After thinking that Mu Qing and the others might have entered the Hall of Storm Sovereign, and the Hall of Storm Sovereign might have been hidden by some force, Feng Ling immediately took their batch of Storm Sovereign’s Direct descendants, search the entire Unextinguishable Mountain.

Beside, Man Gu and Zhou Qing are frowned, they look at each other.

Although they are all descendants of Sovereign, it is obvious that they are also divided into gangs, impossible and completely united.

Mangu is a direct descendant of Tianba Sovereign, and Tianqing is obviously a descendant of Sun Sovereign.

After hesitating for a while, the two of them also led the direct descendants and began to search the entire Unextinguishable Mountain!

If you really find the Sovereign Hall of Storms, there is no doubt that the people of the Fengling faction will get huge benefits. After all, they used to enter and exit the Hall of Stormsovereign when they were in Tianqing Universe. Everything is familiar.

In comparison, the other two factions won't get much benefit, even if they have it, they are minimal.

But it is undeniable that the temptation of the Sovereign Palace is as great for them, which is different from when it was in Tianqing Universe!

When Tianqing Universe has not experienced the cosmic catastrophe, they can indeed enter and exit the Sovereign hall of their respective factions, but at most they are in the cultivation and comprehend Sovereign scriptures.

But the current Sovereign hall is different. After the cosmic catastrophe, the four Sovereigns used means to place the four Sovereign halls somewhere in the chaotic universe.

Now the Sovereign Hall is no longer the cultivation place that they had contact with before, but the Inheritance Land!

Once they get the inheritance, they will definitely be able to get the resources left by the Sovereign powerhouse and the complete Sovereign scripture!

Feng Ling is desperately looking for something on Unextinguishable Mountain, because he knows very well that he is most likely to get the inheritance of Storm Sovereign Hall.

No! He is definitely the only candidate for the Inheritor of the Sovereign Palace!

Regardless of whether it is the ancient or the daytime, they have cultivated other Sovereign scriptures, but Fengling is the most powerful house in this batch of cultivation storm scriptures!

In fact, there is a bad Supreme Ten Heaven’s cultivation storm through the powerhouse, but they all died in the cosmic catastrophe.

Fengling's eyes are slightly red. He wants to find the Temple of Storm Sovereign and get the inheritance, and then he will be able to surpass Mangu and Zhouqing, and control all the descendants of Sovereign. This is a huge force. And occupy a place in the chaotic universe!

"If he were to find the Palace of Storm Sovereign, it would not be so good!"

Beside Zhouqing, Gu Gu sighed intentionally or unconsciously, as if he wanted to remind him.

If the two of them unite, even if Fengling gets the inheritance, there is nothing they can do about it!

This seemingly rough man, in fact, has a very thorough view of the situation. Although everyone is descended from Sovereign, they are not so united with each other.

Zhou Qing knows the meaning of the ancient expression, she is nodded, and Feng Ling usually looks at her with weird eyes, full of greed and evil.

You don’t need to think about it. Once Fengling gets the inheritance of Storm Sovereign and his strength increases greatly, if Zhouqing is not ready to resist, he will definitely be controlled by Fengling and receive various insults!

Thinking of this, Shih’s face is like frost. In Tianqing Universe, she was the daughter of Sovereign, and Feng Ling was just a descendant of Sovereign with a little innate talent. In Supreme Heaven’s Chosen, she ranked No number.

Didn't expect, this situation now makes Fengling more and more courageous.

"Maybe it is a good choice to join forces with Man Gu." Zhou Qing secretly said in one's heart. She is not a fool. It can be seen that Man Gu doesn't mean that to her at least.

But she faintly felt that Man Gu seemed to have another plan. This big man was not as simple as she thought.

When I think of the trouble I'm facing, Shiuqing feels annoyed, his silver teeth clenched, and a deep hatred for someone in his heart.

"If that Mu Qing appears, I think he will be broken into pieces!" Zhou Qing gnashing teeth, she knows that Mu Qing is the master of the star void world, and it is Mu Qing who takes away The essence of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire!

Ziqing was originally the one who has the greatest chance of inheritance in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign!

At the same time, she also knows very well how to obtain inheritance, which must use the power of the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow, and then she will be able to obtain a large amount of resources left by her father Sun Sovereign and the control of the Sun Sovereign Temple right!

On the contrary, Mu Qing didn’t know what method he used to take away the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow. It was very simple, and even interrupted the energy of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow to the entire Sun Sovereign Temple. supply.

This led to the collapse of the Sun Sovereign Temple, and the Sun Sovereign was left to the back of the day Qing, and he did not get it at all!

"Maybe I can find White Wolf..."

While he was angry, Zhou Qing quickly set his goal on another powerhouse.

Compared with cooperating with Man Gu, Zhou Qing wants to win over that Whitehead Wolf!

White Wolf possesses the strength of Supreme Ten Heaven, which is very powerful. With its help, then his Sun Sovereign descendant faction can absolutely occupy the absolute right to speak among all Sovereign descendants.

Zhiqing and White Wolf are not too familiar, nor do they know about White Wolf and the Sun Sovereign, but subconsciously believe that since White Wolf appears in the Sun Sovereign Temple and has the supreme strength of yang at the same time, it should be Her father has a good relationship!

"en! After you go back, let everyone find the whereabouts of White Wolf. The other party should help the descendants of the Sun Sovereign!" The hole cards, of course, can still cooperate with Man Gu on the surface.

If White Wolf knows that Zhou Qing is going to win him over, I'm afraid he can't help but spray Supreme-Yang True Fire.

You must know that White Wolf and Sun Sovereign have a deep hatred. At the beginning, there were two who met the marrow conditions of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire, one is White Wolf and the other is Sun Sovereign.

The ultimate success was the Sun Sovereign, and White Wolf was suppressed in the Sovereign Temple for many years!

Zhouqing’s wooing plan is all in vain after all!


The Temple of Chaos.

Eight years have passed, which means that eight days have passed by the outside world.

The faces of everyone are a bit ugly. They found it very difficult to cultivation Primal Chaos Scripture. In eight years, Comprehend was slow in progress and was unable to control this powerful Sovereign-level scripture created by Chaos God.

Thunder Punishment, Chen Jiusheng and the others are already a little impatient. They are very difficult to comprehend. After all, this is a Sovereign-level scripture created by Chaos God, a Chaos Creature!

For these Human Races, it is destined to be very difficult to cultivation, not to mention that as Chaos Creature's Chaos King, they have not yet mastered Primal Chaos Scripture.

Everyone present, also the King of Chaos and Mu Qing calm down.

Compared to others, the two of them can use Chaos Energy. Among them, the Chaos King itself has Chaos Creature bloodline, so the cultivation is a lot easier!

The ninth year.

Thunder Punishment and the others have given up, and their cultivation progress is too slow.

Chen Jiusheng looked at Mu Qing and Chaos King, and exclaimed: "It seems that we can only count on them. Didn't expect Mu Qing's current strength is so powerful!"

Most people looked towards Mu Qing with complicated eyes.

When they saw Mu Qing for the first time, Mu Qing at that time was still very weak and easily destroyed, but now it is so strong that they all need to look up!

Chen Jiusheng was even more impressed. When he saw that the descendants of Sovereign who were chasing him were easily killed by Mu Qing, his heart was full of shock.

Soon, half of the ninth year passed.

Everyone frowns, looked towards Mu Qing and the King of Chaos.

They also didn't expect that Primal Chaos Scripture is so difficult to cultivation. Ten years away from the time limit will soon arrive.

If they have not mastered Primal Chaos Scripture for a long time, then they will completely lose control of the Chaos Temple!

"I'm afraid it still depends on the Chaos King. Although Mu Qing can also use Chaos Energy, he does not have the Chaos Creature bloodline after all. I can only hope that the Chaos King can successfully cultivation success in the last six months!"

Thunder Punishment sighed.

Chen Jiusheng, Gufeng and the others are nodded and agree.

It is not easy for Mu Qing to be able to cultivation for so long. In the end, everyone still believes that the chance of Chaos King cultivation success is higher.

They have also tried cultivation, and they know very well how difficult the cultivation Primal Chaos Scripture is. This is exactly the Sovereign-level scripture created for Chaos Creature.

Three days later, suddenly, Chaos Energy surged straight into the sky.

This movement awakened the people who were sitting cross-legged and meditating. They quickly looked at them, their pupils dilated violently, and everyone felt a little weird!

It was Mu Qing who caused the vision!

I saw Mu Qing sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed tightly, and wisps of Chaos Energy filled his body, transformed into countless scriptures in midair, and the next moment turned into an ancient chaotic divine talisman, imprinted In every inch of the body.

Obviously, this step encountered unimaginable resistance, because Mu Qing is not Chaos Creature, even if it can control Chaos Energy, but these chaotic divine talisman can't blend into the body!

Chaos Energy slowly accumulates, like vortex, sweeping all around.

Mu Qing's eyes opened and closed rapidly, and along with shouted in a low voice, he became the universe, and the vast two worlds emerged.

At this moment, all the difficulties were easily solved, and the ancient chaotic rune that could not be integrated into the body was directly forcibly pulled in by the universe Saint Physique. Then, the majestic Chaos Energy behind Mu Qing rushed out and condensed together. Transform into chaotic light!

Mu Qing stood up, his body returned to its original shape, he opened his hand, and wisps of chaotic light appeared in his palm.

This is the power of Primal Chaos Scripture!

The advanced power of Chaos Energy!

Mu Qing looked at these chaotic lights, he subconsciously thought of the strength of source of the chaotic universe, and it was also like this chaotic color slender light.

But it is obvious that the light of chaos from Primal Chaos Scripture condense is not the true source of chaos. In other words, the chaos god who created this Primal Chaos Scripture may have had a deep understanding of the source of chaos. Contacted and mastered!

Then, the Chaos God relied on the Chaos Strength of Source to create a Sovereign-level scripture with Supreme's tenth heaven realm!

At this moment, Mu Qing has truly mastered Primal Chaos Scripture!

Even if it's just an introduction, there is no doubt that this has met the requirements of controlling the Chaos Temple.

"so that's how it is."

Mu Qing whispered, he finally realized that he understood the common ground of Primal Chaos Scripture and Destiny!

He originally thought that as long as the powerhouse of Supreme Ten Heaven was powerful enough, he could also create Sovereign-level scriptures, just like Primal Chaos Scripture and Destiny Sutra.

But in fact, he only cleared the comprehension at this time, which was impossible.

The leader of the black world Mingxuan was able to create the Destiny Sutra. It was through the power of a long river of time that he created the Sovereign-level sutra with the realm of the Supreme Ten Heaven.

The same is true of Chaos God.

The Chaos God must have used the Chaos Strength of Source!

So created a Sovereign-level scripture, Primal Chaos Scripture!

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