"Celestial Emperor, if you don't leave again, I am afraid you will die outside the black world today."

Mingxuan said differently, and then gave Jianxin Supreme one The look in his eyes, let him deal with the demon Yan Supreme.

Even though Jianxin Supreme was wounded, he could still exert a lot of strength, and it was not a problem to deal with a monster Supreme.

At the same time, black within the realm, one hundred and eight Heavenspan pillars emerged, towering in the void!

In the black world, Supreme of Nirvana has fully urged the confusion formation, and will cover the Celestial Emperor at any time!

The cultivation base is in Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, but with this Divine Item, it is qualified to intervene in the battle of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven.

In the face of Mingxuan, Celestial Emperor is coldly snorted, without the slightest fear on his face.

He is indeed very afraid of the power of life, that ability to pause time, even he can affect.

However, the Celestial Emperor could see at this moment that the fate of Xuan hadn't come completely yet, but in order to protect Jianxin Supreme, he forcibly came here and suffered a certain amount of backlash!

In other words, the current Mingxuan does not have the strength to kill the Celestial Emperor!

Not to mention that the Celestial Emperor suspended the Celestial Emperor's time for a while, which was quite expensive.

However, Celestial Emperor really did not have the idea of ​​staying.

Seeing that vision earlier, the Celestial Emperor guessed that Mingxuan was trapped in a long river of time, but now that there is no way to stop it, it is useless to continue to stay.

Mingxuan really has no way to kill him, but the Celestial Emperor can't help him either!

Mingxuan, who has the ability to time out, is definitely the number one enemy of the Celestial Emperor today!

Even if the Sovereign Holy Artifact, the Storm Sickle, is in hand, it is estimated that it will be a tie at most.

"Time is long, didn't expect you to hide there all the time, and even give you the power of time suspension."

"Even, you have Small Success Realm The Sovereign-level scriptures are comparable to my emperor's scriptures."

The Celestial Emperor took a deep look at Mingxuan, then stepped into the void and left here.

In the sky, the Array of Confusion quivered, as if it was about to start, but Mingxuan waved his hand to stop the Nirvana Supreme.

Mingxuan watched the Celestial Emperor leave, and at the same time, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He escaped from the long river of time, and it actually took half a day, but when he saw the Celestial Emperor coming, he could only force it out. He ended up with a backlash and suffered a lot of injuries.

I lowered my head and glanced at my left hand. At this moment, the slender palm of my hand has become azure's claws.

The breath of time seems very strong on him, and even makes Mingxuan's control of Power of Time deeper, but the price is that the speed of monsterization becomes faster!

Once Mingxuan becomes a time monster, then he will completely fall into the long river of time and be wiped out in it.

The hand that turned into azure claws was hidden under the robe without any expression of emotion, and ordered Xuan to wipe the blood from the corners of the mouth with another intact hand.

At this time, Jixi Supreme and Mu Qing walked out of the black world.

No one has noticed the strangeness of fate.

"Leader, why not take the opportunity to kill the Celestial Emperor?"

Supreme was a little confused and disappointed.

After refining the Confusion Array, he has never tried to use it to fight. He thought that this time against the Celestial Emperor, he could use the Confusion Array to help, but Mingxuan did not intend. Shot against Celestial Emperor.

Ming Xuan shook the head, "Don’t think that the Celestial Emperor is just an ordinary Supreme Tenth Heaven. He has an unknown Sovereign-level scripture on his body, called the Emperor’s Sutra, which has also reached the Small Success Realm. "

Supreme nodded, I also know that my own confusion array is very likely to be unable to help Celestial Emperor.

In the distance, the demon Yan Supreme slipped away, and he has been paying attention to the situation on the Celestial Emperor.

Celestial Emperor will not be afraid of the black world, but the demon flame Supreme can be very jealous. He is sure that Mingxuan has the ability to kill him!

Now that even Celestial Emperor is gone, he will be killed if he continues to stay, so he flees decisively.

"Emperor Sutra? I don't remember the four Sovereigns of Tianqing Universe, and there is no such Sovereign-level scripture."

Mu Qing said solemnly, he keenly caught The key point in Mingxuan's mouth.

Celestial Emperor cultivated a Sovereign-level scripture called Emperor Sutra, and even cultivation to Small Success Realm!

"Is it possible that is the mysterious Sovereign. I heard that Tianqing Universe has five Sovereigns. In addition to the four Sovereigns who left the Sovereign Hall, there is also a more mysterious Sovereign."

Jianxin Supreme returned to the crowd and spoke speculated.

Mu Qing shook the head, definitely not!

Others don't know, but Mu Qing knows that there should be only four Sovereigns that can leave Sovereign-level scriptures in the Tianqing universe.

The mysterious Sovereign was actually killed by the time monster a long time ago, and its power was divided into two halves, creating Storm Sovereign and Scarlet Sovereign.

But only Mu Qing and Mingxuan knew about this matter, and others didn't.

"He created it himself." Ming Xuan said suddenly, his face also a little solemn.

He glanced at Mu Qing, and then said solemnly: "Celestial Emperor has also entered the long river of time, even I did not find out, maybe the other party entered the long river of time much earlier than me."

"But there is no doubt that the Celestial Emperor has created a Sovereign-level scripture, that is, the emperor's scripture!"

"He has the will to dominate the universe and become an emperor, so Then he created the emperor's scripture."

Mu Qing brows tightly knit, has Celestial Emperor also entered the long river of time?

On the other hand, the Supreme Supreme, with a sneer, said with a smile: "Just the Celestial Emperor? I remember that although he became the Lord of the Celestial Court before, he didn't care about the Celestial Court at all. Is it something?"

"It is reasonable to say that the old Celestial Emperor can create the emperor's scriptures, but the Celestial Emperor, how is it like the emperor?"

Mingxuan shook the head.

He retorted: "It’s not really an emperor. For the Celestial Emperor, he can think of himself as the emperor in his heart. He wants to control everything like an emperor and possess it like an emperor. The power of Supreme suppresses everything like an emperor!"

"Even if he does not have any subordinates and is alone, but it is estimated that he still thinks he is an emperor with such aspirations, so he can create Come out of the Emperor's Scripture!"

Mingxuan explained.

The eyes of the people were a little weird, and they looked at each other.

They felt a little bit of a joke. According to Mingxuan, the Celestial Emperor always felt that he was an emperor in his heart?

Even Celestial Court is disbanded?

"Okay, let's go back."

Mingxuan waved his hand, with a chuckle on his face, and returned to the core place with everyone.

Orochi and the others have passed out of a coma. This time, in order to help Mingxuan escape from the long river of time and return, it consumes a lot of power, and Mu Qing can hold it.

Mingxuan dismissed Jianxin Supreme and Ninety Supreme.

He looked towards Mu Qing, and the smile on his face gradually became serious.

"How did Celestial Emperor create his own Sovereign-level scripture?"

Mu Qing couldn't help opening the mouth and said.

"It takes a long time." Mingxuan took a deep breath, even he was very surprised.

"Long time?" Mu Qing repeated, browsing tightly knit.

After that, Mu Qing looked towards Mingxuan with a suspicious look.

If the Celestial Emperor enters the long river of time, it should be discovered by fate. Why can it still create a Sovereign-level scripture?

Mingxuan is shook the head.

"I don’t know when the Celestial Emperor entered the river of time, but it’s definitely not the latest."

"Obviously, the Celestial Emperor entered the river of time a long time ago and stayed there. A lot of time, at that time, I either hadn't been trapped for a long time, or I was trapped just now, so I couldn't detect it."

A look of dreading appeared in Mingxuan's eyes.

He continued: "I have already said that long time is a peculiar place, independent of the multiverse, where there is mysterious power."

"Celestial Emperor is inside. After staying for a long time, it is even possible to use the power of the long river to get some benefits."

"Now, the Celestial Emperor has created the Sovereign-level scripture with the help of the background that has entered the long river of time! "

Mu Qing hearing this, nodded with deep sympathy.

Indeed, if it is a long river of time, you may not necessarily have to enter the river of time to create a Sovereign-level scripture.

You may have entered before!

Mu Qing only entered the long river for a short while, but it was tainted with the breath of the long river, able to ignore the limits of the Chaos Temple, and even during the cultivation of the Destiny Sutra, rapid progress!

Be aware that Mu Qing was only brought into the long river of time by the world snake at the beginning!

Make yourself very special, sensitive to Power of Time, and rapid progress in the cultivation Destiny Sutra.

If the Celestial Emperor really stayed for a long time, it is likely to get more benefits, such as creating a Sovereign-level scripture!

"We have to pay attention to it. Next, we will probably fight the Celestial Emperor!"

Mingxuan said, and narrowed his eyes at the same time.

He opened the mouth and said: "Even, I feel the Celestial Emperor has endless ambitions, even if he has a Sovereign-level scripture, but he still doesn't want to let go of the Holy Spirit universe crystal in the hands of evil gods. !"

"Does he want to..."

Mu Qing hearing this, some understand the meaning of life, his pupils contracted slightly.

Mingxuan clicked, "Yes, as you think, the Celestial Emperor probably wants to create another Sovereign-level scripture!"

"From him The creation of the emperor scripture shows that Celestial Emperor believes in his heart that he is always an emperor-like character."

"The emperor should not be bound by rules!"

"At the time of Supreme, every Supreme had one Supreme Avenue, but the Celestial Emperor believed that there should be two emperors like himself!"

"Now, all powerhouses have their eyes open On the Sovereign, the Celestial Emperor might want to...create two Sovereign-level scriptures at the same time!"

Mingxuan's eyes shone with cold light!

He thinks he has guessed the idea of ​​the Celestial Emperor, and he will never let the Celestial Emperor succeed!

If it was before, Mingxuan would not think so, because it is impossible for one person to create two Sovereign-level scriptures. After all, it is very rare to get a Sovereign sacred relic or something similar. Luck That Goes Against Heaven's Will.

Things that can help people create Sovereign-level scriptures are too rare!

How amazing is it for a person to have two?

Even if two Sovereign-level verses can be created, after the cultivation, the two forces conflict with each other, and there is no cultivation at all!

However, Mingxuan looked at the current situation and saw this probability in the evil god and Mu Qing.

It is possible to cultivation two Sovereign-level verses at the same time!

After all, Mu Qing himself was a practitioner of the Three Sovereign-level scriptures, Mingxuan can also see that Mu Qing is a special physique, possessing a powerful physique, and forcibly suppressing different Sovereign-level scriptures.

Perhaps Celestial Emperor has a special physique, otherwise the opponent will be impossible to resurrect after death.

In the hands of evil gods, the Holy Spirit universe is no secret in all realms of the universe!

That is definitely something comparable to Sovereign sacred relic, which means that by relying on the Holy Spirit universe crystallization, it is possible to create Sovereign-level scriptures.

If the Celestial Emperor is supported by a special physique, then once the Celestial Emperor grabs the Holy Spirit universe crystal, it’s nothing to create a Sovereign-level verse of its own by relying on the experience of the Emperor Sutra. Difficult.

By then, the Celestial Emperor will initiate two sects, completely belonging to their own Sovereign-level scriptures!

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