The holy world, the sea of ​​silence.

"Sir Holy Lord! Sir Holy Lord!"

"Not good anymore!"

A silhouette stepped into the air and came to the depths of the sea of ​​silence, This is a forbidden place, no one can approach.

This place is usually the place where evil gods delve into the crystallization of the Holy Spirit universe.


"It's still a lot!"

"If there is a complete piece of Sovereign-level scripture for my reference, it won't be ten years , I will be able to create all evil scriptures!"

In the depths of the sea of ​​silence, the evil god roared.

He is quite annoyed, but sometimes he has to calm down and build a Sovereign-level scripture a little bit.

After obtaining the Holy Spirit universe crystallization, the evil god created the Ten Saints, and he was stuck in a forbidden place. Except for the one at the Sovereign Hall of the Sun, he basically never went out.

The evil god is really clever. After exploring for a while, I realized that the Holy Spirit universe can help him break through to Sovereign, and the key is to create a Sovereign-level scripture by himself!

Unfortunately, this evil god got stuck in this step.

The last time I entered the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, I watched the Sun Sutra for a while, and it was indeed beneficial to him, but the time was too short!

If there is a complete solar sutra for him to refer to, it will not be long before he can use the Holy Spirit universe to create his own evil sutra.

Now, it is difficult for him to move forward and his progress is slow.

At this moment, the evil god heard the voice outside, and his face suddenly sank.

The violent Qi of Evil surged all around, and the huge silhouette of the evil god appeared in front of the Holy Lord of evil.

Even if it is his own dísciple, the evil god is not at all polite.

"Evil inflammation! If there is no major event, I will screw your head off!"

The evil god roared, and the sound waves set off waves in the sea of ​​silence .

Evil Flame Holy Lord sweating, he hurriedly said: "Master, there is a vision in the sky above the sea of ​​silence, it seems to be related to... and the black world!"

, He looked up at the evil spirit.

In fact, the Holy Lord of Evil Flame is a member of the Black Realm, but this time the vision is too dynamic, and all realms of the universe have appeared.

He couldn't do it even if he wanted to help conceal it.


Only then did the evil god notice the illusory shadow appearing in the sky above the sea of ​​silence, and his face changed suddenly.

"What are these people in the black world doing?"

"Is it possible that opened the passage of the universe and found a helper from other universes?"


The evil god glanced, then waved his hand.

"Okay, I see."

"Recently, you let the people of the holy world converge, even if the few worlds under your command are taken away, it's okay."

The evil god is a little casual, and then returns to the forbidden place and continues to delve into the matters of the Sovereign-level scriptures.

For him, this kind of thing doesn't matter at all.

At the same time, in his opinion, the scene on the illusory shadow is a bit like pulling a powerhouse from outside the chaotic universe.

As for the powerhouse's strength, the evil god vaguely felt it, although it was strong, it was not a Sovereign.

After realizing this, the evil god didn't care.

As long as it's not Sovereign, it's fine!

Wait until he uses the Holy Spirit universe to create a Sovereign-level scripture, and tolerate for a while before going to breakthrough Sovereign.

When the time comes, even if there are ten Supremes, ten heavens are not enough to see!

All suppress and kill!

The evil gods don't bother to deal with matters in the dark world, or anything outside.

The only thing he has to do at present is to create Sovereign-level scriptures with the help of the Holy Spirit universe crystallization!

Demon Realm.

Gathering magic land.

Feeling the aura of the Celestial Emperor leaving, the demon ancestor snered.

After that, he looked towards the illusory shadow in the sky.

This vision illusory shadow, everywhere, is like the creatures of the entire chaotic universe, you can see it as long as you look up.

"Should I help?"

The Mozu touched the chin, thinking.

At any rate, he made an alliance with the leader of the black world, intending to join forces to deal with the Celestial Emperor.

But he finally turned into a dark place. If he was to help the Black Realm resist Celestial Emperor and Demon Flame Supreme at this time, it would be useless even to pretend to be mad.

"Is that the fate of the leader of the black world?"

"It is strong enough!"

The ancestor's eyes fell on the illusory shadow at the end of the long river of time silhouette.

Although he doesn't know why Mingxuan will be trapped in a certain place, but now it seems that the other party is getting out of the trap, and the opportunity is the body that Mu Qing took from him.

For Mingxuan's strength, Mozu quite recognized.

After that, his gaze looked down, swept past Mu Qing and the others, and suddenly paused.

Mozu's face became a little ugly, and he cursed secretly.

"When is this beast, when?"

His previous main focus was on Fate. Only then did he discover the old demonic cultivator behind Mu Qing.

That is an Old Antique in their Demon Ancestral Hall. His strength is very strong and he can beat his opponents by a higher level!

This is definitely the top of Demon Realm.

Even if the Demon Ancestor does not care about his opponents, he is still quite optimistic about these promising Supreme executives.

The result...

Mozu wants to scold bad words!

One of the senior leaders of Demon Realm he likes is actually from the dark world!

Until this time, Mozu remembered what Kenshin Supreme had said.

Anyone around them may be a member of the black world!

Mozu's face became dignified, and he felt a sense of awe at Mingxuan's methods!


Out of bounds.

A silhouette bathed in demon fire stepped forward, about to head to the black world.

However, at this moment, a sword of shock penetrated through, and an old man walked out of nothingness and laughed and stopped that silhouette.

"Hand over the serpent, and I will leave!"

Yuyan Supreme's face was gloomy, staring at Jianxin Supreme in front of her.

However, Jianxin Supreme laughed and said: "The big snake is the core member of our black world, it is also the Supreme Heaven's Chosen of our black world, and it is also the Direct Disciple of our black world leader."

"We won't hand over the serpent to you. If there is nothing else, Yaoyan Supreme, please come back!"

Jianshin Supreme bears his hands behind his back, and at the same time, appears behind him One after another condensed Divine Sword.

sword qi is like a wave, frantically rushing all around!

Some sword qi is like the sun, some sword qi is like chaos, and some sword qi contains luck!

Sun Sutra, Primal Chaos Scripture, Destiny Sutra!

Comprehend the Jianshin Supreme of the three Sovereign-level scriptures. Even without cultivation, the strength is definitely not comparable to today's Yaoyan Supreme.

Yaoyan Supreme also felt the power of Jianxin Supreme, and his face was extremely ugly.

He went to the Palace of the Sun Sovereign, and comprehend a little bit of the fur of the Sun Sutra, and his strength increased.

But this growth is far inferior to Jianxin Supreme, who can comprehend Sovereign-level verses all day long!

Know that Jianxin Supreme can go to the comprehend Primal Chaos Scripture and the Sun Sutra at any time as long as you have luck points. They are all complete!

Without luck points, he asked the leader of the black world to comprehend the Destiny Sutra!

For Jianxin Supreme, Mingxuan is naturally optimistic. After all, Jianxin Supreme is also the second Supreme Tenth Heaven in the Black World!

Destiny Sutra, Mingxuan allows Jianxin Supreme to be comprehend anytime, anywhere.

Today's Jianshin Supreme has improved rapidly and its strength has skyrocketed!

Yaoyan Supreme felt the gap between the two, complexion ashen, but did not dare to take the initiative.

Looking at the illusory shadow vision outside the horizon, that stalwart silhouette has been carrying one after another wave of time, and is about to come out!

"Damn it! Why don't other people come!"

Yuyan Supreme is a bit if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off.

He thought that other people would also come, such as evil gods, demon ancestors, or those powerhouses from the Tianqing universe.

Unfortunately, I haven't seen a silhouette!

In desperation, Yaoyan Supreme had no choice but to retreat, let Jianxin Supreme surrender the traitor Orochi, and he left.

Who knows, Jianxin Supreme's words directly hurt him.

One bite of a person from the black world, did their Monster Realm never cultivate a snake? !

Jianxin Supreme gnashing teeth, raging in my heart.

"Damn it! Those bastards, don't you see another powerhouse in the black world!"

Jianshin Supreme can see that, in addition to their Monster Realm, Demon Realm also has traitors appearing in the illusory shadow.

However, the Demon Ancestor seems to be unable to count on it. Some time ago, he has received a lot of news from all walks of the universe, and all signs indicate that the Demon Ancestor is completely crazy.

The demon Yan Supreme took a deep breath, and then looked at Jianxin Supreme, shouted: "Hand over the serpent! Otherwise, I will not leave!"

Although the strength is not as good as Jianxin Supreme, but he returned empty-handed, wouldn't it be too shameful?

at worst Wait until another powerhouse in the black world arrives, and he loses to the two of them, then leave.

In this way, you can keep your face, after all, being repelled by the Two Great Supremes Ten Heavens, it makes sense!

However, while Yaoyan Supreme was still thinking about how to preserve his face, Jianxin Supreme had already released his sword.

"Nine Heavens Divine Sword!"

Jianxin Supreme loudly shouts, a total of Nine Divine Swords emerge behind it.

One of the Divine Swords trembled suddenly, and instantly slashed towards the Monster Flame Supreme!

In an instant!

The pupils of Yaoyan Supreme shrank into a needle, and an astonished expression appeared on his face. At the moment Jianxin Supreme took the shot, he realized how big the gap between the two sides was!

He quickly manifested his body, and the Nine-headed Dragon bathed in demon fire appeared, roaring, swallowing the demon fire that burns the sky and destroys the world, and rushes away.

However, the Divine Sword was dispatched one after another. Among them, three of them were Chaos Qi Flow flowing, and three of them were entwined with the force of Qi luck, and the last three were rising like the sun!

The demon fire in the sky was easily cut away, and the nine Divine Swords slammed to the demon Yan Supreme!

The Demon Flame Supreme was horrified, all kinds of means were displayed, the demon fire was blazing, and the ten thousand magic arts were unfolded, countless demonic beast illusory shadows roared, and forcibly shattered five Divine Swords.

But next moment, a Divine Sword swiped at a weird angle and cut off a dragon's head!

Suddenly, the blood light splashed, and the endless monster blood spurted out, turning into a rain of blood outside the world!

The Demon Yan Supreme roared, he felt extremely angry, and at the same time, he was still a little frightened, with a look of fear on his face.

Not long after the fight started, his body was decapitated!

Be aware that your body is a Nine-headed Dragon, the fleshy body is powerful, and the defensive power of the scale armor is amazing.

The result is under Jianxin Supreme’s Divine Sword, like paper!

At the same time, there are four remaining Divine Swords, with endless cold light, beheaded from all directions.

The demon Yan Supreme roared again and again, and immediately resisted, spitting out demon fire again.

At this moment, a silhouette came silently, stepping from a distance in the void, with a point of his finger, huge mouths appeared, gnawing down suddenly!

The remaining four Divine Swords were all swallowed and crushed!

Jianxin Supreme's face condensed, looking towards that person.

Slowly spit out two words.

"Celestial Emperor!"

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