"A few of you will follow me and meet the leader together."

Jianxin Supreme, with a few people from Legion, stood on the river of time.

Immediately afterwards, the long river of time collapsed, and the entire Formation disappeared, one after another strong force of air transport shrouded, pulling everyone's consciousness into the air transport space.

The leader of the black world does not appear in his true form, but gathers the power of luck and transforms into a huge silhouette wearing a white robe.

"My destiny Legion, congratulations on your successful selection, and the Sovereign-level scripture I created, the Destiny Sutra, has been distributed to the Qi Luck Pearl in the hands of each of you and can be viewed at any time."

"At the same time, you will get the opportunity to observe the Sovereign-level scriptures for free, as well as a special permission, which is to consume luck points, and I will personally teach you the destiny scripture."

Xu just explained to everyone the benefits of Legion of Destiny, and then with a big wave of his hand, everyone was kicked out of the space of luck, even Jianxin Supreme.

Then Mingxuan meets Mu Qing in his real form.

"Your growth has surprised me." Mingxuan looked towards Mu Qing with a faint smile.

He also saw the battle, and even he was surprised by Mu Qing's method of being able to display the Great Success Realm's Sun Sutra.

"I originally planned to drag you into a long river of time after your breakthrough to Supreme for ten days and help you create Sovereign-level scriptures."

"But look now Come, it’s not necessary anymore. The divine object on your body is enough to help you create your own Sovereign-level scripture!"

Mingxuan lightly said with a smile.

Mu Qing's face changed slightly, "You all know?"

The starry sky book can be said to be his biggest trump card, and since digging out the starry sky book, it has a Sovereign level After the scriptures enhance the ability of a realm, it is regarded as a trump card by Mu Qing, and this secret must not be known by anyone.

Otherwise, from all walks of life in the universe, someone will come to snatch the star book in his hands!

But Mu Qing thought, Mingxuan was in the long river of time and could see the past with the help of Changhe. Maybe Mu Qing had obtained the Starry Sky Book long ago by Mingxuan.

However, Mingxuan was shook the head and said: "I don't know, Long River can indeed see the past, but can't see you."

Mu Qing was slightly surprised.

Mingxuan explained: “I’ve said that the greatest effect of the Destiny Sutra is to consume power to borrow the power of time, not to control time!”

“I can I have seen what happened in various universes in the past, but there are some people who can’t see it."

"You are one of them. I want the divine object on you to protect you."

"If my destiny reaches the Great Success Realm, or even Perfection Realm, you may be able to see through your past, but at least not now."

"And since the divine object on you can help you improve A realm of the Sovereign-level scripture, that is enough to show that it is an existence comparable to the Sovereign sacred relic, or that it is a Sovereign sacred relic!"

"I can be sure, that divine object, it can help you create a Sovereign-level scripture."

After Mingxuan said, lightly sighed, he was a little envious of Mu Qing's luck.

Perhaps, the first Sovereign sacred relic in the Chaos Universe is the one in Mu Qing's hands!

As Mu Qing listened to Mingxuan's words, his eyes were a little weird.

Isn't the star book obtained from Mingxuan?

Why does Mingxuan say that?

Isn't Mingxuan's existence comparable to Sovereign sacred relic, not a star book?

Mu Qing thought for a while, there is nothing special about him, the only thing that I can see is the Scarlet Sovereign Hall, but Mu Qing can get the Scarlet Sovereign Hall, which is also the credit of the Star Book!

Soon, Mu Qing decided one thing!

Mingxuan believes that Mu Qing has a divine object on his body, which is comparable to Sovereign sacred relic or simply Sovereign sacred relic!

But Mingxuan didn't know that it was a star book!

Mingxuan knows the existence of the Starry Sky Book, and it is also clear that it is transformed by the origin of the broken universe.

I guess, Mingxuan didn’t expect that the starry sky book has such a great potential. After Mu Qing used the starry sky book to absorb all kinds of precious things and power, it has transformed into a Sovereign sacred relic comparable to Sovereign sacred relic. Something!

"Yes! Mingxuan said that the starry sky book is the original fragment of the starry sky universe, and it takes a great price to repair it, so the starry sky book is subconsciously excluded."

Mu Qing secretly said in one's heart.

After that, he became a little excited, which is enough to show that the Star Book is recovering. Doesn’t that mean that he can really try to create his own Sovereign-level scripture?

However, that's what happened after Supreme's tenth day, and I'm not in a hurry now.

Mu Qing quickly calmed down.

"By the way, you just said that I am just one of them? There are still people who can't be seen by you?" Mu Qing looked towards Mingxuan curiously.

Ming Xuan nodded, and then said: "In addition to you, there are two others, one is the evil god, the other is the Celestial Emperor."

"In the hands of the evil god, there is a universe. Crystal, so I can’t see his past, but I don’t know what Celestial Emperor has in his hands."

His regretful shook the head, even if he can take advantage of the long river of time, he is not omniscient and omnipotent. .

Mu Qing touched the chin, the evil god is one of them, he understands, after all, the evil god’s hands are the origin of the entire Holy Spirit universe.

The starry sky book in his hand belongs to the origin of the broken universe, and can prevent Mingxuan from prying, let alone the intact in the hands of evil gods.

It’s just that the Celestial Emperor can’t be peeped over by the order. This is what Mu Qing didn’t expect. Doesn’t it mean that the Celestial Emperor has something comparable to the Starry Sky Book and the Origin of the Holy Spirit universe? ?

"Okay, don't think about those things. The Celestial Emperor has always been very mysterious, and there are so many ways to deal with it."

"I still want to know more. About Scarlet Sovereign."

Mingxuan looked towards Mu Qing.

"This time, Blood Sword Supreme, the target seems to be you." Mingxuan said softly.

Mu Qing nodded, he did hear from the mouth of Blood Sword Supreme that the other party called him a mission target.

"But I don't understand, why am I the target of the mission? What exactly does Scarlet Sovereign want to do?" Mu Qing brows slightly wrinkle.

The Scarlet Sovereign possessed killing Supreme, I don’t know where it went.

Mu Qing also doesn't know, what Scarlet Sovereign wants in him, is it Scarlet Sovereign Palace?

"That's it! Except for Scarlet Sovereign, I have nothing to do with Scarlet Sovereign."

Mu Qing secretly thought.

After that, Mu Qing took out the Scarlet Sovereign Hall and handed it to Mingxuan.

"This is the Sovereign Hall of Scarlet Sovereign?" Ming Xuan was a little surprised, didn't expect Mu Qing to get this.

Mu Qing nodded, said: "I think the only thing in me that can make Scarlet Sovereign worry about is the Scarlet Sovereign Hall."

"Let me see." Mingxuan Taking the Scarlet Sovereign Hall, the power of luck surged down, checking every inch of the Scarlet Sovereign Hall.

After a while, a strange look appeared on Mingxuan's face.

"Huh? This is?"

He reached out his palm and took out something from the Scarlet Sovereign Hall.

The statue of is a Evil God, Mu Qing has also seen it. At that time, he only thought it was the decoration in the Scarlet Sovereign Hall. He didn't take it seriously. Now it seems that there is something special.

Ming Xuan touched the chin, a little surprised, and said: "You said earlier that the Scarlet Sovereign Temple has no inheritance, and there is only the residual power of the Scarlet Sovereign in an attempt to Seize Body For Rebirth, but in fact..."

His gaze fell on the statue of this one Evil God, and then between his fingers, a long river of time surged, and he violently strikes on the statue of Evil God.


The Evil God statue was attacked, but it was not broken immediately, and an Evil God illusory shadow emerged.

This is exactly the Evil God illusory shadow that Mu Qing had seen on Blood Sword Supreme before. That is a giant, with 10,000 eye pupils on his body.

But then, is a Evil God illusory shadow appeared again, which is different from the previous one. This is a sword, a sword of flesh and blood with an evil vertical pupil!

"so that's how it is, Wantong Giant and the Sword of Flesh are two different Evil Gods!" Mu Qing suddenly realized that he originally thought the two were one.


At this time, he ordered loudly shouts, pierced through with one finger, and shattered the two Evil God illusory shadows.

He had some clear comprehension at this time, saying: "This Evil God statue has power residues on it. These two Evil God illusory shadows should be under Scarlet Sovereign. The Peak period is probably in the Supreme Tenth Heaven. And cultivation the Evil God to the Great Success Realm!"

Life is a bit solemn. If these two Evil Gods are still alive, then it is not good news for them.

Cultivation of the Sovereign-level scriptures to the Supreme Tenth Heaven of Great Success Realm, terrifying matchless strength, I am afraid I can defeat Kenshin Supreme with one move!

Fortunately, these two Evil Gods should not have survived the catastrophe of the universe. Even their owner, Scarlet Sovereign, only has a ray of Remnant Soul to escape. Compelled by circumstances can only rely on body possession. resurrection.

Soon, the statue of Evil God trembled, an illusory shadow reappears, it was a terrible monster, covered with slippery tentacles.

Mingxuan shot again, the river surging for a long time, slapped on this Evil God illusory shadow.

But the tentacle Evil God did not break immediately, and even moved towards Mingxuan counterattack, one after another blood light penetrated and hit Mingxuan.

Obviously, this seems to be the Evil God illusory shadow of Scarlet Sovereign, with a certain ability to resist.

"hmph! If you were there, I would still be a little jealous of you, but would you dare to resist trifling an illusory shadow?!" Mingxuan was coldly snorted, raised his palm, and suppressed it.

In an instant, countless forces of luck were violent, and invisible ripples spread, and the Evil God illusory shadow planned to resist, but the body stagnated.

Time is suspended!

After that, the air was crushed by a large hand, and directly crushed this Evil God illusory shadow!

Actually, these three Evil God illusory shadows were left by Scarlet Sovereign and two of his men during their lifetimes. However, those two men had already fallen, and Scarlet Sovereign had already body possession to kill Supreme, The power left over is very weak.

If the power contained in this statue is not very hidden, I guess Mu Qing can easily break it.


At this time, the statue of Evil God trembled, and densely packed text appeared.

This is the complete Evil God scripture!

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