Soon, the time suspension was broken, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Mu Qing's mouth.

With the Small Success Realm as his fate today, it is not easy for him to take advantage of the power of a long river of time to pause for such a moment.

After all, his opponent is an existence who cultivated Evil God to Great Success Realm. It is not easy for Mu Qing to influence the opponent with Small Success Realm!

But this moment is enough!

In an instant, Mu Qing burst out with a terrifying golden flame, he stretched out his palm, and the panic day fell into Mu Qing's hand, and the sun burst into flames.

Immediately afterwards, a slender fire knife appeared in Mu Qing's hand.

The breath on Mu Qing's body suddenly terrifying matchless!

This is the ability of Star Book!

In the Temple of Chaos, Mu Qing has been cultivating for so many years. In addition to comprehend Sovereign-level scriptures, he also unearthed an ability of the Star Book.

Using the Star Book, Mu Qing can comprehend Sovereign-level verses faster, and even temporarily upgrade one of the Sovereign-level verses to Great Success Realm!

Although it is temporary, this ability is terrifying matchless!

You must know that Mu Qing can only be regarded as a newcomer to Small Success Realm, very far away from Great Success Realm!

Mingxuan and Mu Qing are both the Small Success Realm of the Destiny Sutra, but Mingxuan is able to display the Destiny Sutra. With the help of the power of time, the Power of Time can cover an area the size of a planet!

Mu Qing, at most, can only use the power of time to let Power of Time cover his entire body several hundred meters.

This is the gap!

They are all Small Success Realm, but for Sovereign-level scriptures, sometimes the gap is still very huge!

This is also the reason why Mu Qing didn't use it immediately before, because he had to let Blood Sword Supreme be close to him in order to affect the opponent over a long period of time.

It just so happened that at this moment of striving, Mu Qing successfully used the Sovereign-level scriptures to elevate the Sun Sutra to the Great Success Realm!

As for the Primal Chaos Scripture and the Destiny Sutra, in fact, it is not possible to use the Starry Sky Book to improve. Of course, the Starry Sky Book can only improve one Sovereign-level scripture at present.

Mu Qing knows the Sun Sutra best. Now, after being temporarily promoted to the Great Success Realm, Panic Day has turned into a slender fire knife and is held by Mu Qing.


next moment, Mu Qing waved the fire knife in his hand, and the dazzling sunlight burst out, and a horrible sun fire slashed towards Blood Sword Supreme!


With one slash, the blazing sun's fire covers the entire planet-sized field, and the hot air waves can melt the space. That's too Yang Fire The flame flicked, and the huge half-moon flame slashed and burned all existence!

"Sure enough!" Kenshin Supreme couldn't help taking a deep breath, a look of shock appeared on his face, and a few words came out slowly, "Great Success Realm!"

bang bang!

The terrifying firelight burns flesh and blood and incinerates all eye pupils. The evil blood light is directly incinerated into nothingness, and clusters of flames fall on that Evil God illusory shadow It is constantly burning.


that Evil God illusory shadow, issued a mournful scream.

As for the sword of flesh and blood that poses a great threat, it is also shrouded in flames at this moment, burned into wisps of smoke, completely becoming nothingness!

The terrifying method displayed by Blood Sword Supreme was smashed by Mu Qing!

Everyone was shocked, and then there was an earth-shattering shout. This battle was too exciting!

Mu Qing's last cut, he can even reach the Supreme Nine Layers Heaven level!

And they all remember that at the beginning of the battle, Mu Qing’s cultivation realm was Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer.

Suddenly across to the power of Nine Layers Heaven!

Blood Sword Supreme's hideous face is already covered with astonished expressions. He shook his head frantically. He couldn't believe why the Evil God Sutra he displayed was so fragile and destroyed?

Including the sword of flesh and blood in his hand, all were burned into nothingness by Mu Qing's knife!

And just when Blood Sword Supreme was shocked, Mu Qing rushed to him in an instant, and the fire knife in his hand slashed down again.

"All die!"

Mu Qing faintly spit out two words, golden flames, rendering the sky, and cutting them down together, accompanied by a huge roar, the fire waves rolled up Hundreds of ten thousand zhang, Blood Sword Supreme is involved, the terrifying flame born in the Great Success Realm Sun Sutra is burning like crazy!


Like the previous Evil God illusory shadow, Blood Sword Supreme issued a similar screaming scream to God. The flesh and blood on his body was continuously burned. The eye pupils became fuel, making the sun's fire even more fierce!

In desperation, Blood Sword Supreme could only use the last of his strength and use Evil God to resist, but at this time, a strong sense of crisis rose in the mind.

Blood Sword Supreme once again condense an Evil God illusory shadow, but it is not solid, and then like paper, it is penetrated by a golden flame knife!

He had a scalp trouble for a while, and then the surrounding flames pounced again, burning the flesh and blood on his body, screaming continuously!

Everyone, watching the battle below, feels the waves of heat sweeping through, and everyone has a look of shock on their faces.

The situation has turned too fast!

Mu Qing was still in danger just now, and he was about to be killed by the sword of flesh and blood in the hands of Blood Sword Supreme.

But in an instant, Mu Qing exploded with astonishing power, smashed all offensives with a single blow, and now almost crushed Blood Sword Supreme!

"Sure enough, you don't have much power in your body. Whether it is the one hundred pupil body or the subsequent thousand pupil body, it takes a huge amount of energy to open it, right?"

Mu Qing held a fire knife and stepped in. The terrifying flame did not threaten him.

He smiled and looked at Blood Sword Supreme.

In fact, the ability to solve Blood Sword Supreme so quickly is mainly because Blood Sword Supreme itself cannot support it!

After all, the Sovereign-level verses of Great Success Realm, generally speaking, are all mastered by Supreme's powerhouse and used to impact the Sovereign realm.

The strength of Blood Sword Supreme itself is only Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer. It uses the hundred pupils and thousand pupils that I don’t know where to get, and it bursts out again and again to far surpass itself. The power of strength.

But with this method, you don’t need to think about it. Repercussions are serious and consume a lot of money!

Mu Qing used the Sun Sutra, which is also Great Success Realm, and won!

Blood Sword Supreme's face changed, and then his expression showed a trace of determination, gritted his teeth angrily roared: "This is what you forced me!"

He took out a blood-colored bead and swallowed it. After taking it down, the flesh and blood all over the body squirmed, and the originally weak aura skyrocketed again!

Blood Sword Supreme's entire body exploded at this moment, and then reorganized into flesh and blood, and turned into a creature similar to the Evil God illusory shadow from the previous summon. It is tall and huge, with densely packed eyes. Hitomi.

But Mu Qing held a fire knife and swiped it down again!


The half-moon-shaped flame is the size of a planet, and it is cut horizontally!


The reorganized Blood Sword Supreme was cut in half, and the golden flames were still burning on the body.

Mu Qing stepped into the air, chopped down vertically!

"All extinguished!"

hong long!

The violent waves of fire rolled up, like a storm, several millions of feet of flame will completely sweep the Blood Sword Supreme Swallowed, burned into nothingness!

The battle is finally over!

All around, there was silence, everyone's eyes fell on the man wearing a black robe and holding a fire knife in the field.

Mu Qing's strength shocked them!

At the same time, the fire knife in Mu Qing's hand shattered away, his figure slightly trembled, and almost fell to the ground.

The Starry Sky Book really deserves to be a divine object. It can temporarily help Mu Qing upgrade the Sun Sutra to a realm without any side effects!

It's just that the Great Success Realm's solar meridian is really terrifying, and Mu Qing almost got drained!

"You just showed the Great Success Realm's Sun Sutra, right?"

Jianxin Supreme flashed past and came to Mu Qing's side. While asking, Send some power to Mu Qing, he can see that Mu Qing consumes a lot.

At this moment, under the influence of Power of Time, the venue gradually recovered. In just ten seconds, the entire venue recovered as before.

"That's right."

Mu Qing nodded, then gave Jianxin Supreme a look inwardly.

Jianxin Supreme saw it, and suddenly understood that Mu Qing probably used some method to forcefully release the Great Success Realm's solar sutra power.

If it were not for the sky-defying ability of Xingkong Shu, I am afraid he would be defeated by this Blood Sword Supreme!

The words of the two were caught by everyone watching the battle in the sky, and everyone was shocked, suck in a breath of cold air.

The Sun Sutra of Great Success Realm is really Great Success Realm!

Be aware that they are all just the initial contact Sovereign level scriptures. There are so many members of the black world, among them, there are 200 people above Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer. Basically, they spend luck points and contact Two stone tablets passing through the core.

Unfortunately, they are still far away from Small Accomplishment, let alone Great Success Realm!

Of course, after watching this battle, everyone knows how terrifying the Great Success Realm's Sovereign-level scriptures are.

I believe that in the near future, all Supremes will frantically accept missions, earn luck points, and go to the comprehend Sovereign-level scriptures!

"Great Success Realm?"

Over time, Da Snake and Xian Mu Ran took a deep breath, feeling a sense of frustration.

They think that they are Supreme Heaven's Chosen, they think that after they got the Mandate of Heaven, their future is limitless, but now they are hit by Mu Qing.

Not to mention the relatively low cultivation realm, even Xian Muran, in front of Mu Qing, felt a little small!

She recalled the appearance of Mu Qing just holding a fire knife. In that scene, if she went to fight with her Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer, she might be killed by Mu Qing with a single knife!

"How did this guy cultivation?"

Xian Muran and Da Snake gnashing teeth, and they feel that they are too far apart from Mu Qing.

"Victor Mu Qing, selected as Legion of Destiny!"

At this time, Jianxin Supreme spoke, and his voice echoed throughout the Formation.

At the same time, a shout rang out. Obviously, Mu Qing's strength was recognized by all members of the black world.

Even some powerhouses of Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer think that they may not be able to withstand Mu Qing's fire knife!

Mu Qing followed Jianxin Supreme to the long river of time, and saw the big snake and Xian Muran.

However, instead of saying hello, I just sat down and regained my strength.

This battle consumes too much, and don’t look at him without any injuries. In fact, the Evil God is very weird. Even Mu Qing’s Universe Saint Physique has suffered a great loss, and it will take a while. restore.

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