
A breathless punch, but with the most terrifying power, it completely hit behind the Holy Trinity.

With a bang, the body of the Holy Third as if was struck by lightning, opened his mouth and coughed up a large amount of blood, and the whole person was bombarded towards the King of Chaos.

This one is not light!

Mu Qing entered the fourth-order destiny form ahead of time, and has blessing power to the Star God body. With the current perfection state of the Star God body, the terrifying power poured on the Holy Three in an instant.

"Succumb to death!"

The King of Chaos laughed and turned into a ten thousand zhang body. Between his palms, endless Chaos Energy fell down, with the same punch. .

This fist is extraordinary. The King of Chaos displayed the secret technique of the Chaos Creature family. The Chaos method was activated, and the fists were like gods and demons!

The Holy Three complexion greatly changed. This series of things happened so fast that even the Holy Three himself was able to react.

In a hurry, he raised the long knife in his hand, resisted it in front of him, and mobilized the power of Crimson at the same time.

However, even if the Holy Trinity is stronger than the Chaos King, at this juncture, he cannot display enough power.

The King of Chaos spurred a punch of the Chaos Method and completely blasted the Holy Three. The violent power was vented, Chaos Energy exploded, and the space burst instantly.


The Holy Trinity was wounded. He vomited blood, and the long knife in his hand trembled violently, making a screaming sound. Fiercely blasted him to a very far distance. He was not injured. light!

His face was gloomy, he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, his eyes looked towards Mu Qing in the distance.

"I can't detect the breath at all, the strength is comparable to the Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer, and the threat is not worse than the powerhouse of the Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer..."

In just an instant, the Holy Trinity judged The comprehensive strength of Mu Qing.

In terms of strength, it is already comparable to Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer. The most important thing is that even if he is staring at Mu Qing now and the Qi machine locks in the past, there is nothing!

I can't perceive the existence of Mu Qing at all!

But Mu Qing is here!

The heart of the Holy Three sank.

About Mu Qing, the starry Supreme who controls the star void world, he naturally knows that even the evil gods have even given orders. If you encounter them, you can kill them.

In Divine Eyes, Mu Qing is still an ant even though breakthrough Supreme is!

The Holy Trinity didn’t take it seriously, including the actions at this time, but the senior leaders of the Three Realms believed that Mu Qing didn’t deserve to hold the star void world, so he united and let this group of powerhouses break into the star void. world, the dove occupies the magpie nest.

However, because of the black world relationship behind Mu Qing, they didn't immediately use strong methods, after all, there is a chaos king in the star void world.

More, I want to test the attitude of the black world!

As a result, facing Mu Qing now, Saint Three's face is solemn, and he has analyzed Mu Qing's comprehensive strength in a short time, which is no worse than Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer.

Although he couldn’t fully capture Mu Qing’s breath and explore Mu Qing’s cultivation realm, from the very beginning Mu Qing sneak attack his strength, the strength level alone reached Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer.

If only this is the case, the Holy Trinity will still not think that Mu Qing has any at worst.

What really makes the Holy Trinity feel jealous is the means of appear and disappear unpredictably, without the slightest fluctuation, nor can he perceive any breath.

"This is in trouble!"

Shengsan glanced at the others, and suddenly understood why the Chaos King dared to come to fight with them this time.

Mu Qing alone is enough to deal with them!

There are still a lot of powerhouses in the two galaxies next to them, but the powerhouse of the Holy Three Purities is nothing to the star void world, and it can be wiped out at will.

The real battle is of Supreme level!

Originally, the Star Void World was in a weak position, and even the Holy Trinity was still planning to find a way to severely damage the Chaos King and eliminate this threat.

But now, the other party came to the door.

After contacting Mu Qing's power, the Holy Trinity suddenly understood that most of their plans would fail!

As long as the King of Chaos stops him, then with Mu Qing's strength, he can easily solve other Supremes on his side.

That Monster Realm's purple Monster King and Demon Realm's Xuanyin Demon Ancestor, I'm afraid they will all die!

The eyes flashed with strange light, and after a while, the Holy Trinity had a decision in his heart.

This task was not conveyed by the evil god himself, but the other two realms went to the holy realm. It happened that the Holy Trinity had nothing to do and came over.

Since it is not a task conveyed by the evil god, he does not need to bother to meet Mu Qing and the others with force with force.

Regarding Mu Qing's strength, he has to report it to the evil god!

Thinking of this, the Holy Trinity slashed towards the King of Chaos, and wherever the edge touched, it turned into a fan!

The horrible air wave swept all directions. Even if it suffered a certain injury, the strength of the Holy Trinity still cannot be underestimated. This level of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer is not a joke!

The King of Chaos blasted out with his double fists, and at the same time he performed the Chaos method. Chaos Energy, which was hiding the sky and covering the earth, surged up. In every strand of Chaos Energy, there are small ancient divine runes hidden. Can be terrible.

As soon as he came up, Mu Qing cooperated with him tacitly and wounded the Holy Trinity.

Although it won’t make the Holy Trinity lose its battle strength, it is still affected, making it easier for the King of Chaos to deal with. The two people collide with swords and fists, Chaos Energy and Crimson Power violently impact, dazzling rays of light erupts like the sun, forming a wave of light that oscillates.

There was a crack in the nearby planet, and the creatures and terrain on it were shattered.

"That is Mu Qing? It seems that the strength is not weak."

The face of Xuan Yin Demon Ancestor is gloomy, looking towards Mu Qing.

Although Mu Qing suddenly sneak attacked the Holy Trinity at the beginning and let them startled, it seems that the Holy Trinity has not been affected much, and can still compete with the Chaos King.

The Holy Trinity did not state Mu Qing's specific strength, which resulted in the Xuanyin Demon Ancestor and Ziqing Monster King being unable to judge Mu Qing's strength at all.

After all, Mu Qing of the perfection level of the Star God body does not leak his power. In addition to the fourth-order destiny form, he cannot judge his specific power without personal experience.

"hmph! This guy disappeared for a while, and only now appears. It is very likely that he entered the Temple of the Sun Sovereign from other places and got a certain benefit!"

Purple Monster King A trace of jealousy appeared on his face. He roughly concluded that Mu Qing was at the level of Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer.

They are the people sent by the Three Realms to guard the void world and prevent everyone from the void world from entering the Sovereign Hall of the Sun.

This also means that they can’t enter by themselves. After all, once they enter the Sun Sovereign Temple to seek opportunities, then without their Supreme guardian, the Star Void World has the King of Chaos, and it can easily break through. Line of defense, rushed into the Temple of the Sun Sovereign.

When they came to perform this task, Yaoyan Supreme, Mozu and the others promised great benefits. After all, they performed this task, which meant that they missed the chance of the Sun Sovereign Temple. Now, it is even more unclear what happened in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign.

When I think that Mu Qing's strength is likely to be similar to them, jealousy will inevitably appear in my heart.

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