"Damn it!"

Ms. Xuan was in pain, and she quickly stepped aside, clutching her shoulders.

She didn't expect, and Zhou Qing, who had just moved towards Supreme-Yang Essence Fire, suddenly moved towards her and attacked.

"Hurry up!"

Zhou Qing moved towards Mu Qing and shouted at the same time.

She is also the strength of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, even in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, relying on the Sun God body, can still maintain the strength of Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer.

Naturally, Mrs. Xuan's method, the butterfly with flapping wings, had a problem, and she recalled some things about the storm Sovereign, and she had certain guesses in her heart.

The woman in front of me, she remembered who it was!

Storm Sovereign's second wife!

It is also the woman who turned the storm Sovereign into Divine Soul upside down, killed her first wife, and turned her son into disaster!

Many people want to know, what kind of woman can make dignified Sovereign obsessed like this?

However, Zhouqing couldn't see Madam Xuan's face at all.

"It's useless." Madam Xuan quickly avoided, and at the same time laughed, a charming voice came out.

Even Zhouqing couldn't help being in a trance.

This is not relying on the face of capable of causing the downfall of a nation, but purely relying on a special force to charm others.

At the same time, Madam Xuan's injuries recovered at an astonishing speed, and she recovered completely in the blink of an eye.

This scene made Tianqing frowned.

What's the situation?

You know, she urged supreme strength of yang!

It stands to reason that with the strength of her Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, at most half of the power of the Supreme Nine Layers Heaven erupted in this Sun Sovereign Temple, but as the daughter of the Sun Sovereign, naturally you can use the part of the Sun Sovereign Temple power.

Just now, Zhou Qing used the power of the Sun Sovereign Temple to perform an attack!

That is the power of Sovereign!

As a result, Mrs. Xuan was easily expelled and recovered from her injuries.

"It's too late!"

"How dare you hurt my noble body, I want you to die!"

Mrs. Xuan was shouted.

She stayed as far away from this place as possible, and at the same time, the butterfly had already arrived in front of Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's eyes are dull, completely charmed by the butterfly in front of her.

The process is actually quite slow, but for Mu Qing, it is instantaneous!

Mrs. Xuan smiled and looked towards Mu Qing.

She is quite fast, but she is not good at fighting, and she is not strong in offensive.

However, her charm witch possesses incomparable resilience and terrifying charm!

Mrs. Xuan's most powerful charm, can even control the storm Sovereign!

Of course, now in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, she can at best only display the strength of Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer, and her charm ability has decreased by many times, but in her opinion, it is still possible to control Mu Qing Easy to do.

"This kid is very powerful. When the time comes, I will let him fight with you!"

Mrs. Xuan sneered.

At the same time, the butterfly touched Mu Qing's body, and there were ripples on Mu Qing's abdomen, and the butterfly slipped into it lightly.

Seeing this, the smile on Madam Xuan's face grew stronger.

Although the time of charm is limited, it depends on the opponent's cultivation base.

Currently, the two parties are at the same level, and the time is about one hour!

But one hour is enough!

In the next hour, Mu Qing will be completely under her control, and then attack Zhou Qing!

Whether it is the death of Mu Qing or the death of Day Qing, it is beneficial to them.

"Damn it!"

When I saw it, I couldn't help clenching my fists and gnashing teeth.

Does she really want to fight Mu Qing?

"Boy! Now, immediately use all your strength to kill the slut in front of you!"

Mrs. Xuan shouted loudly.

The enchanting butterfly has penetrated into Mu Qing's body, and the control has taken effect!

Madam Xuan’s charm has a time limit, and the only permanent charm ability has been used on Storm Sovereign.

But it is undeniable that Madam Xuan's charm is indeed powerful.


Mrs. Xuan was suddenly shocked.

Because after she gave the order, Mu Qing hasn't moved around for most of the day.

"This is impossible!"

Mrs. Xuan suddenly turned her head and looked towards Mu Qing, her pupils contracted slightly.

I saw Mu Qing who should have been controlled by her. At this moment, her body trembled, and she was actually resisting her charm!

After that, a starry sky gate appeared behind Mu Qing, and the shining star strode out of it!


The bright star did not attack Mrs. Xuan, but blasted Mu Qing's abdomen with a punch. After a while, the butterfly was pinched by the bright star. , Caught it out.


Madame Xuan shrieked, her face full of incredible expressions. She couldn't imagine why her invincible charm failed?

The bright star easily crushed the butterfly, and Mu Qing also recovered from the state of being charmed.

Next, Mu Qing looked towards the woman with a gloomy face.

Almost hit!

Fortunately, my shining star is in the starry sky gate, and the impact is not too great.

Looking at the blood hole in his abdomen, Mu Qing was indifferent, and at the same time the injury was recovering at a speed visible to naked eye.

"You go to Supreme-Yang Essence Fire, I will fix this woman."

Mu Qing said solemnly.

next moment, one after another terrifying supreme strength of yang appeared on Mu Qing's body.

After that, he turned into a Golden Crow, cut through the sky, melted the space, and approached Madam Xuan at a terrifying speed!

Mrs. Xuan was also shocked, "How is it possible? Why did you get the solar sutra so quickly?"

Mu Qing displayed it, naturally, the solar sutra Divine Ability.

Be aware that this is Sovereign's method, which is not comparable to ordinary divine ability!

In the Sun Sutra, the only thing that has no effect on Mu Qing is probably the Fleshy body volume.

That is the realm of the Sun God body, creating a more terrifying Great Sun Saint Physique!

But after comparing, Mu Qing found that the Great Sun Saint Physique seemed to be inferior to his Star God body, so he gave up.


The bright star next to Mu Qing appeared, the pupil of annihilation burst out suddenly, and the black hole beam penetrated.

However, Mrs. Xuan's speed is also very amazing, she immediately avoided, only one arm was annihilated by the black hole's beam.

Soon, Mrs. Xuan relied on her strong resilience to grow an arm again.

"What if you can resist the power of charm? Your speed is not as fast as me!"

Mrs. Xuan sneered.

She really can’t fight, but her speed and recovery are very dangerous!

Even if the Golden Crow body technique in the Sun Sutra is displayed, Mu Qing's speed is a bit worse than that of Mrs. Xuan!

"If you have the ability, you can try to escape!"

Mu Qing coldly snorted, once again used the power of the black hole, but it is not the pupil of annihilation, but a door that has not been used for a long time Divine Ability.

"Black Palace!"

The terrifying Black Hole Vortex emerged, and the power of the tide-like black hole in an instant condensed into a black palace, controlling Madame Xuan in it!

No matter how fast Mrs. Xuan is, she can't compare with the black palace!

Because of the characteristics of this divine ability, it is a must!

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