is refined, it can be a direct breakthrough!"

Mu Qing touched the chin, just listening, how come it feels a bit like an evil thing, it still tempts people?

But when Mu Qing saw the picture of the blood-colored ancient tree in the Royal General of Chaos, Mu Qing suddenly determined that this blood-colored ancient tree was indeed the same as the one he had refining before!

Furthermore, the blood-colored ancient tree in the world of heaven and earth, rooted in a planet, drew all the nutrients from the planet, and the blood-colored trunk broke through the sky, and grew to the starry sky.

That is a very huge ancient tree, the whole body is blood-colored, and now the rhizome has taken root in the void, absorbing more energy, it can be as big as ten planets alone!

The bloody old tree that Mu Qing got back is exactly the same as this one.

It's just that the one that Mu Qing obtained was just grown, and it was directly lost by Mu Qing refining.

This one is obviously a bloody old tree that is about to mature!

"If this mature blood-colored ancient tree is refining away, I will definitely be able to upgrade the universe Saint Physique to the middle level!"

A single thought flashed through Mu Qing's mind .

I don’t know why, just by looking at it, he thought that this blood-colored ancient tree has this ability, and after refining, it can help his universe Saint Physique improve!

Thinking about it is true. After all, the blood-colored ancient trees that have not yet matured have helped Mu Qing's Saint Physique in the universe to improve a lot.

And now, Mu Qing's Universe Saint Physique is at the last juncture of the elementary stage, possessing the power of the four realms Boundless Starry Sky!

When Mu Qing's Universe Saint Physique is upgraded again and reaches the power of the Five Realms Boundless Starry Sky, it will be when Mu Qing's Universe Saint Physique is truly promoted and is at the middle level!

As for the high-end, you need the power of Nine Realms Boundless Starry Sky!

Peak of Saint Physique of the universe is naturally the strength of Starry Sky!

But it was too far away, the starry sky inside the body, opening up a realm, the difficulty has increased several times!

Looking at Mu Qing's warm gaze, the King of Chaos quickly coughed slightly.

"The most important thing is the fruit on the blood-colored ancient tree!"

"Previously, there were five fruits on the blood-colored ancient tree, but none of them were mature yet. One of them was fruit. I don’t know why it matured in advance and fell down."

"At that time, the powerhouse hadn’t noticed the blood-colored ancient tree, and the fruit was also obtained by a high-ranking emperor, and then swallowed..."


The King of Chaos has a dignified face, said solemnly: "Supreme is achieved in situ!"

Mu Qing hearing this, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"putting it that way, this blood-colored ancient tree is a divine object that creates Supreme?"

Mu Qing touched the chin, whispered.

Just a fruit can make the emperor achieve Supreme in situ. This effect is enough to attract countless powerhouses, throw their heads and sprinkle blood, and rob the blood-colored ancient trees!

And the most important thing is that this blood-colored ancient tree has the probability of nurturing.

If you provide nutrients for it and let the Scarlet Old Tree continue to bear fruit, doesn't it mean that Continuously Supreme will appear?

This has a huge effect on every force!

After realizing this, the forces from all walks of life will send powerhouse to the Tianchen realm, and even the Supreme powerhouse of the Supreme Tenth Heaven will turn their eyes there.

Mu Qing is also heartened, of course he is more concerned about refining the blood-colored ancient tree, so that his universe Saint Physique can be advanced.

After all, they are dark, and the giant beast factory has already been built in the Chaos Temple. After that, there will be one starry sky giant beast with Supreme battle strength.

This blood-colored ancient tree, Mu Qing still hopes to refining by himself.

But no matter what, it’s better to take the bloody old tree first!

Mu Qing stood up, he thought the blood-colored ancient tree was worth his fight for once.

Now Mu Qing's strength, coupled with the ability of the Star Book, can instantly upgrade his Sovereign-level scriptures to the Great Success Realm.

Even if it is Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, he will die if he is not careful!

"How about? Do you want to be with you?"

The King of Chaos asked.

Mu Qing shook the head, "No need, if I succeed, I will immediately leave with the starry sky door."

Others are hearing this and didn't say much.

Now Mu Qing's strength is already above them. They followed it, but it was a burden.

Even more how, it is indeed the same as Mu Qing said, the fewer people, the better, it is better to be Mu Qing alone.

Xinrui, King of Chaos and the others have all seen Mu Qing’s starry sky gate, and they have crossed an unknown distance in an instant, and can even cross boundaries!

Once Mu Qing succeeds, he immediately steps into the starry sky gate, even Supreme Tenth Heaven cannot catch up!

The only solution is to stop Mu Qing before entering the starry sky gate!

Of course, Supreme Ten Heaven has this ability, but other people can't stop Mu Qing.

After determining the specific location of the blood-colored ancient tree from the King of Chaos, Mu Qing left the star void world.


Sky and stars world, moon dark galaxy.

On a certain meteorite, a daoist sect appeared, the starry sky shone with brilliance, and Mu Qing stepped out of it.

The dark moon galaxy is located next to the galaxy where the blood-colored ancient tree is located.

As soon as Mu Qing came here, he found that one after another powerful aura shuttled through the various planets in the moon-dark galaxy.

a The emperor appeared, and even saw the silhouette of Supreme!

"So many people?"

Mu Qing was surprised, the number of people gathered in the moon-dark galaxy was more than he thought.

Perceive several planets nearby, and powerhouses of various forces have gathered!

"After removing some of the large and small forces, are the demon, demons, and holy three realms coming?"

Mu Qing expression congeals.

He perceives some powerhouses. Among the powerhouses of the Three Realms, each has a powerhouse of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven!

Mu Qing then plunged his consciousness into the Qi Luck Pearl, wanting to see what was going on in the black world.

The black world today has developed rapidly since the return of Mingxuan.

Although most members of the black world still hide their identities, it is undeniable that the current black world is much stronger than before.

At the same time, Mu Qing can also use Qi Luck Beads to purchase intelligence and so on!

On the way, some great emperors and Supreme also discovered Mu Qing's silhouette. Compared to other Great Influence people, Mu Qing was standing alone on a meteorite, which is indeed a bit weird.

But no one bothered Mu Qing, and no one tried.

Everyone knows that the blood-colored ancient tree is very precious, and the fruit it bears can immediately make a creature become Supreme!

Many powerhouses have gathered. Nowadays, fish and dragons mixed in together, apart from the three realms of monsters, demons and holy ones, there are still many powerhouses.

Basically, no one dares to make trouble everywhere, because someone who is not paying attention will probably provoke a powerhouse above Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer!

At the same time, Mu Qing also got the information he wanted from the Qi Luck Pearl.

Because the members of the black world are spread across all forces, the information of the black world can be said to be the most complete in the universe!

Mu Qing is not short of luck points. He stayed in the black world on the stone tablet branded with Sovereign-level scriptures and helped him earn a lot of luck points.

Almost never run out!

Mu Qing directly released a Bounty Mission. To get detailed information about the Scarlet Ancient Tree, he gave a full 1,000 points of luck.

Just an intelligence mission is worth a thousand luck points!

For others, it can be said to be a huge sum of money!

Of course, for Mu Qing, one hair from nine oxen.

Soon, a piece of information was transmitted to Mu Qing's mind via Qi Luck Bead in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing saw a picture!

Dark galaxy!

It is the galaxy where the Scarlet Tree was originally located.

In Mu Qing's picture, the main point of view came to a planet. Looking into the distance, you can see a huge blood-colored old tree rooted on the planet and growing into the starry sky!

Afterwards, there were some discussions. In the perspective of this picture, there is a group of powerhouses in the holy world around them, please flattery them.

Mu Qing suddenly realized that the person who gave this information to him was a high-level man in the holy world!

The group of powerhouses around the holy world, there are some Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer, 2nd Layer.

It can be seen that the source of this information is a Supreme high-level person, and he is definitely a figure with a face in the Holy Realm!

On the other side, this is directly transmitting his own memory picture and giving it to Mu Qing!

Mu Qing is nodded with satisfaction, this is more intuitive than the information described verbally, in this way, he can learn all the news about the bloody ancient tree directly from the memory of that person!

After that, Mu Qing continued to be immersed in this memory.

In the memory screen, Mu Qing saw the roots of the blood-colored ancient tree spreading and taking root in the void, but it did not draw power from the void, but extended to other planets!

next moment, Mu Qing pupil shrink.

He saw a root of the blood-colored ancient tree piercing through another planet, absorbing the energy of that planet in an instant.

Not only this planet!

The blood-colored ancient tree, with countless roots spreading out, spread to all planets in the dazzling galaxy.

One after another planet was penetrated, and the creatures on it were wailing, but it was useless. After a few breaths, it was swallowed by invisible power and turned into a pile of white powder.

Immediately afterwards, one after another planet exploded, but it did not produce a very strong energy explosion, because all the vitality and energy of those planets were swallowed up.

Some planets directly become a large piece of powder, dissipating in the starry sky!

As the blood-colored ancient tree devours one after another planet, the blood-colored ancient tree is getting bigger and bigger.

At first, people from many forces didn't care, but then they were horrified to find that those tree roots rushed out from in the sky and landed in the planet under their feet.

Including the owner in the memory picture, he also saw a tree root like a big pillar of Heavenspan, falling on the planet where they were!

"Hey dong! Hey dong!"

As if drawing blood, accompanied by bursts of sound, all the power of the entire planet was deprived of its vitality!

The main point of view in the screen, the powerhouse of the Holy Realm who provided information to Mu Qing, obviously realized that something was wrong, and even the men around him did not care, and immediately moved towards the distance and fled away.

As for his subordinates, before they had time to escape, they were enveloped by an invisible force, and their energy and vitality were swallowed up and turned into a pile of powder.

The eyes are dark, the memory screen is over!

Mu Qing's face was solemn, he flashed his body and appeared outside the moon-dark galaxy, moved towards the original dazzling galaxy next to him.

On that galaxy, all planets are penetrated by tree roots and take root!

A blood-colored ancient tree far larger than a galaxy, stands in the starry sky!

The oppression of assaults the senses!

This ancient scarlet tree has drawn the power of an entire galaxy!

On those tree roots, there are planets that have been scrapped one after another, lifeless stars!

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